
Chapter 247: Sister Meng invited

.., Rejuvenation

Chapter 247

When Chen Fei got up the next morning, Lin Qiuhan was already up and was preparing breakfast in the kitchen.

Of course, with Lin Qiuhan's cooking skills, the complicated nature cannot be prepared. Can only simply handle some breakfasts such as bread, milk, eggs, and fruits.

Perhaps the massage last night worked. Lin Qiuhan was in good spirits. He saw Chen Fei coming out with a smile on his face and said, "Get up! Go wash and have breakfast."

His wife's concern immediately made Chen Fei, who was still a little dizzy, refreshed. After washing, I sat on the dining table and ate breakfast with my wife.

While eating, Chen Fei saw his wife's mobile phone beside him, and couldn't help but moved in his heart. Then he said, "My wife, after you fell asleep yesterday, I answered your call."

"Oh, I saw it, it's Claude's!" Lin Qiuhan said smoothly. In his words, he seemed to be quite familiar with this Claude.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei suddenly felt that there was too much vinegar in the egg, and bit her mouth a little bit sourly, "He said that he was your classmate and wanted you to answer the phone, but I saw that you were asleep, so I turned it off."

Lin Qiuhan looked at Chen Fei’s jealous appearance, and suddenly felt amused. He casually explained: "Claude is also my classmate. I went to the U.S. to participate in a short-term MBA for a two-month period. I met during the business training class."

"They are all classmates and friends in the business community. Because there may be business dealings, they left their contact information. However, after returning to China, they basically didn't get in touch. I didn't expect him to call now, maybe there is something Let's work!"

After listening to Lin Qiuhan's explanation, Chen Fei felt a sense of ecstasy in his heart, and his mood was much more relaxed, "It turned out to be a classmate of two months, and the time spent with Qiuhan hasn't been as long as I have, so this is a classmate. Hmph, foreigners just don’t respect themselves. My family Qiuhan doesn’t know you well again. What is the name of a baby baby!"

Lin Qiuhan didn't know what Chen Fei was thinking, and ate breakfast.

But at this moment, her cell phone rang, Lin Qiuhan immediately connected the phone, got up and walked aside, and began to talk.

Vaguely, Chen Fei seemed to hear Lin Qiuhan mention the name "Claude" on the phone, and the spirit that had just relaxed, suddenly tightened again.

Lin Qiuhan finished the phone call and returned to the dining table. Chen Fei pouted and pretended to ask casually: "Why, that Claude is calling again? What time is it, greetings so early?"

Lin Qiuhan glanced at Chen Fei and explained, "No, it was a call from the company secretary. It said there was a business cooperation."

"Then how did I hear you say Claude?" Chen Fei found that people in love are all jealous, and any clue makes him seem a little nervous and suspicious.

Lin Qiuhan was amused at once, and said, "Don't think too much. The Cole company is Claude's. He just contacted the company and said that there are some business matters that he wants to talk to me."

"Kele Company!" Hearing this name, Chen Fei couldn't help being surprised. Unexpectedly, Claude was still a big tyrant, and he couldn't help but become more vigilant in his heart.

Because this company is the largest beverage company in the United States and even in the world. Its business scope covers all kinds of beverages, beverages and snacks, and it is definitely a giant.

Autumn Group's assets are quite a lot in Long'an City, but there is still a big gap compared with international giants such as Kele.

Besides, Autumn Group is a cosmetics company, and Kele is not a business at all. At this time, the other party suddenly asked Lin Qiuhan to cooperate. Chen Fei couldn't help but suspect that the guy had no plans, "Kele Company, how can we cooperate with us? It seems that we can't cooperate together at all!"

Seeing through Chen Fei's careful thoughts, Lin Qiuhan smiled and said: "It's not clear now, it will be clear when we meet next to the company."

Speaking of the meeting, Lin Qiuhan couldn't help but feel amused when seeing Chen Fei's eyebrows twitching, and then explained, "Business meetings are accompanied by the secretary. Now, don't worry!"

Chen Fei nodded, took a bite of the bread, and said, "Don't worry, don't worry! My wife, I always feel relieved."

Looking at Chen Fei's jealous appearance, Lin Qiuhan felt a little weird.

After all, when the two first met, Lin Qiuhan pulled Chen Fei and said that he was going to get married. This guy refused at first. Unexpectedly, until now, he looks like a little boy in love, and he can't do without himself.

After breakfast, Lin Qiuhan said goodbye and drove to the company.

Chen Fei had to go with him, but at this moment, a call came from his mobile phone.

Looking at the phone number, it was Wu Meng who called. Chen Fei couldn't help being a little surprised. He answered the phone, "Sister Meng!"

"Hello, Xiao Chen. Are you free this morning?" Wu Meng asked.

Chen Fei thought for a moment, then nodded, and said, "When you are free, what's wrong with Meng Meng? Is there any trouble?"

Wu Meng on the other end of the phone seemed to hesitate. After a while, he said: "There is something, I want Xiao Chen to help me."

"Sister Meng, please tell me anything, as long as I can help, I will definitely not postpone it." Chen Fei patted his chest.

Wu Meng was a little hard to speak, he hesitated, and said, "Can we meet and talk about it?"

"Uh, yes. Where are you sister Meng? I'll be over right away." Chen Fei asked.

Wu Meng immediately reported an address, a high-end coffee shop in the downtown commercial street, "Xiao Chen, thank you."

"Sister Meng, why are you polite with me? I'll be there soon!" Chen Fei hung up the phone, and drove towards the cafe.

Forty minutes later, Chen Fei arrived at the coffee shop and came to Wu Meng's seat.

Today's Wu Meng, dressed in casual clothes, seemed to have straightened her curly hair, and the small mole between her left eyebrows was also lightly hidden. The overall look is a bit less **** than the charming Miss Wu in the usual days, and a little more rustic and pure, as if Wu Meng once returned to his youth.

Moreover, Wu Meng's eyes were drooping, his hands pinched the corners of his clothes, and he seemed a little nervous. This made Chen Fei a little surprised. After all, Wu Meng is not usually like this. It seems that something happened.

"Sister Meng, here I am!" Chen Fei greeted.

Wu Meng seemed to be immersed in something, completely unaware of Chen Fei's arrival, and was a little frightened by the sound. He suddenly raised his head and almost didn't overturn the coffee on the table, he hurriedly held the coffee cup, then smiled at Chen Fei, and said, "Oh, Xiao Chen, you are here, please sit down!" [.. 】

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