
Chapter 2544: ?Can you afford it?

At this moment, the police's expression sank and he pulled the trigger.

Suddenly, there was a "bang" shot.

The four people in the detention room were pale with fright and fell to the ground.

"It's over, it's over."

But at this moment, Chen Fei's figure looked like a phantom, and suddenly a flicker appeared directly in front of the police.

Immediately, a burst of "clicks" sounded one after another.

The policeman guarding the door suddenly discovered that the gun in his hand, at some point, was completely deformed and turned into a pile of scrap iron.

There seemed to be traces of five fingers on the twisted pistol.

"This—you—" The police were shocked.

At this time, Chen Fei had already arrived in front of the policeman who fired the gun, and squeezed a deformed bullet into the hands of the chief, with a calm and cold voice, "Gun, don't shoot it casually.

Otherwise, you won't stand here next time. "

"You, who are you?"

The policeman who opened the gun was so frightened that his body trembled.

Chen Fei said indifferently: "It doesn't matter who I am. What's important is that you don't follow the rules.

It is not appropriate to let the perpetrators go, but keep our victims here. "

"I, I—" the policeman wanted to explain.

Chen Fei waved his hand and said, "You don't need to explain to me, you can explain it carefully when the next person comes."

"People, who?"

The policeman asked.

Chen Fei did not answer, but at this moment, a sound of footsteps came quickly, and a group of people hurried toward this side.

The person who rushed to the front was surprisingly Aiden. He rushed past many police officers and came to Chen Fei, saying: "Mr. Chen, I am here."

"What are you—" The police saw Aiden who broke in suddenly and was about to ask.

But at this time, behind Aiden, a group of people came in.

The leader was his boss, and the police chief walked in.

Behind the director are well-known lawyers and reporters from the film country.

"Director, what is going on?"

The police were stunned.

The director gave him a stern look and said: "Leave it all away. It is Young Master Aiden Blaise and his friend."

Upon hearing this name, the police were even more shocked.

The name of the Blaze family can be said to be like a legend in the shadow country, how do they know it.

Aiden Blaze is also a well-known figure among the younger generation of film country.

Now that such a big man is here, it is no wonder that the director, well-known lawyers and reporters are all dispatched.

"Say, what the **** is going on?"

The chief looked at the police and asked.

The policeman who opened the gun hesitated for a while, some not knowing how to speak.

At this time, Chen Fei stepped forward and said lightly: "Director, what happened, let me talk to you!"

"Mr. Chen, please speak!"

The director was very polite to Chen Fei.

Chen Fei then recounted what happened.

After listening, the chief's eyes widened, and he shouted to the policeman who opened the gun, "How did you do it?"

Such trivial matters can't be handled well. "

"Me, me? It's just—" "Just what, don't let me go!"

The Secretary shouted angrily.

The shooting police quickly nodded and said yes, and hurriedly greeted the subordinates.

In the detention room, the four people who were frightened to the ground were surprised to see the scene now.

Then, a smile appeared unconsciously on his face.

Immediately, the middle-aged couple sorted their clothes and stepped out.

The mother and daughter of Huafu also hurriedly got up, ready to follow out.

But at this moment, Chen Fei glanced at the two of them and said to the policeman: "I don't know them, their business has nothing to do with me."

"Uh-" The policeman was taken aback for a moment, and then understood what was going on, so he said, "Bring them both back."


The police immediately took action and stuffed the Huafu mother and daughter back into the detention room.

The mother and daughter of Huafu suddenly panicked, and hurriedly shouted.

"I am with them!"

"Little brother, take us along!"

Chen Fei glanced at the two coldly, and said coldly, "Are you with me?

If I remember correctly, some people just said that they were dragged down by me, and it has nothing to do with me! "

Huafu's mother looked stiff, and then squeezed out a smile, explaining: "Little brother, we were impulsive before, and we were talking nonsense.

We were wrong! "

"It's over if one sentence is wrong! Humph!"

Chen Fei gave a cold snort.

After hearing the words, the girl in Chinese clothes pointed at Chen Fei with an arrogant look, "Let's talk about how much money do you need to take us out together.

You count, my family can afford it. "

"how much is it?"

Chen Fei squinted at the Huafu girl, "Do you think I am for the money and deliberately embarrass you?"

The Huafu girl held her head high and said, "Isn't it! You should have heard that my dad is a senior manager, and my family has emigrated, so he pretended to be pretending to be good for nothing."

Let's talk, how much do you want! "

Seeing the other party's arrogant appearance, Chen Fei smiled directly, shook his head, and said, "How much?

One billion, can you afford it? "

"One hundred million, you--" The Huafu girl's words were choked in her throat, and she couldn't say the second half.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei snorted coldly, "Don't be so arrogant if you can't afford it, just a joke."

After speaking, Chen Fei turned around, took the middle-aged couple and left the police station directly.

The mother and daughter in Huafu who shouted loudly behind him were completely ignored.

"Shut up, don't shout!"

With a stern shout, the police screamed the mother and daughter in Huafu and backed away in fright.

In the detention room, the mother and daughter huddled in the corner.

"That guy, it was too much to leave us here."

The girl in the Chinese clothes looked resentful, "That guy, the lion opened his mouth and asked for 100 million yuan."

……… Outside the police station, Chen Fei expressed his gratitude to Aiden, and then sent the middle-aged couple back to the hotel.

Immediately, Chen Fei returned to the hotel by himself.

In the evening of the next day, Chen Fei took the invitation letter and took a taxi to the Blaze family, preparing to attend the family dinner.

An hour later, when Chen Fei got out of the car and looked at the quaint and majestic castle in front of him, he couldn't help but sigh.

"It deserves to be the great nobleman of Shadow Nation, this kind of big castle is no worse than that of Hampton Palace."

After tidying up his clothes, Chen Fei stepped towards the entrance of the castle.

Near the entrance, many luxury cars came one after another.

A man and woman in a formal dress got out of the car and walked into the castle.

Judging from the exclamation of the onlookers, these guests are obviously well-known big figures in the movie country.

The rich, high-ranking officials, and celebrities are constantly coming.

In contrast, Chen Fei, who is dressed in casual clothes, seems a little out of place in this environment.

However, Chen Fei didn't care about this either. After sweeping the crowd, he walked towards the entrance.

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