
Chapter 2406: ?smoke bomb

On the stage, Chen Fei had an indifferent expression and his eyes were indifferent, as if nothing had happened.


Chen Fei looked at Song Wen and hooked his fingers.

Song Wen's face sank, and he turned to look at the remaining Song family children behind him, "Next, you--" Before he could finish, the Song family children lowered their heads and retreated half a step uncontrollably. A look of fear flashed across his face.

"You unexpectedly--" Song Wen was even more angry when he saw this.

At this moment, a middle-aged bald man in the team stood up, his face was serious, and he said solemnly: "Young Master Wen, next game, let me come!"

"Song Pengzhi! Okay, come on."

Song Wen nodded, then whispered, "Don't keep your hands, go all out."

"Young Master Wen, I understand!"

Song Pengzhi nodded and stepped onto the fighting platform.

Without any hesitation, at the moment when he took the stage, Song Pengzhi's true vitality burst out immediately, like a burning flame, surging and roaring toward Chen Fei.

Chen Fei frowned slightly and felt Song Pengzhi's strength. A sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth. "At the pinnacle of talent, do you really think that such a person can deal with me?"

"Extremely ridiculous!"

With a cold drink, Chen Fei's palm filled with a hot flame, which turned into a red fire lotus, and rushed out to collide with Song Pengzhi's offensive.

Instantly enveloped the entire fighting martial arts platform, causing the surrounding air to become scorching hot.

"Boy, let me go--" Song Pengzhi gritted his teeth, constantly arousing his breath and strengthening his attack.

But soon, he found out what was wrong.

Because, as his offensive increased, Chen Fei's flame offensive on the opposite side continued to increase, and kept his offensive underneath.

"No, I'm almost reaching the limit.

If this continues, I will lose. "

Song Pengzhi had already started to waver.

When he was considering whether or not to take the initiative to admit defeat.

Chen Fei's eyes condensed, and his right palm gently pushed forward.

In an instant, the fire-lotus-like flame rushed in, smashing Song Pengzhi's offensive directly, and then the flames enveloped him and burned ragingly.

"No—" Song Pengzhi let out a scream and rolled down from the stage, twisting crazily to extinguish the flames on his body.

Everyone in the nearby Song family also hurried forward and hurriedly started to put out the fire for Song Pengzhi.

Although they moved quickly, they extinguished the flames on Song Pengzhi in less than half a minute.

But at this moment Song Pengzhi's body had turned into a scorched black mass.

Although there is still a little remaining breath lingering, even if this situation can survive, the rest of his life will be completely useless.

Song Pengzhi, lost again! The Song family lost two masters one after another, and suffered one death and one serious injury. This result stunned everyone at the scene.

The rest of the Song family was even more silent, looking at Chen Fei in horror, their complexion pale, and they didn't dare to move at all.

At this time, Chen Fei's eyes fell on them again, and he said coldly: "Next!"

Song Wen's gaze fell on the rest of the people, but the rest of them all dodged their gazes, and they didn't dare to look at Song Wen at all, let alone take the stage to compete.

"Why, dare you?"

Chen Fei snorted coldly, looked at the passers-by, and said coldly, "In the rules of the Fighting Martial Arts Platform, is there any stipulation that if one party does not dare to take the stage?

A person in charge heard the words and said: "According to the rules established by each family.

Once on the stage of fighting martial arts, once one party does not dare to come on stage, it means that they concede defeat and can let the winning party handle it. "

"Let's take care of it, this rule is pretty good!"

The corner of Chen Fei's mouth raised, showing a sneer, and then he took a step towards Song Wen and the others.

"You, what do you want to do?"

Song Wen looked at Chen Fei nervously, and his voice started to tremble.

Chen Fei coldly snorted: "You are going to kill me, what do you say I want to do?"

"You, you—" Song Wen was nervous and kept backing away, while hurriedly waved his hand, "We admit defeat, we won't compare, you won."

"Is it over if you admit defeat?"

Chen Fei sneered, "According to the rules, I can deal with you at will."

"You, don't mess around! We are the children of the Song family. If you touch us, our Song family will not let go."

Song Wen said nervously.


Chen Fei smiled, "That's what Song Yuan and Song Hongyue said to me before they died."

"Do you think I am afraid?"

In the voice, Chen Fei jumped off the ring and approached Song Wen step by step.

………At the same time, Song Zhengqing is sitting in the Grand Master’s chair drinking tea in the second room of the Song family at this moment.

At this time, he saw his second son Song Qiyuan come in and greeted himself, "I have seen my father!"

"Well, get up!"

Song Zhengqing nodded and said, then looked behind Song Qiyuan and asked, "Why didn't Wen'er come today and went out to play again?"

Upon seeing this, Song Qiyuan quickly explained: "Father, Wen'er, although he is usually a bit playful, he never forgets business affairs."

"This time, he really went out to do business!"

"What business?"

Song Zhengqing asked.

Song Qiyuan was a little excited, and came to his father's side, saying: "Father, Wen'er is really doing business this time, and it's a major event."

"You don't know, yesterday, those warriors of the dunya entered our place.

Wen'er found the enemy of our Song family at the hotel, the kid named Chen Fei. "

"So, he secretly designed and used a little trick to get Chen Fei onto the fighting platform.

Wen'er brought seven masters, ready to kill Chen Fei on the fighting platform. "

"Now, it is estimated to be successful."

"What, Wen'er went to deal with Chen Fei?"

Song Zhengqing changed his face and put the tea cup down.

Song Qiyuan was a little puzzled, and said: "Father, is there anything wrong with this?

Chen Fei killed Song Hongyue and Song Yuan, Hongyue is your beloved granddaughter. "

"Besides, if you kill Chen Fei.

Wen'er can still make a great contribution to the patriarch, then the status of our house can be improved. "


Song Zhengqing slammed the teacup on the table with a snap, and said sternly, "Do you know how dangerous Chen Fei is? Wen'er goes to the fighting platform to fight him. That is a dead end."

"Quickly, take someone there, you must stop Wen'er."

Song Zhengqing said.

Song Qiyuan still didn't believe it, "Father, I know that Chen Fei has some strength.

But what you said is too exaggerated, Wen'er herself is a master of the top of the sky and won't say it.

Seven more tells were brought, among them Song Pengzhi, a master close to the realm of a demigod.

Then Chen Fei will undoubtedly lose! "


Song Zhengqing was violent, "Do you know that some time ago, Song Linghan and Yu Wenkang, two demigod masters, joined forces and were beaten back by Chen Fei. His strength has surpassed the average demigod master."

"What, those rumors turned out to be true?

Isn't it a smoke bomb released by our Song family and Yuwen family? "

Song Qiyuan was shocked.

Song Zhengqing glared at his son angrily, "These are smoke bombs, but we put them out by ourselves, so that the Song and Yuwen families will not be too face-to-face.

You take it seriously, are you stupid? "

"Ah, this, this--" Song Qiyuan was at a loss for a while.

"What are you doing in a daze? Take someone there!"

Song Zhengqing roared angrily.

Song Qiyuan came back to his senses, turned around and hurried out.

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