
Chapter 2517: ?Yao Yutian

Knowing the internal cause, many members of the Zhou family couldn't help but cheer up.

"With Luo Laoba, you will definitely win this game!"

"If we can get back one-third of the family property, our Zhou family can be considered stable."

"No need to live on the street."

………It’s just that, under the joy of everyone, there is no scruples about Zhou Yuan, who is regarded as a bet on the side.

A quarter of an hour later, Zhou Tianhao returned, and with him was Luo Laoba, a middle-aged man with a bald head in his forties.

Seeing Luo Laoba, everyone in the Zhou family showed a touch of joy, and their expressions were a little excited.

Immediately, everyone in the Zhou family looked at the Yao family, wanting to know the warrior sent by the other party.

In their eyes, Yao Yuhan showed a smile at the corner of his mouth, looked at Zhou Duanwu, and said, "Lao Zhou invited Luo Laoba. No wonder he is so confident!"

"Patriarch Yao also knows Luo Ba, so send someone as soon as possible!"

Zhou Duanwu said solemnly, with a touch of confidence on his face.

He didn't believe that Yao Yuhan could find a warrior who could compete with Luo Laoba in such a short period of time.

After all, although Sing Tao is a country, it has only one city and its area is not too big.

The number of warriors who reached this realm in the late stage of the heavenly ranks was also very small.

It is precisely this point that makes Zhou Duanwu so confident.

However, at this moment, Yao Yuhan smiled and said, "Older Zhou, don't worry, our Yao family members have already been selected."

"Come out!"

Yao Yuhan clapped his hands.

A middle-aged man with long hair and a black long sword stepped out.

"this is?"

Everyone in the Zhou family looked at it, and there was a look of doubt on their faces.

At this time, Yao Yuhan bowed to the man and said respectfully: "Brother, it's your turn to play."

"Big Brother!"

Upon hearing this name, the Zhou family all changed their expressions.

"Big brother, he, he is Yao Yutian."

"Twenty years ago, the famous Wu Chi Yao Yutian on Singdao."

"Isn't he missing?

Why are you back now? "

………Amidst the noisy discussion, someone posted the information on the spot on the Internet, which immediately caused a lot of heated discussion on the Internet.

Many netizens recalled the scene 20 years ago.

Back then, Yao Yutian, the eldest son of the Yao family, had outstanding martial arts talents, reaching the heavenly realm in his early twenties.

The old man of the Yao family wants to pass on the position of Patriarch to Yao Yutian.

But Yao Yutian was not interested in this, instead, he was fascinated by martial arts and challenged countless Singdao martial artists to seek a breakthrough in martial arts.

In three years, he has won almost all the well-known warriors on Sing Tao, and his strength has improved to the late stage of heaven.

At that time, Xingdao, except for a few masters who were reclusive and unwilling to shoot, it could almost be said that Yao Yutian was the number one warrior of Xingdao.

After playing all over the island, Yao Yutian, who was obsessed with martial arts, left the island to seek challenges, and went to Southeast Asia, to the island country, to Korea, and even to China to challenge the martial artists there.

In the first few years, news of Yao Yutian's victory over other martial arts masters will be sent back from time to time.

But later, Yao Yutian entered China and challenged a master of the four heavenly sects. After the defeat, he was nowhere to be found. For more than ten years, there was no news.

Therefore, the Yao family and even the people of Xingdao thought that Yao Yutian failed the challenge and died in China.

……… Such a person who had not heard from him for more than ten years came back at this moment, which Zhou Duanwu never expected.

Moreover, more than ten years ago, Yao Yutian, who was only in his twenties, reached the late stage of the heavenly realm, which was comparable to Luo Laoba.

Now, more than ten years have passed, it is impossible to believe how far Yao Yutian's strength has progressed.

"Dad, Yao Yutian is back, Luo Laoba is not his opponent, this is pushing Xiaoyuan into the fire pit!"

Zhou Tianyu couldn't help but said.

Zhou Duanwu's body trembled, his complexion was very ugly, and his mouth moved. "This, this—" Yao Yuhan on the opposite side saw this and said coldly: "What's wrong with Zhou Lao?

Do you want to regret it? "

"Today, the gambling agreement between our two families is witnessed by the entire Sing Tao people.

Older Zhou had better think about the consequences of repentance. "

"I, I didn't regret it!"

Zhou Duanwu said with difficulty.

"That's good! Let's get started!"

Yao Yuhan said.

"Dad, Xiaoyuan, she--" Zhou Tianyu was a little anxious.

But Zhou Duanwu said solemnly: "Yao Yutian was great back then, doesn't mean that he is great now.

Perhaps, he was injured in a challenge in China, and now his strength may decline.

We don't necessarily lose—"It's just that Zhou Duanwu didn't finish talking.

The opposite Yao Yutian looked up at Luo Laoba, his eyes like electricity.

With just a glance, Luo Laoba changed his color in an instant, and hurriedly said to Zhou Duanwu: "Lao Zhou, I can't participate in this competition.

I quit! "

"Luo Ba, you--" Zhou Duanwu was shocked, "You think you have too little money, I can add more money."

Luo Laoba shook his head and said, "This is not a question of money.

It's the opponent's problem. That person's aura is much stronger than me. At least he is the peak of the heavenly rank, or even the warrior of the semi-god realm. I am not his opponent, and I will undoubtedly lose. "

"How can it be?

Can you be mistaken? "

Zhou Duanwu said in surprise.

"I am a warrior, this kind of feeling can't be wrong! In short, I will not participate in this competition.

Goodbye! "

Luo Laoba arched his hands at Zhou Duanwu, and walked away quickly in front of everyone.

At this time, everyone in the Zhou family looked at each other for a while, with very ugly expressions.

On the other side, Yao Yuhan narrowed his eyes and smiled, "Old Zhou, what's going on?

The competition is about to begin.

Or, change the Zhou family. "

"I, I--" Even Zhou Duanwu didn't expect such a thing to happen at all. At this moment, he was dumbfounded and could not speak at all.

"If you can't change people, then you will give in by default."

Yao Yuhan said.

Yao Wei couldn't wait, and pointed at Zhou Yuan and said, "She is mine. Bring her here. I want her."

Talker, the Yao family came over to Zhou Yuan and was about to arrest someone.

Zhou Yuan was shocked and wanted to struggle, but she was an eighteen-year-old girl, where was the opponent's martial artist's opponent.

At Zhou's side, Zhou Tianyu looked anxious, but couldn't make a move.

The rest of the Zhou family bowed their heads and remained silent, as if they wanted to pretend not to see this scene.

"No, don't—" Zhou Yuan's voice became more and more heartbreaking.

The sound of crying, like needles, pierced the hearts of the Zhou family fiercely.

However, there is still no one to move.

Seeing that Zhou Yuan was about to be taken away, at this critical moment, a vigorous voice rang, "Stop!"

In an instant, everyone in the martial arts hall looked at the source of the sound.

At the entrance of the martial arts hall, in the light, a slightly thin figure stepped in.

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