
Chapter 2423: ?Draw lots

After the assessment, Lou Yu took everyone from Diwutang back to the hotel.

Everyone was sitting on the Chase shop, talking enthusiastically about the results of today's assessment, it was so lively.

Just when the discussion was hot, Yu Wenju walked in, came to the position of his bed, picked up his belongings, and walked outside.

Seeing this, everyone in the room couldn't help showing curiosity.

"Master Ju, where are you going?"

"The test is not over yet, there are still projects tomorrow?"

………Faced with everyone’s questions, Yu Wenju turned his head, a smug smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said, “Captain Lou arranged a single room for me. I will live in a different place.”


Everyone was taken aback, and then there was a heated discussion.

"Single room, this, this is too luxurious!"

"What about us?

Could it be that we still live here?

I want a single room too! "

"It's not fair!"

"Oh, fair.

Don't you look at the results of other people's assessments, how much you are, just want to be fair, don't you think it is ridiculous? "

Song Lei suddenly sneered, then said.

These words calmed everyone in the house.

A few seconds later, someone cautiously said: "This, this is too powerful!"


Haha, this is the reality, this is the real fairness. If you have the strength, you can live in a good place. If you don't have the strength, you can go. "

"Yes, but-Captain Lou is not this kind of person, he is very nice to us."

"Perhaps it is the rule of the inner island, Captain Lou has to do this too, right?"

………Just as everyone was discussing, there was a sound of footsteps, and Lou Yu walked in.

Suddenly, everyone rushed over, and various problems popped up.

"Captain Lou, Yu Wenju lives in a single room. Did you arrange it?"

"Captain Lou, I also want to live in a single room. Do you have any requirements?"

"Captain Lou, what are the shortlisting criteria for this assessment?"

………Faced with all kinds of problems, Lou Yu, who had been smiling, gentle and gentle before, had a cold expression at this moment, and suddenly let out a cold voice, "Shut up all!"

"Who do you think you are? What are you doing here?

With so many requests, what do you want to do? "

Lou Yu's sudden change has calmed many people and calmed everyone down.

Lou Yu put his hands behind his back, glanced at the people coldly, and said coldly: "It seems that my friendliness has caused you to misunderstand something."

"I am not your teacher, let alone your parents, and I am not here to take care of you.

Today, some people performed poorly. If this continues tomorrow, then go back! "

The loud shout made everyone shudder, and the atmosphere didn't dare to come out.

Lou Yu gave everyone a fierce look, and finally dropped a sentence before turning away.

"Tomorrow will be a lottery for a two-by-two battle. Injuries or even deaths are possible at that time. You'd better be prepared."

Everyone in the room looked at Lou Yu's back and turned away, and there was silence, and it took several dozen seconds for them to come back to their senses.

"Captain Lou, he, how did he become like this?"

"The previous gentleness and friendliness, are they all pretending?"

"In other words, this is the true attitude of Captain Lou."

"Don't complain, the grades are poor, and you don't have a good face anywhere, let's get ready for tomorrow's game.

Didn't you hear Captain Lou say that tomorrow's match might even be injured or killed? "

"This--"...Everyone was talking, Chen Fei couldn't help but frowned slightly, and looked at Chen Ziling, Zong Han and others with some worry.

After a rest for one night, the next morning, everyone gathered on the first floor of the hotel again.

Compared with yesterday's gentleness and enthusiasm, Lou Yu today looks much colder.

Without saying anything, Lou Yu glanced at the crowd and said directly: "Let's go!"

A group of people followed Lou Yu out in silence. After half an hour, they appeared in a place similar to a stadium.

In the middle is a flat open space, with square rings on it, and ring-shaped stepped seats around it.

Soon, the staff arrived, there is no nonsense, the staff directly announced the rules of today's assessment.

Today, regardless of the team, all the personnel participating in the assessment are mixed together, and each has a number, draws lots at will, boarded the ring, and played against each other.

The winner advances to the next round, the loser has another chance to challenge, and another round of competition with other losers. If they are still defeated, they will be eliminated.

In the end, the final champion will be decided in rounds by the way of elimination.

The corresponding ranking will provide corresponding rewards.

Of course, today's assessment mainly examines the fighting ability of everyone, not a real life-and-death struggle, so you can admit defeat by yourself.

After the rules were announced, Chen Fei finally found Chen Ziling, Zong Han and others and asked them to be careful. Once they met a master, immediately surrender and don't let themselves be injured.

Immediately, everyone began to line up to draw lots.

Chen Fei was also going to go there, but at this moment, Yu Wenju came to Chen Fei and said coldly: "I warned you before. Zhong Zhuyan is my fiancee. I told you not to approach her. Are my words in the ears?"

Chen Fei glared at Yu Wenju coldly and said lightly: "Zhong Zhuyan is my friend. I don't need anyone else to worry about the distance between me and her."

"what did you say?"

Yuwen gritted his teeth and stared at Chen Fei fiercely.

Chen Fei raised his eyebrows and said lightly: "If you don't understand human words, then learn it.

Don't keep barking here! "

"You-good, good!"

Yuwen glared at Chen Fei with a very angry smile, gritted his teeth and said, "You better expect you not to meet me, otherwise, I will let you know what regret is."

"Bong to the end!"

Chen Fei was not afraid, and went back directly.

Yuwen squinted his eyes and said with a sneer: "Okay, very good, you have a kind."

"However, you better expect that everyone around you is like this."

"What do you mean?"

Chen Fei frowned and looked at Yu Wenju.

Yuwen Juhan smiled and said, "By the way, then Chen Ziling is your junior.

She looks pretty good-natured, if I meet her, I will definitely give her a treat. "

"You dare to move my purple spirit, I will kill you!"

Chen Fei's anger rose sharply and stared at Yu Wenju fiercely.

Yuwen smiled, "Really?

Then I want to see how you kill me. "

After speaking, he left with a wild laugh.

Chen Fei frowned and felt something wrong in his heart. He wanted to ask Chen Ziling to give a few words, but the staff had already urged him to number the lottery.

"How many people should it be? It shouldn't be so coincidental to let Yuwen Ju drew Zi Ling."

Chen Fei comforted himself, and the lottery was completed.

Soon, the battle officially began.

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