
Chapter 2492: ?General Lee

The vehicle drove for about an hour, and it took a long time to turn around in the complicated traffic flow, and finally drove into an inconspicuous old residential building.

The car stopped downstairs. The two of them got out of the car just now, looked behind them, checked them, and only then carefully went upstairs after finding that no one was following.

When they came to the third floor, the three of them checked the corridor again, and only after making sure that no one was coming, they knocked on the door rhythmically.

More than ten seconds later, the door opened, and a head came out of it. Seeing the two of them, they said: "You are back, how is the matter?"

"Go in and talk!"

Old Chen said.

When the two entered the house, the door was immediately closed.

The house was decorated in an ordinary residential building, and someone brought hot tea to the two.

However, the two did not answer, instead they asked, "Is General Li there?

We have something to report to him. "

"The general is inside—" Humane said.

"Let's go in!"

The two looked at each other and walked to the bedroom on one side.

Knocked on the door, "General, this is Lao Chen, we are back, and we have something to report to you."

After a pause, a thick middle-aged man's voice came from inside, "Come in!"

The door opened, and it was dim inside, except for the corner of the bed, and there was a dim yellow lamp.

Sitting on the chair under the lamp is a middle-aged man in a trench coat who looks like his 50s.

Under the light, the man had a thin face and a sallow complexion, which seemed unhealthy.

However, when the two saw the man, they knelt on one knee and saluted in unison, "I have seen the general."

"Get up."

The man looked at the two, with a gentle voice in his voice, "Say, what do you want to report to me?"

The two looked at each other, and then said: "General, we have learned something at the Lion Hall. Today we ran into a master.

Originally, we wanted to invite him to come and cooperate together, but in the end..." Then, the two will encounter Chen Fei's causes and consequences and explain them to the general in detail.

After listening, the general thought slightly and said, "You said, that young man is very powerful, and he is from Huaxia?"

"Well, it should be."

Old Chen nodded.

General said: "Young Chinese martial arts expert, this reminds me of a person-Master Chen!"

"Master Chen!"

The two chewed the name, their eyes rolled, and they remembered it, and then they thought of something.

"General, you are talking about the Chinese warrior who was famous in the U.S. Young Warrior Competition last year?"

"Didn't he say that he was seriously injured later and returned to China to recover from his injuries?

Why will it appear in our Huaxia now? "

General said: "I'm just guessing. Who is it? It's still unclear."

Speaking of this, the general sighed, his face a little disappointed.

Upon seeing this, Old Chen hurriedly said: "General, we must find a way to invite the young man to help the general complete his career."

The general waved his hand and said, "Don't be impatient."

"Also, you have to remember.

Not to let others help me complete my career, but to invite everyone to work together for a win-win situation. "

"Just letting others help me is no good.

Do you think others will agree to it for no reason? "

The two were taken aback, and then nodded, "The general has taught me the truth, we will keep it in mind."

"Well, you are all old people who have been with me for decades, so you don't need to be so formal.

Go and rest! "

The general waved his hand.


The two walked back, closed the door and left the room.

Inside the room, plunged into darkness again.

The general in front of the lamp, his body that had been sitting upright, softened, his arms quickly supported the desk, so he didn't fall down.

He took a few heavy breaths, then took out a bottle of medicine from his pocket. After taking a few pills, this finally made his body better.

However, in the general's eyes, there was a look of anxiety and regret, and he whispered to himself, "My body, I don't know how long it will last.

Father’s last wish, I don’t know when it will be completed, hey! "

With a sigh, the general shook his head, ready to go back to bed and lie down.

But at this moment, a soft but clear voice came into the general’s ears, “If I’m not mistaken, the general’s injury should be an old injury to the lungs. He blindly recuperates, but he won’t deal with the injury. What are the benefits of recovery."

Hearing the sound, the general was instantly alert, his eyes suddenly became round, his body tightened, and he drew in a low voice, "Who!"

"The general needn't be nervous, I have no intentions."

The voice sounded again.

The general turned around and immediately saw a young man who was less than thirty years old, looking at him with a smile on his mouth.

Suddenly, the general's pupils shrank abruptly, and a look of tension flashed across his face.

However, after all, he was a person who had experienced major events, and he quickly recovered his expression, his eyes rolled, and he looked up and down at the young man behind him.

A few seconds later, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then he said, "If I'm not mistaken, you should be the young Chinese man whom Old Chen mentioned in the Lion Hall?"

Chen Fei smiled faintly, without concealment, and said lightly: "It's me!"

After getting the confirmation, the general's expression relaxed a little, and he said: "Old Chen and they said they watched you leave.

It seems that you are still too underestimated?

I didn't expect you to follow here silently. "

Chen Fei said indifferently: "What I encountered in the Lion Hall made me have to guard against it.

Please also forgive me. "

"I can understand."

The general smiled, "However, since Mr. Chen is willing to show up, it means that Mr. Chen wants to talk to us?"

Chen Fei smiled faintly, and said, "I hope to know more about Mr.".

The general was silent for a moment, then looked up at Chen Fei and nodded: "Yes.

I don't know what Mr. Chen wants to know? "

"Your identity, your power?

And why are you looking for me to cooperate? "

Chen Fei said.

The general looked at Chen Fei and said, "My name is Li Xucheng. Although my power is not big, I still have some contacts in Star City."

"How does it compare to Zhou's family?"

Chen Fei asked.

The general paused, then laughed, and said: "The Zhou family has developed well in Star City for so many years, but at best it can be considered a second-rate family.

My power may not be considered top-notch, but it is still stronger than Zhou's. "

Hearing this, Chen Fei was a little surprised.

In his original expectation, their power could be half as powerful as last week's family.

Unexpectedly, the opponent's power was even greater than expected, even stronger than the Zhou family.

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