
Chapter 2463: ?Show martial arts

Even Mu Yuqing looked nervously at Palace Master Qingmu at this moment.

For her personally, Chen Fei is still quite optimistic.

But for Chen Fei, to offend the Poison Cloud Palace, this seemed to be an unwise choice.

Looking at the hesitant expression of Palace Master Qingmu, Chen Fei immediately figured this out.

Truth and fairness are not important at all, what matters is strength.

Now it's just a small deacon Lou Yu, and Palace Master Poison Cloud is so tough.

If it was Lou Xu, the great deacon who had acted on Chen Fei, Chen Fei could have imagined that the Poison Cloud Palace Master would not even argue with him at all, and would have killed him directly.

Now, Palace Master Qingmu should be weighing similar choices in his heart.

Finally, with a light sigh, Palace Master Qingmu seemed to have made a decision, raised his head, looked at Chen Fei, and was about to speak.

Mu Yuqing whispered to Chen Fei: "Don't care too much about Lou Yu.

Your personal strength improvement is the most important.

When you are in the position of the little deacon, or even the big deacon.

At that time, this kind of thing will not be a problem at all. "

"I see!"

Chen Fei nodded.

Mu Yuqing also breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Palace Master Qingmu, and nodded lightly, seeming to indicate that he had convinced Chen Fei.

But just as the Greenwood Palace Master was about to make a statement, Chen Fei spoke, "Hall Masters, please wait a moment!"

"What else are you doing?

I regret it now, maybe it's too late? "

The Poison Cloud Palace Master said coldly and displeased.

The Lord Thunder also frowned slightly and looked at Chen Fei, "Chen Fei, what else do you have?"

Chen Fei said directly: "Dear Hall Masters, you asked me before, you want to choose which martial arts hall to join."

"This is my choice of Wudian, and it is also a process of Wudian's choice of me.

Therefore, I hope to show myself so that the various martial arts halls can also learn more about me. "

Hearing this, everyone at the scene started talking in low voices.

"This is because I know that something is wrong, and I'm going to hold on to it."

"I want to show it, looking forward to which martial arts hall will value him, and help him!"

"It's a good idea?

It's just a pity that he is good, but it's only good. "

"If no one chooses him, it would be embarrassing."

……… Palace Master Thunder looked at the other Palace Masters, then nodded and said: "I can give you a chance to show yourself, not to mention, this is the last time, do you understand?"

"I understand, thank you all the Lords!"

Chen Fei thanks.

Then, without wasting time, Chen Fei immediately started the show.

He didn't make any movements, just stood still, and a breath of breath began to bloom on his body.

"This is--" "Martial intention, he is showing his martial intention."

"Do you want to impress the hall masters with martial intent?"

"However, in the previous test, it seems that the martial intent he has felt was only over a hundred. This result is too ordinary!"

"There should be reservations, but it's still too low."

"Yeah, even if Bolton, who has realized the 532 martial intent, comes out, I am afraid that he may not be able to impress the Lords!"

"Hall masters, those are all figures around the god-level realm.

If you want to impress them, you need at least a thousand martial arts! "

"How old is he, a thousand times, this is impossible!"

...... Amidst the many discussions, Chen Fei's martial intent grew a little bit.

Soon, more than a hundred Dao, headed for two hundred Dao.

"It seems that there are indeed reservations!"

When it reached 200 Dao, there was no meaning of stagnation, but continued to grow, and soon broke through the 300 Dao.

"Three hundred Dao, this is comparable to Yu Wenju's level."

"He can kill Yu Wenju, and his martial arts can break through 300 Dao, which is normal."

Amidst the discussion, Wu Yi continued to grow, and soon broke through the five hundred Dao Dao.

"This is comparable to Bolton.

I didn't expect him to hide so deeply! "

"No, it's still going on, it doesn't mean to stop at all."

Amidst the discussion and exclamation, Chen Fei's martial arts directly broke through a thousand ways.

At this time, the expressions of the Lords of the Palace changed slightly, they looked at each other, and their eyes exchanged.

The eyes of Poison Cloud Palace Master, Lou Xu, and Lou Yu were a bit unpleasant.

"A thousand Dao, this is enough to be valued by the hall masters."

Mu Yuqing smiled and whispered.

However, what they didn't expect was that Chen Fei's martial arts was still growing, and soon surpassed 1,500 Dao, rushing straight to 2,000 Dao.

At this time, the Lords were all excited.

"Two thousand martial arts have reached two thousand martial arts.

This Chen Fei has such great potential? "

"This is better than the average little deacon, and he is still so young."

"Genius, this is a real genius!"

"Chen Fei, as long as you join our Thunder Palace, I will help you solve Lou Yu's matter."

The lord of Thunder Palace directly began the solicitation.

When he spoke like this, the other hall masters all solicited.

The complexion of Palace Master Poison Cloud became more and more gloomy.

But Chen Fei still didn't respond, standing still, the martial intent on his body was still rising step by step.

More than two thousand five hundred, rushed to three thousand.

"Three thousand Dao, this kid, is it a monster?"

"This kind of genius, we want it in the Fire Palace.

Whatever you ask for, just mention it. "

"The conditions of our Hurricane Hall are added to the base of the Blazing Fire Hall by 20%."

"Chen Fei, your martial intent is of the nature of wood. Our Qingmu Temple has exercises and martial skills suitable for your practice. It is absolutely correct to choose us."

The hall masters had already lost their reservations, and immediately started a noisy scramble.

The people in the hall looked at the usually dignified and silent hall master, and at this moment they were vying like a hawker, and they were suddenly surprised and shocked.

At this time, Chen Fei's martial intent was still growing, and it had already exceeded three thousand two hundred.

At this time, even the Poison Cloud Palace Master couldn't sit still, his expression sank, and he stood up directly, looked at Chen Fei, and said, "Chen Fei, join my Poison Cloud Palace.

I will leave Lou Yu to you. Whatever will work? "

"Ah—Hall Master, I—" Lou Yu was shocked.

Lou Xu also hurriedly interceded, "Hall Master, Lou Yu--" "You guys, shut up!"

The Poison Cloud Palace Master waved his hand to shut the two of them, then looked at Chen Fei and said in a deep voice, "My words are not joking, but serious.

Moreover, as long as you choose to join, I can guarantee that the conditions offered are definitely not weaker than other martial arts halls. "

"Our Saint Martial Hall will not be weaker than others!"

"We are out double!"

………The scene is already a little messy, and it has directly become a looting of Chen Fei.

Chen Fei feels almost done, secretly slowing down Wu Yi's growth, and a slightly tired expression on his face.

Finally, when the number of Wu Yi exceeded 3,500 Dao, Chen Fei stopped the excitation of Wu Yi.

He took a few breaths fiercely, and then he said to the hall masters: "Dear hall masters, my martial intent is over."

"Three thousand five hundred, are you still not a human being?"

Mu Yuqing rushed to Chen Fei's side, shocked.

After all, the chief deacon of the general martial arts hall had set five thousand martial intentions.

And Chen Fei, now less than thirty years old, has reached three thousand five hundred martial arts.

According to this trend, he is very likely to become the youngest deacon in each martial hall.

For a time, the competition among the Lords of the Palace became more intense.

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