
Chapter 2507: ?believe it or not

"How can it be?

How could Xiaoyuan--" Zhou Qin was surprised for a while.

Su Jing also opened his mouth wide, his face full of surprise.

But then, he thought of something and said: "The Huaxia kid said just now, he can help get the ticket for the private room, could it be him--" "How is it possible?"

That guy is a reckless martial artist, how could he--" Zhou Qin instinctively denied it.

But at this time, when the music sounded on the stage, Anita took Zhou Yuan's hand, spoke softly, and began to sing.

After Anita finished singing, it was Zhou Yuan's turn to speak.

Under the spotlight, it can be clearly seen that Zhou Yuan is a little nervous, holding the microphone tightly in her right hand, her face tense.

But as Zhou Yuan spoke and the singing came out, the scene fell silent.

Everyone looked at Zhou Yuan with surprise.

After the silence, there was a buzzing sound of discussion.

"This singing is so nice. Isn't this really a professional singer?"

"Ethereal and clean.

It sounds too comfortable. "

"One is skilled, the other is ethereal, it fits so perfectly."

………Not only ordinary audiences are discussing, but many big figures in the Star City entertainment industry in the private room are also discussing at this moment.

"This singing voice, this talent, is too strong."

"Although there are still some deficiencies in skills, this natural agility is already attractive enough."

"Quickly check her information and try to sign her."

"Yes, you should check it out!"

"Pharaoh, you are not authentic, I will decide first, how can you compete with me?"

"Old Li, this kind of genius is not something that comes first.

Who can sign her depends on his own ability. "

"Okay, okay, stop fighting.

According to me, none of you can sign her! "

"Old Liu, what do you mean by this, do you deliberately pour our cold water?"

"Hehe, I'm not pouring cold water on you, but just telling the truth.

Think about it, what is this girl's name--" "Zhou, Zhou Yuan--could it be that she is from the Zhou family--" "You guessed it, she is the illegitimate daughter of Zhou Tianhao, the current Patriarch of the Zhou family.

Do you think Zhou's family will let her enter the entertainment industry? "

"Hey, I didn't expect it to be from the Zhou family. There is no chance now."

"Old man Zhou dislikes the entertainment industry the most and will not allow his children to be singers."

………Amidst all kinds of surprises and discussions, Anita and Zhou Yuan finished the song, and the lingering sound made people intoxicated.

There was enthusiastic applause at the scene, and Anita took Zhou Yuan and bowed to the audience.

Many of the excited audience members were still shouting "One more song, one more song", and the atmosphere was very warm.

At this moment, Zhou Qin, who was sitting in the front row, looked at the brilliant Zhou Yuan on the stage with a gloomy expression and ugly face. He bit his lip and whispered: "How could this be?

How could her luck be so good? "

However, she then changed her mind and snorted coldly, "Hmph, let you show up outside.

Grandpa knows about this when you go back. It's better for you. "

At the same time, Zhou Yuan returned to the background.

Chen Fei greeted him with a smile, "I just said, Xiaoyuan, you can do it.

Look, it's not bad! "

Zhou Yuan patted her chest, still a little lingering, "Brother Chen, you are too messy.

You don't know, I was so frightened that I almost couldn't make a sound when I came to the stage. "

"Haha, Xiaoyuan, you are very talented, and you can be a singer in the future!"

Chen Fei smiled.

"I really like singing, but my grandfather--" At this point, Zhou Yuan's face turned dark.

"What's wrong with your grandpa?"

Chen Fei asked.

Zhou Yuan waved her hand and said, "It's okay, it's nothing.

Brother Chen, I really want to thank you today. I didn't expect that I would have the opportunity to meet Anita in person, get her photo and autograph, and even sing with her on stage.

This is all brought to me by Brother Chen. "

"Just thank you Brother Chen, don't you thank me?"

Anita came over at some point and joked.

"Ah! Miss Anita, thank you, I, I don't know--" Zhou Yuan was a little excited, and she couldn't say anything for a while.

Upon seeing this, Anita smiled and patted Zhou Yuan on the shoulder, and said: "Don't be nervous, we are all friends of Chen Fei, this kind of trivial matter is nothing."

After that, Anita said to Chen Fei: "Chen, I still have a celebration banquet tonight, so I won't delay the two of you.

Contact back. "

Chen Fei nodded and said, "Call back."

Anita left, and Chen Fei and Zhou Yuan also walked out of the backstage.

At this moment, Zhou Yuan was still a little dreamlike, and she didn't recover from the excitement just now.

"I'll take you back!"

Seeing Zhou Yuan's appearance, Chen Fei knew that this little girl might not be able to sleep tonight.

The two left the gymnasium and came to the parking lot, ready to drive away.

And not far from their side, Zhou Qin stood at the exit, and Su Jing picked up the car on the other side.

When the two parties met, the atmosphere was a bit strange.

Or Zhou Yuan took the initiative to speak: "Sister Zhou Yuan, I--" "Want to show off to me?

Save it.

Think about it for yourself, how to explain to grandpa when you go back. "

Zhou Qin snorted coldly, with no good expressions.

Zhou Yuan quickly explained: "Sister, I'm not showing off, I just--" "Stop talking, I'm not interested in knowing about you."

Zhou Qin waved his hand.

Zhou Yuan bowed her head and stopped talking.

Zhou Qin also turned his head, folded his arms on his chest, unbearable for the two of them.

At this time, Su Jing's car started and drove toward this side.

Chen Fei suddenly remembered something and took the initiative to walk to Zhou Qin's side.

"what are you doing?"

Zhou Qin looked at Chen Fei warily.

Chen Fei looked at her coldly, and said lightly: "I have something, I want to remind you."


Zhou Qin frowned.

Chen Fei continued: "Just two days ago, I saw Su Jing interacting with a woman. The other party may be from the Yao family."

"How can it be?"

Zhou Qin instinctively denied it, and then looked at Chen Fei with a skeptical look, "You are instigating my relationship with Su Jing, what is your peace of mind?"

Chen Fei snorted coldly: "The reason why I remind you is because of the relationship between your father Zhou Tianyu and General Xu.

As for whether you believe it or not, that is your question. "

After speaking, Chen Fei directly turned around, returned to Zhou Yuan, got in the car and started, and drove away with a bang.

Zhou Qin looked in the direction of Chen Fei, frowned, and muttered to himself: "Su Jing and Yao's family, no, how could it be--" "Aqin, get in the car!"

At this moment, Su Jing drove over, with a sweet smile on Jun Lang's face, and Zhou Qin's body trembled.

"Su Jing loves me, he said he only loves me.

He will not betray me. "

After thinking silently in my heart, Zhou Qin got into the car and went.

From Chen Fei's side, Zhou Yuan returned to her residence, and then returned to the hotel by herself.

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