
Chapter 2501: ? Zhou Family "Sisterhood"

Zhou Yuan said: "Sister, Yao Wei will send the bell to him. I don't care, I don't need revenge."

"No need?"

Zhou Qin glared at Zhou Yuan and said in a deep voice, "It is no longer yours alone, nor can it be determined by your personal wishes."

"Yao Wei deliberately found faults and sent the clock.

That was a provocation to our entire Zhou family, and we must not let him go so easily. "

"But, sister, I don't want to—" Zhou Yuan still wanted to defend.

But Zhou Qin waved her hand, interrupted her, and said solemnly: "After today, you are also 18 years old and you are an adult. That kind of thing is nothing."

"Furthermore, Mr. Cai's master is Cai Yunhu, Master Cai, a guest of our Zhou family.

You are happy to accompany Master Cai, and you also make Master Cai happy. This is good for the whole family. "

"Besides, Mr. Cai is handsome, and it is your blessing to be with him."

Zhou Qin's high-sounding words left Zhou Yuan at a loss as to how to deal with it.

She felt wrong, but her tongue became tight and she didn't know how to refute her sister's words.

At this time, a big hand held Zhou Yuan's nervous jade hand, "Xiaoyuan, I will not hurt you."

"Brother Chen!"

Zhou Yuan raised her head and looked at Chen Fei, her nervous mood calmed down inexplicably.

"The surname is Chen, this is our Zhou family's business, when is it your turn to interrupt?"

Zhou Qin raised an eyebrow and looked over.

Chen Fei said, "Zhou Yuan is my friend, and her business is mine."

"Also, don't use your so-called family affairs to overwhelm Xiaoyuan, you are not worthy."

"Besides, that guy is not the opponent of Black Wolf at all.

Even if he shot, there was only one result, which was defeat. "

"You fart!"

Zhou Qin exploded directly.

Cai Gang, who had a smile at the corner of his mouth, sank at this moment, stared at Chen Fei, and said in a deep voice, "What did you say?"

"I said you are not the opponent of the black wolf, it is best not to make a move, otherwise you will definitely lose!"

Chen Fei said lightly.

"What are you, dare to judge me!"

Cai Gang's voice became fierce, and his eyes stared at Chen Fei fiercely.

At this time, Zhou Qin yelled, "Young Master Cai—" Cai Gang turned his head and found that Yao Wei and his party were about to leave the hotel.

He snorted coldly, and said coldly: "I will show you what strength is now."

"Miss Zhou Yuan, wait to spend a good night with me!"

After speaking, Cai Gang rushed out with a whistling sound.

Zhou Qin grabbed her sister's arm, pulled Zhou Yuan over, then glared at Chen Fei, and said, "You'd better leave my Zhou family alone."

"Betraying your sister and letting her accompany a strange man. Is this what you call housework?"

Chen Fei asked coldly.

"You—" Zhou Qin's complexion changed, but he forcedly explained, "Young Master Cai is a dragon and phoenix, and a martial artist is strong. I introduce Xiaoyuan to know him. That's a good thing."

However, just as Zhou Qin's voice just fell, a scream of ah suddenly sounded in the hotel.

Everyone's eyes were all attracted to the past.

Then, everyone saw that Cai Gang, who had just rushed out, was kicked to the ground, and his left arm was drooping softly, obviously interrupted.

And the black wolf on the opposite side, under his long hair, his eyes are more scarlet, and his whole person is like a hungry wolf hiding in the dark, ferocious and deadly.

"You, don't come over."

Cai Gang looked at the black wolf with surprise and fear, his body kept backing away.

But the black wolf approached step by step, and the aura on his body was oppressive.

"I am Cai Yunhu's disciple. If you dare to move me, my master won't let go—" Cai Gang moved out of his master.

However, the black wolf on the opposite side didn't give face at all, and his body flashed, rushing to Cai Gang like a fierce wolf.

"Crack, click, click!"

With a few more noises, Cai Gang's right arm and legs were all broken.

The screams soared into the sky, almost overturning the hotel.

Zhou Qin, who was screaming at Chen Fei just now, was also dumbfounded.

She didn't expect that the disciple of Master Cai Yunhu would not be able to defeat one of Yao Wei's guards.

She didn't want to believe it, but Cai Gang's screams reminded her that this is the truth.

In desperation, Zhou Qin could only wave his hand hurriedly and let the rest of the servants step forward, wanting to bring Cai Gang back.

However, the subordinate walked over, but was stopped by the black wolf, unable to approach at all.

"Yao Wei, what are you doing!"

Zhou Qin shouted when he saw this.

With a sneer at the corner of his mouth, Yao Wei looked at Zhou Qin, "I want to ask Miss Zhou, what are you going to do?"

"I'm going to take my people and leave, but you make people take action against me.

Miss Zhou, this kind of thing is hard to say! "

"That's also your provocation first!"

Zhou Qin grinned his neck and said.

"I give gifts well, why is it a provocation?"

Yao Wei said, then his face sank, and he stepped forward, and his voice became low, "Miss Zhou, twice, let me be the first to let people do something to me, you have to give me an explanation!"

Seeing Yao Wei approaching, Zhou Qin gritted his teeth and said, "You, what do you want?"

Yao Wei grinned, looked at Zhou Yuan, and smiled evilly: "Isn't Miss Zhou going to let her sister grow up and spend a good night with others?"

"It's better than I do it for you and let your sister really grow up."

"You are shameless!"

Zhou Yuan was angry and angry, her pretty face flushed.

Zhou Qin also said: "Yao Wei, don't go too far."

Yao Wei snorted coldly, "Excessive?

I was too much, so what?

I will put my words here. Today, either I will beat up your sisters or let your sister come with me. You can choose for yourself! "

While talking, the black wolf behind Yao Wei burst out with a fierce aura and pressed towards Zhou Qinwei.

Zhou Qin suddenly felt a terrifying pressure on him, and his body shivered uncontrollably.

She didn't want to agree, but at this moment, almost all of the Zhou family's guards fell to the ground, relying on Cai Gang's greatest force, and her limbs were broken and she passed out in pain.

If Yao Wei really let the black wolf do it, Zhou Qin would not have any resistance.

And thinking of the consequences of being beaten up by the black wolf, Zhou Qin trembled, really scared in his heart.

Thinking of this, she turned her gaze to Zhou Yuan and whispered: "Xiaoyuan, or you can accompany—" "Sister, it's impossible. Even if I die, I won't agree."

Zhou Yuan said firmly.

"You, the cause of today's event is not because of your birthday dinner."

Zhou Qin said, "Besides, if you sacrifice, it's better than both of us being beaten!"

"Sister, you, how can you—" Zhou Yuan cried in her voice.

She never expected that Zhou Qin would say such a thing.

When faced with danger, my sister, she did not hesitate to shirk all the responsibility on herself, and then sold herself.

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