
Chapter 2418: ? Lou Yu Answers Questions

Hearing what Lou Yu said, everyone immediately got up and they couldn't wait to ask their own questions.

"Captain Lou, we will conduct the assessment tomorrow. What are the main assessments?

Can you reveal it in advance, and let us make preparations too? "

"Are there many people being assessed?

What are the selection criteria for the Sixteenth Hall?

Do I have a chance to enter the Sixteenth Hall? "

"Captain Lou, is there any difference between the Sixteenth Hall?

Is the Sixteenth Hall where you are very powerful? "

... Lou Yu listened to everyone's questions, his face was still gentle, and he gently made a gesture of pressing down with both hands, and slowly spoke.

"Don't worry, everyone, I'll talk about them one by one."

"First of all, the assessment to be carried out tomorrow is the assessment of the basic aspects of some warriors.

It is mainly divided into four aspects, physical strength, true element strength, martial arts control and martial intention perception. "

Hearing this, everyone became serious, and some even took out paper and pen and recorded it seriously.

Lou Yu continued: "As the name suggests, physical strength mainly assesses the strength of your body, including strength, speed, defense and other aspects.

Finally, a comprehensive evaluation is performed and a score is obtained. "

"The strength of the true essence, the main assessment is the concentration of the true essence aura in your dantian, which is the root of the advancement of the martial artist.

It will also be scored at the end. "

"The control of martial arts is to judge the various martial arts you have mastered.

After all, there is only true essence, no martial arts to use, and it can't perform well in actual combat.

Therefore, the control of martial arts is a prerequisite for the assessment of actual combat. "

"The final Wuyi sentiment, you should be very clear.

It can be said that this is the most critical and important assessment.

After all, the sense of the amount of martial intent means the probability of a person hitting the god-level realm. "

"Under normal circumstances, when you reach ten thousand martial intent, you can hit the god-level realm.

Therefore, the more martial intent you master, the closer you are to the divine realm.

This is also very important to everyone. "

"Each of these four items will be judged using the hundred-point system that you are familiar with, with 60 points passing and 80 points excellent."

As everyone listened, they couldn't help muttering in a low voice.

"I don't know if I can pass!"

"Is it difficult to achieve excellence?"

………Faced with everyone’s questions, Lou Yu smiled and continued: “Explaining this involves the second question you asked just now. To what extent will the Sixteenth Palace be appreciated.”

"Judging from past experience, under normal circumstances, if the average score of the four assessments can reach 85 points or more, then there is a good chance of entering the Sixteenth Hall.

If you can reach ninety points, you can enter the Sixteenth Hall with a certainty. "

"Of course, there are special circumstances.

That is, the scores on Wuyi perception are particularly high. In this case, even if the scores in other areas are not enough, you can also enter the Sixteenth Hall. "

After listening to Lou Yu's introduction, everyone couldn't help getting excited, and there was a little expectation and yearning in their eyes.

Later, Lou Yu answered some other people's questions, basically all of the basic knowledge of the inner island and the sixteen temples.

As for the deeper knowledge, Lou Yu didn't mention it, so everyone understood and didn't take the initiative to ask questions.

In the end, everyone's questions were basically finished, and Chen Fei, who had been silent for a long time, spoke now.

"Captain Lou, we saw the faces of some westerners from outside on the first floor just now.

Why are they here?

Could it be that there are also Westerners on the inner island to participate in the assessment? "

Hearing Chen Fei's question, Lou Yu nodded and said, "The people you mentioned are from the West.

The status is similar to yours, they were selected by their respective countries and forces and sent to the inner island. "

"You are all from Huaxia, and seeing the situation of the Zhenwu family on the outer islands, you may have some misunderstandings, thinking that Taboo Island is exclusive to the Huaxia people."

"But in fact, Taboo Island does not belong to any country or race. It exists independently of all forces.

China and all countries in the world can enter. "

"The Zhenwu family you saw on the outer island is not the whole of the outer island, but an area where the Chinese people of the outer island gather."

"Besides the Zhenwu family, there is also an area where Westerners gather, which is better than the Western Holy Land family."

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but nod their heads.

Upon seeing this, Lou Yu's face sank, and he reminded him again, saying: "Generally speaking, anyone who enters the inner island should not have the existence of a national race. They are all equal."

"But that's just the ideal situation. Everyone comes from the same place and has the same customs, so naturally they will be closer."

"Furthermore, many people in the Sixteenth Hall have formed their own preferences for so many years."

"Some temples may have accepted a genius disciple from the West decades ago, then in the next time, they will naturally favor Western countries."

"For example, some temples found a Huaxia person to help with the affairs. After getting familiar with it, they will naturally choose Huaxia people habitually."

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help feeling a little surprised, but they took it down seriously.

The scene was quiet, Zhong Zhuyan thought of something, and suddenly asked: "Captain Lou, among the sixteen halls, which halls are biased towards China, and which halls are biased towards the west?"

This question immediately aroused everyone's interest, and all of them looked at Lou Yu with blazing eyes.

After all, this is related to one's own future.

If tomorrow’s exam results are excellent, and then it will be favored by multiple temples, choosing the right temple is a choice.

Lou Yu understood everyone's thoughts, smiled, and said: "Generally speaking, even if the Sixteen Palaces have their own preferences, they are nothing. Really outstanding warriors will be robbed by everyone.

Moreover, it is necessary to choose according to the martial arts and style of the warrior. "

"Of course, there are some tendencies."

"For example, the Poison Cloud Hall where I am, the Greenwood Hall and the Qunfang Hall, are all biased towards choosing Chinese martial artists.

The Thunder Palace, Sacred Martial Hall, and Hurricane Hall tend to choose Western martial artists.

As for the other temples, there is no clear tendency. "

"For these, in fact, you don't have to worry too much.

Being able to be selected by the Sixteenth Hall is your goal. "

Lou Yu gave a final exhortation and stood up, ready to leave.

"Thank you Captain Lou!"

"Captain Lou, you are so kind."

"Captain Lou, if I am selected, I will definitely join your Poison Cloud Palace."

"Captain Lou, thank you so much."

...... Lou Yu smiled and left the bedroom in the sound of thanks.

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