
Chapter 2482: ?Special Operations Department

Liu Zhenjiang calmly took out a stack of documents with video screenshots and witnesses' testimony.

They were all placed in front of Chen Fei, and then he said: "This is a scene that took place in the Monarch Hotel in Donghai City two days ago. Mr. Chen was at the scene. Mr. Chen doesn't deny this, right?"

"I'm right there."

Chen Fei nodded.

Liu Zhenjiang nodded and continued: "Then, Mr. Chen, in the Monarch Hotel, you will abolish the dantian of the Jin Family Master Jin Hongli in Donghai City. The Second Young Master Jin Hong will be seriously injured and dozens of Jin family members will be beaten. hurt."

"You did these things, right?"

Chen Fei still had a calm tone and said, "I did it."

Hearing this, Liu Zhenjiang narrowed his eyes, shrugged his shoulders, and continued: "At that time, the clerk of the Special Operations Department of our military was on the scene. He explained the situation to you, Mr. Chen, and stopped you from doing anything. Right?"

While speaking, Liu Zhenjiang took a piece of paper with a portrait from the document and placed it in front of Chen Fei.

Chen Fei took a look and nodded, "It's him.

He did tell me that the Jin family is a family of dragon veins, and he wouldn't let me touch the Jin family. "

Liu Zhenjiang continued to nod his head, then put away the documents, and said solemnly: "Since you have admitted everything, Mr. Chen, you should bear the corresponding consequences yourself."

"as a result of!"

Chen Fei's eyes were cold, and he looked at Liu Zhenjiang, "What are the consequences?"

Liu Zhenjiang did not say anything, but looked at the young woman beside him.

The woman was full of anger, staring at Chen Fei fiercely, and gritted her teeth and said: "The consequence is that you will be paid with blood!"

When Chen Fei heard the words, he looked at the woman with a calm face and said, "Who are you again?"

The woman gritted her teeth and said: "My name is Jin Manxia, ​​a child of the Longmai clan, and Jin Hongli and Jin Hongyuan are my younger brothers."

"Now, you know what you did wrong!"

Chen Fei rolled his eyes and said, "I don't think I have done anything wrong."

"You--" Jin Manxia was furious, slapped her palm on the table, and pointed at Chen Fei, "You abolished my brother Dan Tian and seriously injured so many people.

Do you still say you did nothing wrong? "

"That's what they deserve!"

Chen Fei said coldly, "I didn't kill them, it's kind enough already."

"Well, what a brave guy."

Jin Manxia was angry and said to Liu Zhenjiang, "General Liu, what should I do with this kind of person."

You should be very clear! "

Liu Zhenjiang looked at Chen Fei with a calm face, and said: "According to the rules of the Special Operations Department, Chen Fei's behavior is very bad and must be severely punished.

Deprive you of all your property and imprison it for ten years. "

"Deprive property, imprison me!"

Chen Fei looked at Liu Zhenjiang, "Why are you?"

Liu Zhenjiang's expression was angry, and he was about to shoot the crime, but in the end he endured it and gritted his teeth and said: "Chen Fei, don't forget, no matter how strong you are, you are still a member of China, and you must abide by China's official rules. ."

"You, Liu Zhenjiang, can't represent the Huaxia official!"

Chen Fei gave a cold snort.

Liu Zhenjiang said solemnly: "Chen Fei, don't be presumptuous."

"I tell you, our official and Jin family have reached a cooperation a few months ago.

If you act against the Jin family, you are acting against the government, which is a serious violation of rules and disciplines and deserves punishment. "

"I don't care what cooperation you have! I still said that, they acted on my Chen Fei people, they deserve it!"

Chen Fei came up with the case and stood up directly, ready to leave.

"Chen Fei, do you have any rules?

Don't think that Xu Junshan has been protecting you, you will really be lawless.

Let me tell you, this time, you have to be convinced, or even if you don't. "

Liu Zhenjiang shouted angrily, "Come here, get me arrested Chen Fei."

In an instant, there was a loud noise, and dozens of soldiers swarmed to the room, blocking the room.

Liu Zhenjiang said solemnly: "Chen Fei, don't resist stubbornly.

Otherwise, I have the right to kill you no matter what. "

Chen Fei squinted his eyes and looked at Liu Zhenjiang. The corners of his mouth raised and a sneer appeared, "Stop it! Oh, I want to see, how can you kill me, Liu Zhenjiang?"

After finishing speaking, a majestic aura spread from Chen Fei's body, instantly covering everyone inside and outside the house, like a mountain, oppressing it down.

The soldiers outside the house suddenly couldn't hold them, and fell to the ground one by one, almost unable to stand up.

Liu Zhenjiang and Jin Manxia in the house are quite strong, able to resist Chen Fei's coercion.

But at this moment, they still felt a lot of pressure, and they could only hold their hands on the table to stabilize their figure.

"Now, do you still have to do it?"

Chen Fei's tone was cold.

Liu Zhenjiang looked up at Chen Fei, gritted his teeth and said, "Chen Fei, do you know that your behavior has violated military laws."

Jin Manxia was full of resentment, staring at Chen Fei fiercely, "I belong to the Jin family, you are looking for death."

"Do it, kill him!"

With an order from Jin Manxia, ​​another group of people surged out behind the sloppy soldiers. They were obviously stronger, and they rushed towards Chen Fei with fierce killing intent.

Chen Fei saw a chill in his eyes, and his murderous intent began to spread.

"You are-looking for death!"

With an icy voice, Chen Fei's eyes became cold, and his breath continued to grow.

"Do it!"

Jin Manxia shouted.

The people of the Jin family moved, and the offensive seemed to be raining all over the sky, attacking Chen Fei intensively.

Faced with such an offensive, Chen Fei let out a cold snort and kicked the ground, an incomparably hard stone intent spread from his body, whizzing towards the Jin Family Martial Artists.

Suddenly, a burst of gold and iron strikes sounded.

These Jin Family warriors who attacked felt that their offensive seemed to hit a hard rock, and they couldn't make any progress at all, let alone hurt Chen Fei.

"A bunch of ants!"

Chen Fei slapped both hands, and the hard stone intent rushed out and hit the Jin family martial artist.

Suddenly, a scream rang out one after another. These twenty-odd Jin family martial artists were still aggressive just now, but at this moment they were knocked to the ground by Chen Fei, and the ghosts were crying and howling, in incomparable pain.

After resolving these people, Chen Fei looked back and fell on Jin Manxia and Liu Zhenjiang, and said in a deep voice, "Now, it's your turn."

Jin Manxia, ​​who was full of anger, her expression changed drastically at this moment, and she suddenly became frightened.

"You, you--how could it be possible that there are so many masters in our Jin family, how could you--" Liu Zhenjiang on the side was also full of shocked expressions, "your strength, this--" Chen Fei ignored the surprise of the two. , The palms gathered vigorously, and patted the two.

The two felt the terrifying power of Chen Fei's vigor, and their color instantly changed, and they screamed while resisting.

"Chen Fei, I am the official representative of the military department. If you move me, it is disrespectful to the government."

Liu Zhenjiang shouted loudly.

"I am a child of the Longmai clan, you can't move me, you can't—" Jin Manxia shouted wildly.

Chen Fei ignored the two, and the offensive continued.

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