
Chapter 2400: ?The day that Taboo Island opened

The huge influence of Chen Fei's demigod wedding slowly dissipated over time.

Chen Fei's life gradually returned to normal.

And because of Yu Wenji's death, the business alliance that united before to suppress the Autumn Group was self-defeating.

On the contrary, because of the great influence of Chen Fei's wedding, the reputation of the Autumn Group has been improved, and its scale has become even larger than before.

After spending a sweet and lingering day with his wife, Chen Fei can be said to be indulged in the gentle homeland, almost unable to extricate himself.

Had it not been for General Xu's call to call him, Chen Fei would have been reluctant to go out.

Reluctantly bid farewell to his wife, came to the military headquarters, and saw General Xu, Chen Fei asked: "General Xu, call me today, what's the matter?"

Xu Junshan looked at the red-faced Chen Fei and joked with a smile, "It seems that Xiao Chen, you have been very moist during this period of time! You must be reluctant to think about it!"

"That's not it!"

Chen Fei didn't hide it. Instead, he joked with Xu Junshan, "General Xu, when will you find me a sister-in-law? I will also make you a grand wedding at that time."

"Sister-in-law, this, cough cough-I won't mention this kind of thing."

Xu Junshan suddenly changed color, and quickly broke the topic.

When Chen Fei saw this, his eyes lit up and asked, "General Xu, you are so excited, is there anything hidden?"

"It stands to reason that you are such a powerful and attractive man, General Xu, there will never be fewer women around you! I don't know why, you haven't been married until now. Is it because there was something hidden in the past?"

"There is no secret, but I was too busy to meet the right one."

Xu Junshan Road.

"If you didn't meet the right one, then General Xu, tell me what type you like.

Maybe, I can help you introduce it! "

Chen Fei said.

"Ahem, this is unnecessary.

Let's talk about business! "

Xu Junshan coughed repeatedly and said.

Seeing Xu Junshan's expression becoming serious, Chen Fei stopped joking. He sat down and looked at Xu Junshan and said, "General Xu, what's the matter!"

"You count the time, there is one week left, and it's the day when Taboo Island opens."

Xu Junshan Road.

Hearing this, Chen Fei was shocked, "So soon, it's the day when Taboo Island opens.

When I returned from the United States, it took half a year. I didn't expect it to pass in a blink of an eye—" After being surprised, Chen Fei said with a serious face: "General Xu, what preparations are you going to do? "

Xu Junshan said: "Preparatory work must be done.

But for you, it shouldn't be a problem. "

"Today, I called you over to ask you something."

"what's up?"

Chen Fei looked at Xu Junshan Road.

Xu Junshan said solemnly: "Will you give up this opportunity to enter Taboo Island?"


Chen Fei was taken aback, apparently he didn't expect Xu Junshan to ask this question, "General Xu, why do you want me to give up this opportunity? Is it because someone wants my place?"

Looking at Chen Fei, who was looking serious, Xu Junshan shook his head and explained: "You are wrong. It's not that someone wants your place."

"It's for your safety. Someone at the top suggested that this time the Taboo Island is opened, so you don't want to go."

"General Xu, didn't you say that many times before, the opportunity opened by Taboo Island is very precious and very rare.

Even, entering into it, it is possible to move towards the realm of God level.

Now, why don't you let me go? "

Chen Fei was a little excited.

Xu Junshan said solemnly: "Don't be excited, what I said before is all true."

"But now, the situation is different. That's why the senior executives made this proposal, mainly to protect your safety."

"You should know that the Zhenwu family is on the outer island of Taboo Island.

People from the Zhenwu family will also enter the Forbidden Island and participate in activities with you. "

"And you killed Song Hongyue and Yu Wenji.

Offended the Song family and Yuwen family in the Zhenwu family.

The senior management is worried that if you go to this event, you will be targeted by people from the two big families. If you encounter any accidents at that time, it will be bad. "

"After all, with your current strength and potential, within twenty years, there is a good chance that you will reach the realm of gods."

"At that time, you who are less than fifty years old will become a god-level master.

Even on the entire earth, it is a top-notch existence. "

"So, to be on the safe side, not going to Taboo Island is the most appropriate choice."

After listening, Chen Fei understood the thoughts of Xu Junshan and the senior management.

After a moment of quiet silence, Chen Fei said, "I understand the worries of the higher-ups, and I am confident to enter the realm of God level."

"But you also said, General Xu, martial arts never end. A master is always someone who is outside the mountain and there is a mountain outside the mountain.

I don't want to stop in place because of danger and dare not move forward. "

"After all, the spirit of the warrior must move forward bravely.

Once I stop, maybe I will never be able to enter the realm of God level. "

"But—" Xu Junshan still wanted to persuade.

But Chen Fei's attitude was very firm, his eyes pierced and looked at Xu Junshan, and said: "General Xu, I am determined to go to Taboo Island.

This is my decision! "

"--" There was a moment of silence, followed by a long sigh. Xu Junshan showed a smile on his face and patted Chen Fei on the shoulder, "I know that according to your kid's character, you won't give up."

"Since you are going to Taboo Island, I will tell you about Taboo Island in advance, and be prepared and prepared."

Xu Junshan Road.

"Well, thank you General Xu!"

Chen Fei was sitting tightly, looking at Xu Junshan.

Xu Junshan coughed slightly, cleared his throat, and then began to speak.

"I told you before that Taboo Island is roughly divided into two areas, the outer island and the inner island."

"Among them, the outer island area is the area where the Zhenwu family is now located.

The inner island area is the taboo island in our usual sense. "

"But in the true sense of Taboo Island, only the inner island area is considered.

Outer islands are not considered taboo islands at all. "

"It's just that, according to legend, hundreds of years ago, the Forbidden Island masters in the inner island came out, taught a group of masters, improved their strength, and let them help themselves do things and serve themselves."

"These people, surrounded by Forbidden Island, slowly expanded and grown. After hundreds of years, they have formed the current Chinese Zhenwu family and overseas holy land families."

"They are actually the servants of the people of Taboo Island, but because of their close relationship with Taboo Island, they can even be licensed to enter the inner island.

Therefore, in the past hundred years, the outer layer area has gradually been called the outer island area of ​​Taboo Island. "

"The main Zhenwu families on the outer islands, or the Holy Land families, are roughly divided into three levels."

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