
Chapter 2467: ?The choice of the year

Upon seeing this, Mu Yuqing blinked and said: "Okay, I won't tease you.

I came to you today to chat with you. "

"to chat with?"

Chen Fei was a little puzzled. He and her were not familiar with each other, and there seemed to be nothing to talk about.

Seeing Chen Fei's doubts, Mu Yuqing took out a round stone and placed it on the table, "I want to talk about this with you."

Seeing the stone, Chen Fei's eyes lit up and he looked at Mu Yuqing, "Sister Yuqing, what you are talking about is General Xu."


Is he a general now? "

Mu Yuqing looked into the distance, and there was a bit of memory in her eyes.

"Well, General Xu became a general ten years ago."

Chen Fei said.

"Ten years ago, has it been so long?"

Mu Yuqing's expression was a little sad, she paused slightly, and looked at Chen Fei and asked, "He, how are you doing now?"

"Uh, it's okay.

General Xu has a successful career and strong strength. "

Chen Fei nodded.

Mu Yuqing shook her head and said, "I am not asking this.

I just want to ask, is he—he, married? "


Chen Fei was really not surprised, and then shook his head, "General Xu has never been married, not even a girlfriend."

"That's it!"

The corner of Mu Yuqing's mouth could not help but raised slightly, and there seemed to be a touch of memory in his eyes, "He is still like this."

Seeing this, plus that there is no stone, Chen Fei couldn't guess.

General Xu must have had a history with the surrounding Deacon Mu Yuqing, otherwise, the other party would not behave like this.

It's just that Chen Fei couldn't ask about these things, so he could only sit quietly.

After reminiscing for a moment, Mu Yuqing came back to his senses, glanced at Chen Fei, and said quietly, "Do you want to know what happened to Xu Junshan and me?"

"Uh-if Sister Yuqing you are willing to say, I -" Chen Fei said.

"That was already twenty years ago. At that time, he was the same as you now, as a representative of the genius warrior of China, entered the inner island to receive assessment and experience.

At that time, I was the same as Mu Ningyuan now, a little deacon in the Qingmu Temple. "

"I was also responsible for leading the team, and Xu Junshan was a member of my team.

His performance was very good, and he came out on top almost from the beginning, becoming a high-profile presence.

Of course, you are still a bit worse than you are now. "

After a pause, Mu Yuqing continued: "Almost immediately, I decided to pull this person into our Qingmu Temple.

Although there were many other martial arts competitions with me at the time, I was very confident. "

"Because, I can see that Xu Junshan also has a good impression of me."

"Later, the assessment went smoothly until the end.

He became the number one without a doubt, and was scrambled by the major martial arts halls just like you. "

"At that time, he promised me that he would choose to join the Qingmu Temple and stay with me."

"But later, he learned that after joining Wudian, it meant that he could not go out, so he hesitated."

"I persuaded him several times, and even the Lord of the Palace opened up some conditions and gave him some relative freedom at the time."

"But in the end, he still chose to refuse and chose to return to the world where aura was lacking."

Hearing this, Chen Fei was a little surprised.

Because what Xu Junshan once told him was not like this.

In Xu Junshan’s mouth, the reason why he did not stay in the inner island was that the Wudian of the inner island did not select him, so he could only leave with regret.

But now, from Mu Yuqing's mouth, he learned that General Xu turned out to be free, and actively refused to join the Wudian.

Seeing Chen Fei's silence, Mu Yuqing continued: "Do you know why he had to go back then?"

"This—" Chen Fei didn't know how to answer.

Because, as far as he knew, General Xu had no children and his parents died young, so he had nothing to worry about.

Shouldn't be the same as him, leaving because of his relatives and friends outside.

Moreover, Mu Yuqing also said that at that time she and Xu Junshan's relationship gradually developed, and they were even preparing to set a lifelong agreement.

As a result, in this case, Xu Junshan finally chose to leave.

With a long sigh, Mu Yuqing said: "He told me at the time that the reason for going back was very simple, just one sentence."

"The country has cultivated him, and he will return to serve the motherland."

"Ah, this, this—" Chen Fei felt a little surprised when he heard this.

These words once seen in elementary school textbooks seem to be reduced to empty talk in the real adult world. No one takes such words to heart, and very few people can truly fulfill these words.

Even Chen Fei himself, if he were in that situation, I am afraid he would not be able to do what General Xu did.

Chen Fei thinks he is not a bad person, he will do justice, punish evil and promote good.

But Chen Fei did not think he was a noble and selfless person. He had personal feelings and personal desires.

Sometimes, even because of personal impulse to break some rules.

But Chen Fei doesn't think this is wrong, because for most people, everyone is like this.

However, compared with the selfless Xu Junshan, such selfishness seems a bit dazzling.

For a moment, Chen Fei was silent.

Mu Yuqing sensed Chen Fei's emotions, shook her head, and said leisurely: "At that time, I said that I understood him and let him leave.

But until now, I still can't understand why he left! "

"I want to know if he has regretted the decision that year."

Mu Yuqing looked at Chen Fei with some excitement.

Chen Fei's mouth moved, but he couldn't give an answer. After all, he couldn't know the heart of General Xu.

"Sorry, I'm a little gagged."

Mu Yuqing lowered her head and wiped her cheeks.

Then, she stood up and said to Chen Fei: "It's getting late, I'm going back, you have a good rest!"

Chen Fei was stunned for a moment, then stood up and sent Mu Yuqing to the door.

Standing at the door, Mu Yuqing turned her head and looked at Chen Fei: "This time, after you go back, I want you to bring him a word for me."

"Sister Yuqing, you say."

Chen Fei said.

Mu Yuqing said: "I want to know if he is willing to come back with me if there is a chance."

After speaking, Mu Yuqing took out a small and exquisite jade pendant and handed it to Chen Fei, "Thank you for helping me bring this to him."

"Sister Yuqing, don't worry, I will."

Chen Fei said.

"thank you."

Mu Yuqing nodded, and then walked away.

Chen Fei looked at Mu Yuqing's back and was about to close the door.

At this time, he heard Mu Yuqing's faintly low voice, "If you had Chen Fei's strength, we might have a different ending back then!"

"General Xu and Sister Yuqing, they--" Chen Fei's emotions were complicated for a while, and an indescribable feeling surged.

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