
Chapter 2425: ?Two rounds

It didn't take long for Chen Fei's second round of competition to begin.

This time the opponent is still a Western man, whose strength is about the same as the opponent in the first game, slightly better.

Chen Fei was worried about Chen Ziling's safety, but he didn't put his mind on the game, but only hoped for a quick fight.

Therefore, when the referee just announced the start of the game, the opponent saw Chen Fei on the opposite side, as if a tiger rushed over.

He was taken aback, stunned for a moment, and hurriedly crossed his arms to block his chest to resist Chen Fei's attack.

But at this time, Chen Fei's punch, with an unstoppable force, knocked the player No. 341 into the air in the sound of two cracking bones.

After winning again, Chen Fei immediately jumped off the ring, looking around, looking for Chen Ziling.

However, Chen Fei's one move to defeat the enemy in two consecutive games, cleanly, attracted some people's attention.

Many people looked at him and pointed out what they were discussing, as if they were discussing Chen Fei's assessment results yesterday.

Someone even walked over and gave Chen Fei a hint, trying to draw him into the martial hall where he was.

However, at this moment, Chen Fei had no thoughts, waved his hand to refuse the wooing of these people, and continued to say that he was looking for Chen Ziling in the venue.

While Chen Fei was looking for it, suddenly, he heard a gloomy laugh.

"Haha, I didn't expect Tian Sui Ren Wish, really let me meet."

"If you want to blame, your senior brother has offended me, otherwise, I'm not interested in you much."

In an instant, Chen Fei's ears moved, and he immediately turned to look at the source of the sound.

When two people were standing on the ring more than ten meters behind, Chen Fei's eyes instantly narrowed.

Because at this moment, the two people in the ring are not others, but Yu Wenju and Chen Ziling.

Yu Wenju's face was full of arrogance and arrogance, and a pair of narrow and cold eyes scanned Chen Ziling's body continuously, like a beast with its head choosing people and devouring it, trying to swallow the little white rabbit before him.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei's expression sank and he rushed over.

At the same time, the referee on the stage also officially opened his mouth and announced the start of the competition.

Almost at the moment when the referee announced the beginning, a majestic and mighty breath of true vitality surged from Yu Wenju's body, like a big net, overwhelming Chen Ziling's cage.

With a distance of more than ten meters, Chen Fei could already feel the power of this true vitality.

He made a judgment in an instant. With the strength of his junior sister Chen Ziling, he couldn't resist Yu Wenju's offensive.

Thinking of this, Chen Fei immediately shouted: "Ziling, give up, give up!"

Chen Ziling on the stage, frowning her pretty eyebrows, was annoyed by Yu Wenju's nasty words to the senior.

At this moment, I heard Chen Fei's voice, and he turned his head, with a look of doubt on his face, "Brother, you--" And just in Chen Ziling's dazed effort, Yu Wen's aggressive attack on the opposite side has reached Chen Ziling's head. It's about to fall.

Chen Fei was full of anxiety and screamed: "Ziling, give up quickly."

Although Chen Ziling didn't know why the senior was anxious, she trusted Chen Fei very much, so she nodded and prepared to admit defeat, "I admit--" But just when she was about to say the last word, Yu Wenju's true yuan was great. The net has been caged down.

This big net, like a transparent plastic wrap, completely covered Chen Ziling.

Chen Ziling's mouth was covered, and there was no sound for a moment. The whole person seemed to be trapped. Standing still, unable to move, he could only twist his body constantly, making a struggling sound.

"not good!"

When Chen Fei saw this, his heart trembled fiercely, and his feet moved faster.

At this time, Yu Wenju, who launched the attack, showed a grin at the corner of his mouth, licked it with his tongue, showing a hint of licentiousness in his eyes, and walked towards Chen Ziling.

"I really didn't see it before. I didn't expect that you not only look good, but also have such a great body!"

"If this is the case, then I will treat you well!"

After speaking, Yu Wenju shot out a few vigor and hit Chen Ziling.

These energies were of little power and could hardly hurt Chen Ziling.

However, the clothes on Chen Ziling could not withstand the impact of these vigor and shattered.

Moreover, Yu Wenju deliberately attacked Chen Ziling's key parts.

Suddenly, patches of fair skin appeared vaguely in everyone's eyes.

Yuwen laughed wildly and licked his tongue, his hands kept moving, "Yes, not bad.

Unexpectedly, you are quite expected! "

The others were also attracted by the movement here, and all turned their heads to look over for a while.

In an instant, the discussion rang out, and many people looked at Chen Ziling on the stage and started pointing.

Some men made no secret of the greed and desire in their eyes, and their eyes almost popped out.

At this moment, Chen Ziling on the stage flushed and felt extremely humiliated and angry.

She worked desperately with her true vitality, trying to get rid of Yu Wenju's shackles, but it didn't work at all.

Instead, because of the struggling movements, his body skin was constantly exposed to everyone's eyes.

It caused a greedy look and the sound of swallowing.

At this time, Chen Fei, who rushed to the edge of the ring, had scarlet eyes, almost bursting into flames.

He glared at Yu Wenju on the stage, shouted, and was about to rush into the ring, "Yu Wenju, you stop me!"

However, Chen Fei, who was about to rush to the ring, suddenly felt an invisible force hit him and pulled him back.


Chen Fei turned his head and yelled, his face full of anger.

But immediately, he saw Lou Yu walking towards him with a gloomy expression, "What do you want to do?"

"Captain Lou!"

Chen Fei suppressed the urge to run wild, pointed to the ring, gritted his teeth and said, "Yu Wenju's move is too much."

Lou Yu looked up at the ring, and said lightly: "Warrior competition, as long as it is within the rules, nothing is too much."

"But—" Chen Fei still wanted to defend.

But Lou Yu didn't give him a chance at all, and interrupted his words in a cold voice, "The rules are not forbidden, that is allowed."

Chen Fei suppressed his anger, took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and said, "Then my junior sister surrenders, I request to end the game immediately."

Lou Yu still looked indifferent, shook his head and said: "According to the rules, if you surrender actively, you must speak up by yourself.

Chen Ziling did not admit defeat now, you can't replace her. "

"What, what **** rule is this!"

Chen Fei shouted angrily.

When Lou Yu heard the words, his eyes were cold, and he stared over, and said coldly, "Do you know what you are talking about?

Are you questioning our inner island San Gong Sixteen Halls? "

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