
Chapter 2487: Make you speak with your fist

Finally, after Chen Fei waited for nearly half an hour.

With the violent roar of the car engine, Zhou Qin's car stopped near Chen Fei.

Opening the car window, Zhou Qin looked at Chen Fei who was standing on the side of the road, and asked, "You are the one from China that my dad said?"

The tone of the other party caused Chen Fei to frown slightly.

But he nodded and said, "I am Chen Fei.

Are you Uncle Zhou’s daughter Zhou Qin? "

"Is not this nonsensical?

Who else can it be besides me! "

Zhou Qin was a little impatient and waved his hand to Chen Fei, "Get in the car, don't waste my time."

Chen Fei frowned slightly, but finally opened the door and got into the car.

Almost as soon as Chen Fei came in, Zhou Qin started the car with a bang.

Chen Fei adjusted, stabilized his figure, and sat down.

But at this moment, he couldn't help but frown again.

He understood that General Xu contacted the Zhou family to help himself.

Contacting Zhou Tianyu himself was also to make it more convenient to rescue his wife.

But now it seems that this Zhou family, at least this Zhou Qin, doesn't have any good attitudes towards themselves, and it can even be said that they hate their coming.

If the Zhou family's attitude is the same, Chen Fei has already made plans in his heart.

Go to Zhou's house and say hello to Zhou Tianyu, as a thank you for his help, and then leave Zhou's house and act alone.

After all, with Chen Fei's strength, even without the help of the local Zhou family, there would be more difficulties, but it would not be a big deal.

Thinking of this, Chen Fei saw that Zhou Qin didn't mean to greet him, so he closed his eyes and stopped talking.

However, the silence in the car made Su Jing, the little fresh meat in the passenger seat, feel a little boring.

He turned his head, looked at Chen Fei with his gaze unabashedly, and then said: "Hey, are you from China?"

Chen Fei opened his eyes, looked at Su Jing, and said lightly: "I am."

"It turned out to be true!"

Su Jing looked unexpected and continued, "Looking at your dress, it's quite normal.

I thought, you Chinese people all wear braids and jackets? "

When he said this, Su Jing looked like a smile but didn't know whether he was really stupid or pretending to be stupid on purpose.

Chen Fei frowned slightly, and said in a slightly displeased voice: "That was already a hundred years ago.

This gentleman, it seems to know more about the world. "

Su Jing looked arrogant and said: "Our Singdao is a developed country. What can I know about those backward places?"

"If you don't understand, don't talk nonsense."

Chen Fei's voice was a little cold.

And Su Jing looked surprised, "Why, you are angry.

Can Huaxia people just can't make jokes like this? "

"It seems that they are from poor places.

Are Chinese people all this virtue?

Gee! "

These words made Chen Fei really feel a little unhappy, and he said coldly: "Mr., don't forget.

Miss Zhou and you are also Chinese. "

Su Jing immediately waved his hand after hearing this, "I am not a Chinese, I am from Singdao, different from you."

"Aqin and the others moved to Sing Tao a few generations ago, and they have long been Sing Tao people."

"Don't climb us high! You Chinese people, poor and unqualified, why are you like us, ha ha."

Chen Fei frowned, staring at Su Jing, and said coldly, "This gentleman, I ask you to apologize immediately."


Su Jing looked surprised, "Do I need to apologize if I tell a little truth?"


Chen Fei was really angry, and he grabbed Su Jing by the collar, lifted him up hard, and said coldly, "If you don't want to apologize, I don't mind using my fist to make you speak."

This little fresh meat obviously didn't expect Chen Fei to dare to do it, and suddenly yelled in fright.

"What are you doing, let me go, let me go."

Next to him, Zhou Qin also hurriedly slowed down, turned his head and stared at Chen Fei, "What are you doing, let go of Su Jing."

Chen Fei remained unmoved, and even increased the strength in his hand. "Either you apologize now, or I will beat you up, and then you apologize again, you choose yourself."

"Let go of my boyfriend, you--" Zhou Qin slammed the brakes, stopped the car, and said to Chen Fei severely.

Chen Fei still said coldly: "He must apologize."

"You let him go!"

Zhou Qin began to slap and kicked Chen Fei directly.

However, her fists did not threaten Chen Fei at all.

Instead, Chen Fei made a slight effort and pushed Zhou Qin back.

Then, Chen Fei grabbed Su Jing by the collar, harder and colder in his eyes, "My patience is limited, you'd better not try to challenge my limit."

Su Jing felt the pressure from her neck and Chen Fei's angry eyes. She couldn't help but panic. She didn't dare to hold on any longer, and hurriedly said: "I apologize, I apologize."

"I was wrong, I shouldn't belittle Chinese people.

I know it was wrong! "

Hearing this, Chen Fei gave a heavy snort and finally released Su Jing.

Aside, Zhou Qin pulled her little boyfriend with a worried look, and looked at the bruises on his neck.

Suddenly, she felt distressed and angry, and stared at Chen Fei, "Get out, you get out of here.

Our Zhou family, you are not welcome. "

Chen Fei's complexion changed slightly, and in the end he didn't say much, he opened the door and got off the car and left on foot.

Behind him, Zhou Qin comforted his little meat boyfriend, looked at Chen Fei's back, gritted his teeth and said, "Unqualified Chinese."

The little boyfriend Su Jing looked worried for Zhou Qin and said: "A Qin, is it really okay?

You said, he was the person your dad invited.

Now, because of me, you drove him away.

I am worried that your dad will blame you—" Zhou Qin felt softer when he heard this, and put his arms around Su Jing, and said, "Don't worry, I will explain things clearly with my dad. "

"Besides, it's just a Chinese person, what kind of guest can he be.

It's no big deal to drive away. "

………On the side of the road, Chen Fei took out his mobile phone, checked the map, and prepared to book a hotel to stay in.

After all, he didn't expect things to happen like this.

He can look at the face introduced by General Xu and endure the misunderstanding and contempt of the other party.

But they insulted their own country and people without admitting their mistakes and apologizing, which Chen Fei absolutely cannot tolerate.

Therefore, even if it might make Zhou Tianyu's face unsightly, Chen Fei chose to leave.

Although it was the first time for Chen Fei to come to Sing Tao, fortunately, Chen Fei had a good command of the official English and Chinese language used by Sing Tao, so it was quite convenient.

An hour later, Chen Fei took a taxi to the upscale hotel in the city center and checked in smoothly.

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