
Chapter 2537: ?Latest clues

When everyone came to the neighborhood and saw the battle, they were all stunned.

"The corpse is the corpse of Hall Master He.

Hall Master He is dead, those four have lost? "

"Arnold is also dead, they are defeated, they must be defeated."

"All four of them are dead, Master Chen won."

"It's too strong! With one enemy four, you killed them all!"

"Where is Master Chen?

how is he? "

………Li Xucheng trot to Chen Fei, looked at Chen Fei who was motionless, with a worried expression on his face, and asked: "Mr. Chen, are you okay?"

Chen Fei shook his head lightly, and said lightly: "I'm fine!"

Then Chen Fei stood up.

He swept his gaze, seeing everyone around him, his eyes suddenly condensed.

Because, he found that someone even took the opportunity to sneak up on the tomb of the lion **** of war.


With a stern shout, a rolling sound wave hit, and directly rushed the man dozens of meters away.

Seeing that Chen Fei still had such strength, the others were shocked and backed off quickly.

The scene was quiet again in an instant, and only Chen Fei and Li Xucheng were left.

"Mr. Chen, how about we send you back to rest for a while!"

Li Xucheng Road.

Chen Fei shook his head and said, "I'm fine.

Let's go to your father's grave first! "

"This—" Li Xucheng was still a little worried.

But Chen Fei had already entered the tomb first, and Li Xucheng hurriedly led others to follow.

The tomb is not big, and there are not many things.

Except for the coffin of the lion war **** Li Yaohui, there are only some of his personal belongings, but apart from a few weapons, they are basically rotten.

Several people checked carefully, and nothing precious happened.

As for the legend that Li Yaohui reached the realm of **** level and left a mad lion core, it is even more nonsense.

Because Li Yaohui's own strength hasn't reached the realm of God level, it is impossible to leave any cores.

On the contrary, Li Xucheng found a pendant left by his father in the coffin, and he carefully put it away.

Because, in the pendant, there are inlaid photos of their family of three.

Afterwards, the group left the tomb.

Li Xucheng asked his subordinates to carry out his father's coffin and prepare to re-bury his father.

And he, accompanied by Chen Fei, returned to the Star City Center Hotel.

When the two returned, news about the battle had spread in the Star City. Almost all the people in the streets were talking about the battle in the forest to the north.

Various words such as Master Chen, Demigod, Skull and Bones, etc., constantly popped up from passers-by.

On the Internet, information about this war is spreading at a faster rate.

People are madly talking about things on the Internet.

I have experienced it on the spot. I talked about the cause and effect of the incident and posted it on the Internet, which attracted countless discussions.

Someone was shocked by the power of Chen Fei and the four demigods.

Some people also questioned the truth and falsehood of this story, saying that Chen Fei is less than 30 years old, it is impossible to be so powerful! Others say this is an official conspiracy of Star City.

In short, a mixture of fish and dragons, all kinds of news are mixed together, true and false, false and true, making people completely unable to distinguish between true and false.

However, the focus of this battle was originally the tomb, but now it has become Chen Fei and the four demigod opponents.

Among all kinds of fictitious and real news, an anonymous netizen suddenly released a video.

The video content is exactly the scene of the live battle.

The direction of video shooting is from a high-altitude bird's-eye view, which should be taken with satellite surveillance.

Because of the height, no detailed specific battle scenes can be seen.

But you can see the intensity of this battle.

All kinds of streamers are flying, all kinds of vigorous whistling, and there are shocking explosions and shocks.

Although everyone can't distinguish the so-called martial arts, they can't see the subtlety of the moves.

But the final result can still be seen by them.

The four demi-god masters all fell, and only Chen Fei remained standing at the end.

In this way, it is natural to see who wins and who loses, who is strong and who is weak.

And the name of Master Chen Fei Chen quickly spread on the Internet, especially in the eyes of the martial arts circles, it was widely spread once.

Chen Fei before, although he was quite famous.

After all, the US war also caused a lot of fluctuations on the Internet.

But at that time, Chen Fei still shot as the champion of the International Youth Martial Arts Conference. Even if the potential is good, in the eyes of everyone, it is just a potential stock.

Although he was at that time, he killed dozens of U.S. warriors, and even famous masters like Beria.

But in the end, Xu Junshan, the God of War of China, appeared, and a battle with Steve, the God of Stars and Stripes of the United States, took Chen Fei's star.

Many people think that Chen Fei's brilliant record should be done secretly by Xu Junshan.

Therefore, although the previous Chen Fei was strong, he was in the eyes of the martial artists in the world.

It's just a good seedling, not a big tree.

But now, after this battle, everyone's impression of Chen Fei has completely changed.

At this moment, he is definitely a big tree in the world of martial arts, even a big tree in the sky.

After all, being able to defeat four demigod masters with more than five hundred martial intents is not something ordinary martial artists can do.

As a result, speculation about Chen Fei's realm of strength, the number of martial arts, and his ranking in the world martial arts world, all caused a lot of heated discussions on the Internet.

It's just that Chen Fei has no interest in these hot discussions.

On the contrary, he seemed a little depressed at this moment.

Because he came to save his wife Lin Qiuhan.

Originally, he thought he could find the Skull and Bones in Star City and rescue his wife.

But after World War I, the Skull and Bones Society was found and the man was killed, but the clue to his wife Lin Qiuhan was broken.

This made Chen Fei feel frustrated and worried.

He asked Li Xucheng to help investigate, hoping to find relevant clues.

Li Xucheng also spared no effort and buried his father again.

He regained the Lion Hall, launched the Lion Hall and his own forces, and investigated relevant clues with all his strength.

However, after one round of investigation, it was only possible to find out that Lin Qiuhan had indeed been taken to Star City, but there was no news of whereabouts afterwards.

This result made Chen Fei annoyed.

Just when Chen Fei was worried and was ready to return to China.

Suddenly, Li Xucheng hurriedly came to Chen Fei's room, panting and saying: "Mr. Chen, yes, there is news."

"What's the news?"

Chen Fei, who was packing his luggage, asked.

Li Xucheng excitedly said: "Lin, Miss Lin has news."


Chen Fei was taken aback, rushed over, held Li Xucheng's shoulders, and said excitedly, "What news, where is Qiuhan?"

"Mr. Chen, look at this!"

Li Xucheng turned on the computer and clicked on a web page for Chen Fei to watch.

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