
Chapter 2408: ?best friend

The demigod master Song Hongyu moved, his aura moving like a raging wave.

The true vitality aura of the other Song family members also burst out and merged into an ocean of true vitality, surging to drown Chen Fei.

Chen Fei didn't back down either, his momentum was like a sword, soaring into the sky.

Just when the two sides were at war and the battle was almost on the verge of breaking out.

A refreshing breeze came.

There was a faint scent in the wind, and the scent drifted from the crowd, seeming to have a calming effect, so that the intense atmosphere of the scene slowly calmed down.

Then, a melodious music sounded.

Amidst the music, a girl in a light gauze skirt appeared in the eyes of everyone.

The girl has an exquisite and perfect face and a graceful figure, like a goddess descending from the earth, which instantly attracted the attention of everyone on the scene.

"Then, is that Miss Zhong?"

"It must be Miss Zhong, apart from her, who else has this temperament."

"Ms. Zhong Zhuyan, how come here?"

……… The girl fell on the fighting platform, glanced around for a week, and finally fell on Song Qiyuan, and said coldly: “When has the Song family been so courageous, can you not follow the rules set by each family together?”

Facing the questioning, Song Qiyuan couldn't help but shrink his pupils.

After a pause, he raised his head to look at Zhong Zhuyan, with a flattering smile, and said: "I don't know if Miss Zhong is here, there will be a miss.

Before, our Song family always wanted to invite Miss Zhong to come as a guest. I wonder if Miss Zhong is free today? "

Zhong Zhuyan said coldly: "Don't change the subject, answer my question."

Song Qiyuan didn't expect that Zhong Zhuyan would not show it to himself, and his expression was a little stiff, but he had to gritted his teeth and replied: "Miss Zhong, as a member of the Zhenwu family, our Song family will naturally not violate the rules."

"is it?

How should we explain what is happening now? "

Zhong Zhuyan asked.

"This--" Song Qiyuan's eyes flickered, and then he said, "If Miss Zhong is referring to this worldly warrior Chen Fei, there may be some misunderstanding."

"This Chen Fei is extremely vicious and vicious, in the world, he did something to my Song family martial artist.

Now, when I came here, I took the initiative to provoke my Song family and killed several children of my Song family, including my son Song Wen. "

"Therefore, in the face of such a villain, our Song family had to take a shot."

This inverted black and white words instantly made Wu Zikong and Chen Ziling unable to help them, and suddenly became angry.

"You fart, obviously your Song family provoked first!"

"Fight back, you Song family, still shameless?"

... Song Qiyuan didn't change his face, scanned the passers-by for a week, and said: "Is what I said is true? Everyone present can see it clearly. If you don't believe it, you can ask everyone."

Chen Ziling heard the words and hurriedly said: "Yesterday the fight against martial arts was spread. Many of you have heard about it, so you can't lie!"

Wu Zikong also looked at the person in charge and said: "You are the person in charge, you know everything."

However, in the face of questioning, these people all bowed their heads and said nothing, and did not mean to respond at all.

As for the other passers-by, they bowed their heads and retreated one by one, not at all like getting involved in such things.

Under this situation, Song Qiyuan suddenly smiled and said: "It seems that the facts are already very clear.

Miss Zhong, you--" But, before Song Qiyuan finished speaking, Zhong Zhuyan walked towards Chen Fei with a smile, and said: "You are here! "

Chen Fei nodded slightly and said, "Yeah!"

In the eyes of everyone in surprise, Zhong Zhuyan said loudly: "Some time ago, I went out and traveled to Huaxia Capital and made some friends."

"And this Mr. Chen Feichen is my best friend outside."

As soon as this was said, everyone at the scene changed their faces, and the pan instantly fryed.

"What, this guy turned out to be Miss Zhong's friend."

"Moreover, it's still the best friend.

This is to find a backer! "

"The Zhong family is the top aristocratic family in our Zhenwu family, a level higher than the Song family!"

"If you offend the Song family, you can't offend the Zhong family!"

………Immediately, many people changed their faces and hurriedly testified.

"Miss Zhong, I know about Douwutai.

It was indeed Song Wen who took the initiative to challenge first, and Young Master Chen just passively challenged. "

"We have also seen the situation clearly. Young Master Chen has won two games.

The Song family didn't dare to fight anymore. According to the rules, Master Chen could deal with them at will. "

"As far as the rules are concerned, there is nothing wrong with Mr. Chen's disposal.

On the contrary, it was the Song family who sent someone to stop Young Master Chen, who seemed to be suspected of breaking the rules. "

… After hearing these words, Zhong Zhuyan's eyes fell on Song Qiyuan, and he said coldly: "Mr. Song, do you have anything else to say now?"

"I, I--" Song Qiyuan gritted his teeth for a while, trying to make excuses, but in this case, he couldn't speak.

In the end, he could only gritted his teeth and said: "There is no violation of the rules in the Douwutai incident."

"If this is the case, then Mr. Song should take someone to evacuate! Otherwise, it would be bad for people to be misunderstood and think that our Zhenwu family does not follow the rules and bullies the weak with the strong."

Zhong Zhuyan said lightly.

"Yes, I will take people away right away."

Song Qiyuan nodded and said, with a frustrated and angry face, he led the people away.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei looked at Zhong Zhuyan and said softly, "Thank you."

Zhong Zhuyan smiled unexpectedly and said, "It's a little thing."

"It's more than a day before the inner island opens. It's not safe for you to stay in the hotel. Why don't you come to my house to rest!"

Zhong Zhuyan invited.

"This—" Chen Fei wanted to refuse, but he himself was not afraid of the Song family's revenge.

However, considering other partners, Chen Fei finally nodded and agreed, "Then please trouble Miss Zhong."

Zhong Zhuyan smiled and said: "We are all friends, what are you doing so politely! Let's go!"

Immediately, Zhong Zhuyan led Chen Fei and his party and left from the fighting platform.

The two sides left, and the onlookers dispersed quickly, and by the way, quickly spread what happened here.

For a while, the matter of Chen Fei caused a lot of heated discussion and discussion in the Zhenwu family.

Some people not far from the Song family heard it. From the Song family, there were anger and the sound of shouting and throwing things. There were even many servants being punished. The atmosphere in the Song family seemed very depressed.

On the other side, Zhong Zhuyan brought Chen Fei and his party to his family.

Entering the Zhong's house, even if everyone comes from the big sect, they are used to seeing all kinds of splendid and huge buildings.

But after entering Zhong's house, they were still amazed by the size of the Zhong's house and various expensive decorations.

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