
Chapter 2498: ?Clues found

He did not respond, but frowned, looking thoughtful.

If it is normal, Zhou Tianyu has the relationship with General Xu, and Chen Fei's help once is not a big deal.

But now the situation is different. One is the poor relationship with Zhou Qin, and the other is that Chen Fei does not want to participate too much in the local family struggle.

Therefore, Chen Fei did not speak for a long time.

Upon seeing this, Zhou Tianyu continued to request: "Xiao Chen, as long as you take one shot, what you want, as long as our Zhou family can do it, will never postpone it."

Chen Fei still did not let go.

Upon seeing this, Zhou Tianyu didn't say anything. Zhou Qin on the side curled his lips and said in an unhappy voice, "Dad, what are you begging for him to do in such a low voice! Didn't we invite Master Cai and his apprentice, why? Want him to take action.

Just a Chinese Takeshi? "

"Aqin, shut up!"

Zhou Tianyu stared at his daughter.

"I didn't say anything wrong."

Zhou Qin said in annoyance.

Zhou Tianyu wanted to say something. At this time, Chen Fei said, "Uncle Zhou, it's not that I didn't agree to take action for the Zhou family.

It's just that I have something to do when I come to Star City.

In terms of time, I can't guarantee that I can spare time. "

Hearing this, Zhou Tianyu felt a little regretful.

And Zhou Qin started firing again, "What excuses, is it just to see that my Zhou family didn't find someone for you?

It's ridiculous to speak so high-sounding. "

"You don't need to trouble Zhou's family to find someone.

I can do it myself! "

Chen Fei became impatient with Qin repeatedly twice this week, and said coldly.

Zhou Qin said: "What kind of brag.

You are a foreigner, just a few days after coming to Singdao, how do you check people?

Pretending to be forced requires capital. "

"This doesn't need Miss Zhou to worry about it."

Chen Fei said coldly.

Aside, Zhou Tianyu hurriedly pulled her daughter's clothes, winked at her and told her to shut up.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps, "Mr. Chen, you are here!"

"The information you want me to check already has clues."

Chen Fei turned his head and saw that it was Dahu who came here, "Wait a minute, go to my room and talk."

Immediately, Chen Fei got up and said to Zhou Tianyu: "Uncle Zhou, I have something to do, so I will leave first."

Zhou Tianyu's mouth moved. He wanted to keep it, but Chen Fei had already turned and left.

He could only sigh and sat down helplessly.

"It's all good things you did!"

Zhou Tianyu glared at his daughter Zhou Qin.

Zhou Qin looked dissatisfied, "I'm just telling the truth, Dad, why do you blame me.

Our Zhou family doesn't need that guy's help at all. "

"What do you know!"

Zhou Tianyu shouted in a low voice, "Chen Fei's strength is much stronger than you think.

You didn't see who was that person just now! The big tiger of the Tiger Gang! "

"He has only been here for a few days, so he can ask Dahu to do things for him.

Do you need to say more about this kind of strength? "

Zhou Tianyu said.

"Big Tiger Gang, Big Tiger!"

Zhou Qin was also a little surprised. After all, although the Tiger Gang was not at a high level, it was still quite famous in the underground world of Star Island.

Even their Zhou family had to cooperate with the Tiger Gang on certain matters.

However, after the surprise, Zhou Qin still looked disapproving, and said, "Isn't it the Tiger Gang?"

It's just a bunch of hooligans, what's the big deal. "

"You—" Zhou Tianyu glared at his daughter, so angry that he couldn't speak, he could only get up, "Get up, come home with me!"

Zhou Qin got up, but did not go with Zhou Tianyu, "Dad, go back alone, I have to go on a date."

"With that little boy again?

People of that kind don't have much contact with each other.

If you want to get married, just talk about it and don't mess around all day. "

Zhou Tianyu said.

"ok, ok, I got it."

Zhou Qin waved his hand impatiently, went out and drove his sports car, and left with a bang.

Only Zhou Tianyu's expression of helplessness was left, and finally sighed and shook his head: "I have done what I can do. What is the future of the Zhou family? Let's leave it to fate!"

………Chen Fei took the big tiger to his room, without obliviousness, and asked directly: "What did you find?"

Dahu quickly passed the information he found to Chen Fei.

Chen Fei received the information, and after reading it again, his expression became serious.

There is no content directly related to Lin Qiuhan in the investigation data.

However, the Tiger Gang found some news related to the Skull and Bones by taking advantage of its own background.

About two months ago, a group of Westerners began to enter Sing Tao, under the name of commercial investment cooperation, secretly contacting some local forces that bought Sing Tao.

Among them, some people have contacted the Tiger Gang.

However, Dahu did not want to get involved with these Westerners at that time, so he rejected them.

Those Westerners didn't get entangled either, and then they changed directions and contacted other forces.

The two sides didn't have much contact, so Dahu didn't take this matter seriously.

But yesterday, Chen Fei asked him to check information about the Skull and Bones.

After investigating, he discovered that the so-called Western businessmen two months ago had a faint relationship with Skeleton.

If you think about it this way, their so-called investment and cooperation cannot be that simple.

Originally, Dahu wanted to investigate further.

However, many of the forces that Westerners cooperate with are considered to be big bosses on Sing Tao, and it is impossible for the Tigers to directly investigate each other.

Besides, Dahu was worried about his life and couldn't wait to prove to Chen Fei that he was investigating seriously.

Therefore, after sorting out the information, he added his own guesses and sent it to Chen Fei today.

After reading it, Chen Fei nodded slightly, thinking about it in his heart.

Although these materials have no direct effect, they can be regarded as pointing out a direction.

So Chen Fei nodded to Dahu and said, "Good job, continue to investigate!"

"Yes, Mr. Chen!"

Dahu nodded quickly.

Then he looked at Chen Fei hesitantly with a flattering look, "Chen—" Chen Fei saw his thoughts and immediately understood his thoughts. With a flick of his finger, he struck the big tiger's dantian vigorously.

Then, Chen Fei said, "This Qi Jin can relieve the symptoms, and I will give you three more days."

"Thank you, Mr. Chen, thank you!"

Dahu quickly thanked him.

"Okay, let's go down!"

Chen Fei waved.

Dahu left.

Then, Chen Fei immediately contacted Li Xucheng and sent all the information and related clues that Dahu found to the other party.

After all, those powerful Tigers are not easy to investigate, and Li Xucheng shouldn't be too difficult.

Then, time flew fast, and in a blink of an eye, two days passed, and it was time for Zhou Yuan's birthday party.

The little girl called Chen Fei early, and Chen Fei confirmed some time and place, and agreed.

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