
Chapter 2455: ?The Might of God Realm

Only Zhong Zhuyan said with a firm face: "Chen Fei's strength and potential are much more powerful than you think.

You don't even know what kind of sensation he caused on the inner island. "

"Zhu Yan, I think you were brainwashed by Chen Fei.

There is no reason anymore. "

Zhong Jinyu shook his head and said brilliantly.

Zhong Yunhai also said with emotion: "Cousin, I know you don't want to be a concubine for Yu Wenju, but it's ridiculous to place hope on such a secular kid."

"Look, Mr. Yuwen is going to make a real move!"

At this moment, Zhong Chirui said.

Everyone looked at Yu Wenkong together.

On the first seat, Yu Wenkong stood up. The gray-haired man, at this moment, is full of momentum, like a mountain and ocean-like air wave rising turbulently. The aura is majestic and mighty, which is completely higher than that of Yuwenju and Yuwen Haoyuan just now , It's heart palpitating.

In addition, on both sides of Yuwenkong, ten Yuwenjia worshippers stood neatly.

Shi Dao almost didn't need Yu Wenkong's weak aura, and then rose into the sky.

These eleven majestic breaths gathered together and directly washed the roof of the Yuwen Family Hall.

The guests inside and outside the house, at this moment, all clearly saw the battle inside.

For a while, everyone was horrified and trembling.

Some people who were too weak couldn't bear this majestic aura and coercion, their legs softened, and they fell to the ground, unable to stand up.

The scene where there was a lot of discussion at the moment also quieted down.

Zhong Zhuyan, who was full of confidence in Chen Fei, couldn't help but sink. His pale face was full of worry, "Chen Fei, you must win!"

……… "Boy, Fu Zhu!"

With a stern shout, Yuwen's majestic momentum, like a **** of war, came in the air, full of oppression.

Behind him, the ten worship elders followed suit, and a breath of breath came towards Chen Fei like a sharp sword with a strong killing intent.

Facing this offensive, Chen Fei's expression finally became a little serious.

The number of martial arts that Yuwenkong felt has reached nearly a thousand.

The other ten worship elders are basically around 800 swords.

This kind of eleven people joined forces, the offensive that broke out under the joint force, the power is almost close to the god-level master.

If it was Chen Fei before, in the face of such an offensive, perhaps he might not be able to defeat them.

But now, the situation is different. Chen Fei has merged and refined the Nen Miao Dan core in the heart of the tree, allowing himself to reach the level of the god-level realm in terms of the two attributes of wood and fire.

A god-level master can deal with them.

Not to mention that Chen Fei is a double god-level master who controls two attributes, and his strength will only be stronger.

Seeing Yuwenkong and the others' fierce killing intent, Chen Fei's mouth showed a sneer, and whispered to himself: "It's time to try the power of the masters of the gods."

While speaking, Chen Fei raised his right hand, tapped his fingertips lightly, and a group of red flames ignited at his fingertips.

Then, Chen Fei lightly flicked, and the flame flew out suddenly.

Just such a small flame flew past the offensive of the eleven masters on the opposite side.


Eleven Dao Qi Jin whizzed and impacted on the flames, those violent Qi Jin and the howling strong wind seemed to be able to extinguish the flame at will.

However, everything that happened afterwards completely exceeded everyone's expectations.

That little flame erraticly collided with the vigor of the eleven, but it did not go out as expected. Instead, it burned rapidly, igniting the offensives, burning them all. .

"This, what's going on?"

The consecration who was burning off the offensive by the flames was startled, and wanted to inject the true and false vitality aura.

But as he injected more true essence aura, the flame was like a giant gold swallowing beast, continuously swallowing those true essence auras, burning them into a larger and hotter flame, and wrapped them towards the eleven people.

"The flame can swallow the true essence breath and stop injecting the true essence."

Yuwenkong finally discovered the anomaly and hurriedly shouted.

But at this moment, the flame that had swallowed the eleven Qi Jin had turned into a huge fireball, surging toward the eleven people.

The raging flames, the terrifying heat, at this moment, the eleven of them seemed to feel that a small sun was hitting head-on. It was a kind of terrorist offensive that they could not resist.

"This fireball, we can't hold it, hide it!"

Yu Wenkong hurriedly shouted, and eleven people hurriedly dodged.

Although Yu Wenkong had used the fastest speed to remind him, there were still four priests who could not dodge and were hit by the fireball.

Suddenly, the two worship elders who were confronted directly turned into a pile of fly ash, and disappeared without even having time to scream.

The other two worship elders, part of their bodies were touched by the fireball, and that part was directly burned into a ball of coke, cracking and flying.

The remaining part made a painful and miserable cry, and finally swallowed the last breath in extreme pain.

The four demigod masters just died under Chen Fei's trick.

As a result, everyone at the scene was so frightened that they were all stunned, and they couldn't speak at all.

At this time, Chen Fei lightly looked at the palm of his hand, and said to himself: "I have just been promoted, but I am not proficient in control, otherwise, they can be wiped out with one move."

After finishing speaking, he ignored Yu Wenkong and others, but went to the injured Yu Wenju.

Yu Wenju, the murderer who directly harmed him, Chen Fei would never let go.

At this moment, Yu Wenju had witnessed the fiasco of his father and grandfather successively, and witnessed the ashes of the four elders dying out.

Seeing Chen Fei walking towards him, he was terrified and cried out with tears and tears, "No, don't kill me."

"I was wrong, I really knew it was wrong.

I'm willing to do whatever you want me, just beg you, don't kill me, don't..." Chen Fei's face was indifferent, looking at Yu Wenju's gaze at this moment, it looked like a bug, despised and contemptuous.

At his fingertips, a flash of light ignited, like a death-killing sickle, approached Yu Wenju.

"No—" Yu Wenju shouted in horror, crawling desperately on the ground, trying to avoid this fatal attack.

And Yu Wenkong, watching his grandson about to be swallowed by death at this moment, looked very ugly, but there was no way at all.

Because he knew that he could not save Yu Wenju, if he rushed over, he would only have one result-death.

Just when Yu Wenkong closed his eyes in despair.

Suddenly, a green phantom that looked like an electric light in a hurry, flew over, and in the phantom, there was a deep thunder sound, "Stop!"

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