
Chapter 2489: ?Sing Tao Lion Hall

Just as the Zhou family was arguing, Chen Fei in the hotel had already opened the web page and began to search for some local power distribution information on Sing Tao.

After all, the trouble with Zhou Qin is not so good now, some information that needs the help of the local snake to investigate, you need to find someone else to help investigate.

After searching on the Internet, Chen Fei finally fixed his eyes on the Lion Hall.

The Lion Hall, as an organization founded by people around the lion **** of war, has a great influence on Sing Tao, and its strength is quite good. It can be said to be one of the top forces in Sing Tao.

More importantly, Li Chao, the current leader of the Lion Hall, is a descendant of China, and he even had exchange activities with some well-known martial arts sect families in China.

Moreover, there is another thing Chen Fei cares about is that the Lion Hall has a close relationship with the recently popular Tomb of the Lion and the God of War.

The Skull and Bones will most likely also come towards the tomb. In this case, the Lion Hall is more likely to investigate the Skull and Bones related information.

After combining the above considerations, Chen Fei locked the target on the Lion Hall.

Early the next morning, Chen Fei had breakfast, and then went out to take a taxi and headed directly to the headquarters of the Lion Hall.

An hour later, the car arrived in front of a small hill that was not too high.

Although it is a mountain, it is very prosperous here.

There is a large open space at the foot of the mountain, and there are many shops related to martial arts.

Standing at the foot of the mountain and looking up the mountain, you can see a straight stone step extending to the top of the mountain.

At the top of the mountain, there is a building, that is, the headquarters of the Lion Hall.

At this moment, there are many people going up and down in the clearing at the foot of the mountain and on the stone steps.

Chen Fei took a look at the surrounding environment and also climbed up the stairs.

A quarter of an hour later, Chen Fei reached the top of the mountain.

A tall and magnificent building appeared in front of Chen Fei. The front was a huge archway more than ten meters high. In the center, there were three gilded characters "Xiong Lion Hall".

At this moment, in front of the archway, many young people were talking to the guard at the door.

Some got permission to cross the archway and enter the building of the Lion Hall.

But more people are blocked outside and not allowed to enter.

Chen Fei observed these young people and found that most of them came to apprenticeship to learn art, some came to join in, and a small part came under the name of challenging the Lion Hall.

It's just that the people who are stopped outside are basically ostentatious and have little strength.

No wonder it will be stopped.

Chen Fei retracted his gaze, thought a little, and walked towards the archway.

At this moment, a telephone ringing rang.

Chen Fei could only stop, took out his mobile phone, and connected the call, "Hello, hello."

"Little Chen, this is Zhou Tianyu."

"Yesterday I asked Zhou Qin to pick you up at the airport. I heard that you had some misunderstanding?"

Zhou Tianyu said tentatively.

Chen Fei raised his eyebrows and said lightly: "It's not a misunderstanding."

Zhou Tianyu paused, then said: "A Qin said that you did something with her boyfriend. This matter—" "What did she say?

However, it can be regarded as a fact! "

Chen Fei frowned.

Zhou Tianyu heard Chen Fei's displeasure, and quickly said: "There may be something, Ah Qin didn't say clearly.

Xiao Chen, why don't you come to our Zhou's house and explain things in person to avoid misunderstandings between you and Ah Qin. "

"It's not very convenient for me now, I have something to do."

Chen Fei's voice was neither lukewarm nor cold.

Zhou Tianyu said: "Xiao Chen, you're doing errands.

What's the matter?

Do you need my help? "

Chen Fei said lightly: "Thank you Uncle Zhou for your kindness, but no need, I can solve it."

"But, Xiao Chen, you--" Zhou Tianyu wanted to say something else.

Chen Fei didn't want to go on anymore, he finished speaking quickly, and then hung up the phone, "Uncle Zhou, I'm a bit urgent, so I just hang up."

After putting away his cell phone, Chen Fei walked to the archway of the Lion Hall.

Sure enough, he was stopped by the guard at the door.

"What are you doing?"

The guard's tone smelled of asking.

Chen Fei said, "I have something, I want to talk to Xiongshitang."

"Is there an invitation letter?"

The guard asked, then seeing Chen Fei's surprised look, he immediately waved his hand and said impatiently, "If it's not, then get out."

Chen Fei continued: "I really have something important to talk about."

"Damn, this kind of liar again."

The guard scolded, "Are you asking me to do it?"

As he spoke, the guard rolled up his sleeves as if he was about to do something.

Chen Fei raised his eyebrows, took a step back, took out a herbal medicine from his arms, and said, "This herbal medicine in my hand is a herbal medicine of heavenly quality.

I want to use it to make a deal with the Lion Hall. "

"Heaven-level herbal medicine!"

The guard froze for a moment, but then showed unbelief.

"Do you think I'm stupid?

Heaven-level herbal medicine, such a precious thing, was just so casually touched out of your pocket by you.

You have to be professional, at least get a box and put it in a box! "

Chen Fei frowned slightly, and said, "This medicinal material is too precious. I don't blame you if you don't know it.

Then let someone who can recognize it. "

"Boy, you are still addicted to acting, right! Liar, get out of here!"

The guard became impatient, and started directly, trying to push Chen Fei away.

Chen Fei pushed backhand, but pushed the guard back, staggering, almost not falling to the ground.

"Damn, you dare to do it at the door of our Lion Hall.

I think you are impatient with your life, brothers, give it to me! "

The guard greeted, and the four guards rushed towards Chen Fei together.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei couldn't help frowning slightly, his expression sinking.

Just when he was considering whether to rush in, a thick voice rang, "Noisy, what's the matter?"

Hearing the sound, several guards immediately stopped their movements, stood up respectfully, bowed and saluted the visitors, "Elder Huang."

"what happened?"

This elder Huang was about sixty years old, wearing a long-haired robe, and he was a bit of a superior posture.

The guard immediately told Elder Huang what happened.

After listening, Elder Huang turned his gaze to Chen Fei, took a look, and then asked: "You said you want to use heavenly herbs to trade with our Lion Hall?"


Chen Fei nodded, and then the herbal medicine came out.

"This is—" When Elder Huang saw the herbal medicine, his eyes lit up and he rushed over and took a closer look.

After a while, an expression of excitement and surprise appeared on his face, "This is the water-grained wood Yihua, the best quality water-grained wood Yihua."

"How did you get herbs of this quality?"

Elder Huang looked at Chen Fei.

Chen Fei said lightly: "This is my personal secret."

"Yes, yes, I shouldn't ask about that."

Elder Huang smiled and then asked, "How do you call this little brother?"

"My last name is Chen."

Chen Fei said lightly.

"Brother Xiao Chen."

Elder Huang smiled and greeted Chen Fei inside, "Let's go inside and talk."

Chen Fei nodded and followed Elder Huang into the Lion Hall.

When passing by the four guards, Elder Huang gave them a fierce look, and said in a deep voice, "All eyes will be bright in the future!"

Several guards quickly nodded and said yes, feeling tight.

They only breathed a sigh of relief until they could no longer see the backs of Elder Huang and Chen Fei.

But in my heart, there is still a feeling of lingering palpitations.

"Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a real heavenly herb."

"It was almost a disaster this time."


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