
Chapter 2437: ? Then fight

At this moment, Chen Fei and the three people on the island were busy collecting the herbs in the medicinal field, and they didn't know what was happening outside.

The three of them worked together for a quarter of an hour and finally collected all the medicinal materials in the medicine field.

Looking around, Han Xuanyu had already left, Yu Wenju and Nakano Mina also dragged their injured bodies, and left with the team members dingy.

"We collected this medicine field, and the harvest is not small. The final ranking should be good."

Zhong Zhuyan said with a smile.

Chen Fei nodded and said, "Even if we can take these herbs away regardless of the ranking, it is a big gain."

Just when the three of them were about to leave the medicine field and find a safer place to hide.

Suddenly, a man's voice faintly sounded behind the three of them.


This voice appeared very suddenly, like a ghost, quietly appearing behind the three of them, and at a very close distance, like words spoken against their ears.

Chen Fei's body was agitated for a moment, and they turned around abruptly, their true vitality exploded, ready to do it, "Who!"

The three of them quickly turned their heads, and then saw a young western man with gray-brown hair and sunken eyes standing silently in front of them.


Chen Ziling and Zhong Zhuyan couldn't help calling out the man's name at the first moment.

Because, in the assessment these days, he is really too good, first in various lists and first in various competitions.

Let him sit firmly in the first position, and let almost all the students know him.

The two were surprised, and Chen Fei at the moment, his complexion was slightly dark, and he looked at Bolton in front of him with a serious expression.

The reason why he was not surprised that Bolton appeared was because in the hotel lobby before the test on the first day, Chen Fei noticed that Bolton looked at him very unusually.

No one knew Bolton at that time.

But Chen Fei had already sensed Bolton's hostility towards him from that strange gaze.

Therefore, at the moment Bolton appeared, Chen Fei was not too surprised.

Looking at Bolton, Chen Fei calmly said, "Are you busy?"

Bolton pointed at Chen Fei and nodded, "I want to chat with you?"

"And me?"

Chen Fei frowned.

Chen Ziling became nervous and hurriedly said, "Brother, don't agree to him."

Zhong Zhuyan also looked at Bolton nervously and angrily, and said, "Do you want to grab our medicine field too?"

Bolton shook his head, threw out a packet, sneered and disdainfully said: "Medicine, I don't need it."

Looking at Bolton's large package of medicinal materials and various other cultivation resources, Chen Fei and the three of them couldn't help showing surprise.

Because the practice resources collected by Bolton alone are comparable to the three of them, or even more.

"What on earth do you want to do?"

Zhong Zhuyan frowned, watching Bolton speak out.

Bolton said: "Don't worry, I'm not here to compete with you for cultivation resources.

I just want to chat with Chen Fei alone. "

After speaking, Bolton's gaze fell on Chen Fei again.

Chen Fei looked at Bolton and asked the doubt in his heart: "Do you know me?"

Bolton nodded and said, "Yes!"

After a pause, his tone sank, and he said, "Beria is my uncle."

"Underworld, Beria, the darkest ruler on the dark list?"

Chen Fei was slightly surprised.

Bolton said solemnly: "Yes! He is my uncle, a close relative who treats me well."

Speaking of this, without explaining, Chen Fei immediately understood what was going on.

Bolton wanted to avenge Beria, so he found himself.

Thinking of this, Chen Fei knew that this stop was unavoidable.

So, he turned around and said to Zhong Zhuyan and Chen Ziling: "You take your things back and protect yourself."

"Brother, you--" Chen Ziling looked at Chen Fei worriedly.

Chen Fei smiled and said, "Don't worry, I won't lose."

The second woman nodded, carrying things and worry, and left a distance of hundreds of meters.

Seeing this, Bolton narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Chen Fei, "It seems that you are ready to fight.

So, let's get started! "

After speaking, the real vitality aura on Bolton's body exploded.

In an instant, a majestic breath rose to the sky, bringing Chen Fei a rare sense of oppression.

However, Chen Fei stabilized his figure and said, "Wait!"

"Why, are you scared?"

Bolton snorted coldly and said, "If you want to refuse my challenge, then I tell you, I won't stop.

Today, I will punish you and avenge my uncle. "

Hearing that, Chen Fei sneered, "Am I scared?

Ah! "

"I just have one thing, I must make it clear before the fight."

"what's up?"

Bolton looked at Chen Fei with a calm face.

Chen Fei's tone became deep and serious. He looked at Bolton and said, "Although I understand your idea of ​​avenging your loved ones, no matter what the result is.

One thing will not change, that is—" "Killing Beria, I have no regrets at all. "

"Not only because he wants to kill me, but also because he is a notorious villain in the underground world. Even if there is no grudge, I will kill this kind of person."

"So, if you want to avenge him today, you must be prepared to be killed."

Bolton's face instantly sank, with a fierce anger on his face, he stared at Chen Fei fiercely, gritted his teeth and said, "Kill me?

You don't have this ability yet? "

"is it?

Not always! "

Chen Fei said lightly.

"Nothing is uncertain.

Let's go to war! "

Bolton screamed, and his momentum burst out instantly.

With a bang, a burst of vigor erupted from Bolton, and a gust of wind was instantly set off on the spot, shaking the surrounding trees, flowers and plants violently.

In the sky, a dark cloud gathered, lightning and thunder, fire and thunderbolt.

"Die me!"

There was a burst of shouts like thunder.

Bolton's whole body was like an electric light, and he rushed towards Chen Fei.

At the moment Bolton started his hand, the thunder and lightning in the sky flickered, bursting out countless lightning bolts, surrounding Bolton, the lightning flashing, and howling towards Chen Fei.

Chen Fei at this moment felt the offensive and his expression became serious.

This Bolton attack is the strongest opponent he has encountered since he descended the mountain.

Even Beria, Steve, and the heads of the four heavenly sects who have played against each other are weaker than Bolton's burst of strength at this moment.

However, Chen Fei was not timid because of the opponent's strength, but instead inspired him to fight.

The corners of his mouth raised slightly, a smile appeared, and he said to himself: "Finally, there is an opponent, can you let me go for a fight?"

"In that case, let's fight!"


With an angry shout, Chen Fei also moved, and a group of red flames burst out around his body, and the whole person carried a red streamer, heading towards Bolton.

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