
Chapter 2444: ?Thunder and lightning

It didn't take long for Chen Fei, who was running wild, to see the students who were chased by various lightning leaves and thunder branches like him.

Everyone was panting, their faces full of horror, and they were obviously frightened.

However, many students have already fallen to the ground, their bodies motionless, without any vitality.


Lightning flashes, and the number of trainees continues to decrease.

There were only a dozen students left beside Chen Fei.

Among them are familiar faces such as Bolton, Yu Wenju, Nakano Mina, Han Xuanyu, and Zhong Zhuyan.

Fleeing wildly for about an hour, when Chen Fei felt a little tired, the fluttering leaves and branches of thunder and lightning suddenly slowed down, just floating in the air without moving, as if solidified.

Finally, everyone can catch their breath.

Everyone looked at each other and gathered together.

"What exactly is going on?"

Han Xuanyu asked nervously.

However, no one can answer this question.

"I don't know, these things are too powerful, even if it is us, we can't resist it a few times."

"Those thunderbolts are almost equivalent to the full blow of a demigod master. It's too cruel."

"What shall we do next?

Just wait like this? "

"Can you call for help from the captains?"

.... There was a discussion, but there was no way, because at this moment, they were almost completely covered by these thunder and lightning leaves and branches, and there was no way to escape.

I don't know how long it took, but those leaves and branches remained motionless.

Some can't wait any longer, Yu Wenju said: "These things haven't moved anyway, let's be careful and get out of the gap."

However, just as Yu Wenju's voice just fell, a light green misty light flew over here erraticly.

Everyone's eyes were attracted by the light.

It was a cloud of mist, floating in the air like a cloud, with a green light emitting from the innermost, flashing continuously, as if breathing.

The mist flew over, and the stagnant leaves and branches suddenly moved.

One by one separated automatically, making way for the fog.

In this way, the green mist flew in front of the students.

"what is this?"

For a time, all the students were extremely puzzled.

Someone tried to create a breath of true vitality and rushed towards the mist.

However, as soon as the true vitality aura touched the green mist, it immediately disappeared without a shadow, like a mud cow entering the sea, without any movement at all.

"Can absorb the breath of true vitality, what is going on with this thing?"

These, everyone is even more curious.

Suddenly, a burst of light flashed on the fog group, and then a bolt of thunder and lightning shot out, directly hitting the warrior who had given off a breath of true vitality.

In just a moment, the warrior turned into a ball of coke, and his whole person was wiped out in an instant.

At this time, everyone was sweating profusely and became nervous.

They all stood in place, not daring to make any moves.

But the fog group moved at this moment.

A little green mist spread to the surroundings, seeming to envelop all the students in.

And the surrounding leaves and branches are constantly tightening the encirclement, compressing the students continuously.

"This is to surround us and catch it all!"

"You can't catch it like this, otherwise there will be a dead end."

"You must find a way!"

"But we are completely surrounded, we can't escape at all!"

"Those thunder and lightning, at least equivalent to a demigod blow, we can't handle it.

Not to mention the lightning strike in the mist, I am afraid it is equivalent to the blow of a god-level master! "

"Could it be that we are just waiting to die here."

......... An atmosphere of tension and horror filled the surroundings.

But at this moment, Chen Fei, who had been sullen, said, "I have a way, maybe I can try it."

"any solution?"

Chen Fei said solemnly: "In the current situation, we have to find a way. There is no other way."

"Aren't you nonsense?

The question is how to make a way, no one dares to touch those leaves and branches? "

Yuwen said in dissatisfaction.

Chen Fei glared at him and said, "I can block those lightning strikes for a short time."

"Can you block lightning strikes?"

Now, not only Yu Wenju, but other students also questioned one after another.

Chen Fei didn't explain much, and directly reached out to touch a small leaf.

The leaves flashed with electricity, and the moment Chen Fei touched it with his finger, a thunder and lightning burst into Chen Fei's body.

Chen Fei's body trembled visibly, but he was not injured as expected, or fell into a coma.

"This turned out to be true?"

"How can you resist lightning strikes?"

"Why didn't you say it earlier, so that everyone can escape sooner."

………Chen Fei moved a bit of sore fingers, quickly running the real vitality, calming the aftermath of thunder and lightning in his body.

In fact, the reason why Chen Fei was able to withstand lightning strikes was because he had sensed the meaning of thunder in Xuankong Valley.

At that time, in the seventh floor of Xuankong Valley, Chen Fei felt about six thousand thunder intents, which was second only to fire intent.

It can be said that Chen Fei's understanding of Raiden is deeper than all the students present together.

It is precisely because of this that Chen Fei can rely on thunder to block the lightning on these leaves and branches.

Of course, Chen Fei's blocking was also limited.

After all, he was only aware of thunder intent, and he was far from truly integrating thunder intent, controlling thunder and lightning, and becoming a god-level master with thunder attributes.

Therefore, once the lightning is too strong, Chen Fei can't resist.

Glancing at the vocal crowd, letting them calm down, Chen Fei continued, "Although I can resolve part of the lightning strike.

But once you get hit too much, you can't resist it. "

"So I need you to help me together.

Constantly conveying true vitality to me, so that I can support and rush out of the encirclement. "

"Enter the true essence breath, this—" "I have consumed too much true essence just now. I am afraid I can't keep up with it now."

"I'm a Westerner, and the way you practice is different. I'm afraid the true vitality can't be integrated, right?"

………Almost everyone has their own abacus.

Chen Fei didn't say much, just stared at them coldly.

And Zhong Zhuyan on the side finally couldn't help it. He stood up and said sharply, "Are you all fools?

They are all dying, and they are still playing their own little calculations. "

"Compared to everyone dying here, what is the consumption of that real vitality?"

"You don't agree, I am the first to agree.

Even if I consume all my true vitality, I will support Chen Fei. "

With that said, Zhong Zhuyan was the first to stand up.

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