
Chapter 2410: ? Soliciting worship

Now, Chen Fei only needs to put up a name and occasionally make a move, and the Zhong family can give so many spiritual resources and various preferential conditions.

I have to say that such an invitation is very sincere.

Zhong Zhuyan also blinked her big beautiful eyes, looking at Chen Fei sincerely.

Under such circumstances, Chen Fei could hardly refuse, and opened his mouth to agree, "Uncle Zhong, Zhu Yan, I promise--" But, just when Chen Fei was about to agree.

A sound of footsteps came over.

At the same time, another woman's voice rang, "Second brother, there is a guest at home, why don't you tell us!"

In an instant, everyone in the living room looked over.

The four people at the door appeared before Chen Fei's eyes.

Two middle-aged men, one man and one woman, were each followed by a young man.

It was the middle-aged woman who was speaking at the moment.

"Little sister, big brother, why are you here!"

Seeing the people coming, Zhong Xirui quickly got up and greeted him.

Upon hearing this, Chen Fei and the others immediately guessed the identity of the visitor.

The two middle-aged people are naturally Zhong Chirui and Zhong Yurui.

As for the young men around them, it can almost be guessed that they are their respective sons Zhong Jinyu and Zhong Yunhai.

"Second brother, the guests are visiting, we are the masters, so naturally we will come and meet."

Zhong Yurui smiled and said, looking at Chen Fei's side, scanning up and down.

On the side, Zhong Chirui, with a grim face, said solemnly: "Xiri, don't you introduce us to some guests?"

Upon hearing this, Zhong Xirui quickly said: "Big brother, little sister.

These are Zhu Yan’s friends, they are here to participate in the inner island assessment. "

"Participate in the assessment, that is from the dunya!"

Zhong Yurui glanced at Chen Fei and the others, a look of contempt flashed in his eyes.

Behind Zhong Yurui, the young man in his early twenties was even more rude. He waved the folding fan in his hand and said directly: "Sister Zhuyan, when have you made friends with the dunya? This is not a loss. Is the face of my Zhong family?"

As soon as these words came out, Chen Fei and their complexions couldn't help but sink.

Zhong Zhuyan immediately sternly said: "Zhong Yunhai, don't talk nonsense."

"People in the world are also human, no different from us.

Besides, Chen Fei is a master, much better than you? "

"Better than me, Sister Zhuyan, what are you kidding me! I'm a master at the pinnacle realm of heaven! What is he?"

Zhong Yunhai was very arrogant and glanced at Chen Fei with disdain.

Zhong Zhuyan glared at Zhong Yunhai, and said: "Don't be arrogant, do you think you are at the top of the heavens?

Chen Fei is a demigod master. "

"A demigod master! He, a secular warrior! Sister, what are you kidding about, don't lie to me."

Zhong Yunhai's face was full of disbelief.

Zhong Zhuyan snorted coldly: "Like you?

Hehe, you think too much. "

"His name is Chen Fei, and he is called Master Chen in the dunya. You can find out if you have any achievements."

"By the way, if you find it troublesome to investigate, then I will tell you something that just happened.

Just now, Chen Fei and the eight children of the Song family fought against each other.

In the end, all eight children of the Song family died. "

Hearing this, Zhong Yunhai's expression instantly changed.

Even if he doesn't care about the affairs of secular warriors, he has heard of the raging Chengnan Fighting Martial Art today.

In an instant, his complexion changed, and his gaze at Chen Fei became deep, "It was you who killed Song Wen?"

"He's **** it!"

Chen Fei said coldly.

For a moment, Zhong Yunhai was speechless.

On the side, Zhong Jinyu also came over, looked at Chen Fei, and then said: "Master Chen's name, I have also heard about it.

Known as the first person of the young generation of China, he led the team to defeat the American team and won the championship of the young warrior competition. "

"Then, in the mysterious realm of Xuankong Valley, persisted to the end and achieved good results.

Shocked the four heavenly sects. "

"It is definitely not an ordinary person who can achieve such an achievement!"


Chen Fei glanced at Zhong Jinyu and said lightly.

At this time, Zhong Chirui, the uncle Zhong Zhuyan who had not spoken, said: "Second brother, I was outside just now, and it seems that I heard you say soliciting worship, this--" Zhong Chirui took the initiative to mention this. Of course, Zhong Xirui will not hide the matter, "Big Brother, I just wanted to recruit Chen Fei to become our Zhong family's official worship.

At that time--" Immediately, Zhong Xirui recounted the conditions that had just been negotiated.

After listening, Zhong Yunhai became dissatisfied again, "It is completely unnecessary to open such a good condition to recruit a mundane child!"

Zhong Zhuyan frowned and retorted: "Chen Fei is not an ordinary warrior. He is very powerful and has great potential."

However, Zhong Yunhai's mother Zhong Yurui also spoke at this moment, "Our Zhong family has no shortage of masters.

Brother, you are a bit too extravagant and wasteful for spending such a large amount of money! "

"Little sister, Chen Fei's potential is worthy of our Zhong family's contribution."

Zhong Xirui said.

"Second brother, it's not worth it, but you can't tell it in one sentence."

Zhong Yurui curled his lips.

Zhong Xirui wanted to say something, but at this moment, Zhong Jinyu suddenly said, "By the way, I suddenly remembered something."

"This Master Chen Fei Chen seems to have had a conflict with the Song family, and also killed Song Hongyue and Song Yuan of the Song family.

Is there such a thing? "

Zhong Jinyu stared straight at Chen Fei.

Chen Fei did not shy away from it, nodded and said: "It is true!"

The words came out.

In an instant, Zhong Yunhai became excited immediately, "What, you actually killed the Song family, you are so bold!"

Zhong Yurui also frowned and said, "Second brother, you see who you choose! If we recruit such a person, it will only cause trouble."

On the side, Zhong Zhuyan hurriedly defended: "The conflict between Chen Fei and the Song family was due to the Song family's provocation. It was the Song family that made the mistake first."

"Bamboo smoke, this kind of thing, who is right and who is wrong, is there any difference?

The question now is, for this friend of yours, is it worth it that we have a grudge with the Song family? "

Zhong Jinyu asked aloud in the posture of a big brother.

Zhong Zhu's smoke choked, then firmly said: "Of course it's worth it.

Chen Fei's potential is huge. He was even favored by the lord of the Sixteenth Hall of the Inner Island, and he was very likely to be selected. "

"Is it true that I was favored by the Inner Island Hall Master?"

Zhong Chirui, who had always been quite calm, was also rarely surprised at this moment.

Upon seeing this, Zhong Xirui nodded and said: "Brother, this is indeed the case.

Xu Junshan personally wrote to the Lord of the Greenwood Temple and recommended Chen Fei. "

"The person Xu Junshan values!"

Zhong Chirui looked more serious, and couldn't help but look at Chen Fei more.

"Brother, such a talent, you can't miss it!"

Zhong Xirui hurriedly persuaded.

Zhong Chirui's face hesitated for a while, his eyes kept scanning Chen Fei, as if he was looking at a piece of goods, whether it was worth the price.

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