
Chapter 2547: ?Suspect area

Sir Blaze glanced at Chen Fei in surprise, paused slightly, and then said: "Since Mr. Chen said this, then I won't be nonsense."

"Mr. Chen what you need, I have heard Aiden say.

You need information from Miss Lin Qiuhan, I can provide it.

Even some help within our capacity, we Blaze family can also try our best. "

Speaking of this, Sir Blaze looked at Chen Fei and paused slightly, then his tone sank slightly, and he continued.

"And our Blaze family needs Mr. Chen for you to do very simple, participate in a competition."

"Competition! What competition?"

Chen Fei asked.

Sir Bleds explained: "Ayden should have told you Mr. Chen that among the top nobles in the film country, our Bleds family has gradually fallen behind in recent years."

"So, our family needs victory to boost morale and get benefits at the same time."

This request was in Chen Fei's expectation. He was not surprised, his face was indifferent, and he asked aloud: "What is the test, and with whom?

"The date of the test is just one week later.

At that time, it will be Pentecost of our shadow country.

Ordinary people will go to the church on this day to receive gifts from the church and beg for good luck in the coming year. "

"And our big families will have a competition with other big families on this day, under the witness of the temple, to divide the share of benefits in the coming year."

"So, can Mr. Chen understand?"

Chen Fei nodded and said, "I understand.

You asked me to represent your Blaze family to win the next competition and fight for your family's benefits. "

Sir Blaise nodded and said, "That's exactly what I meant.

I wonder if Mr. Chen is willing to agree? "

Chen Fei was silent for a few seconds, then looked at Rossetti Blaze, and said: "If you want me to play, I can agree.

But before agreeing, I need you to prove that you have what I need, not lying to me. "

"That's natural!"

Sir Blaze nodded, then beckoned to Aiden, "Ayden, show those things to Mr. Chen."

Aiden nodded, and then came to Chen Fei with a laptop.

"Mr. Chen, you want to know about Miss Lin Qiuhan.

In order to show my sincerity, I will show you the information we know now. "

After speaking, Aiden clicked on a video.

In the video playback, in the screen, there are several black-clothed men with a young woman.

Although the picture was a little fuzzy [567 Chinese], Chen Fei recognized it at a glance, and the young woman was his wife Lin Qiuhan.

"Where was it taken, and when was it taken?"

Chen Fei asked hurriedly.

"This was taken on a street in the third district of Wudu a week ago.

There is more information, you can take a look at Mr. Chen. "

With that said, Aiden continued to click on the videos one by one, and they began to play.

At the same time, Aiden also explained to Chen Fei: "We combed these videos and finally inferred the other party's general course of action.

Finally, a few areas were roughly determined. If there are no problems, the group of people who kidnapped Miss Lin should be in these areas. "

With that said, Aiden clicked on a map of the foggy city, using red lines to frame several areas inside.

Seeing this, Chen Fei couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and his lips pursed.

Aiden saw this and said, "Mr. Chen, if you need it.

Our Blaze family can provide a certain amount of manpower to secretly investigate these areas. "

"Of course, in order not to provoke an alarm, the manpower cannot be too much, and the investigation cannot be too much.

Otherwise, after the other party finds out, it will be troublesome to move the place. "

Chen Fei took a deep breath, looked at Sir Rossetti Blaze, nodded, and solemnly said, "I agree to this deal."

"Then I wish us a happy cooperation."

Sir Blaise smiled and stretched out his right hand.

Chen Fei also stretched out his hand, shook hands with him, and said, "Happy cooperation."

After the negotiation, Chen Fei bid farewell to Sir Blaze and left together with Aiden.

Originally, Aiden invited Chen Fei to join the next party, but Chen Fei had no interest in these and left directly.

Back at the hotel, Chen Fei sorted out all the information he got today.

Early the next morning, Chen Fei changed his outfit, took a newspaper, and drove to an old industrial area, entered it, and began to wander around casually.

This old industrial area is one of several possible areas pointed out by Aiden.

After Chen Fei confirmed the location last night, he came out to investigate today.

He did not choose to let the Blaze family help, but chose to be alone.

There are two main considerations for how to do it.

One is, as Aiden said, too many manpower and too much movement make it easy to get started.

Second, Chen Fei did not fully believe in Aiden. It is better to be more cautious about this kind of things related to the safety of his wife.

In this way, Chen Fei spent a whole day strolling in the industrial zone, checking almost all of this area.

But there was no gain, and Chen Fei was not discouraged.

After a day's rest, the next day, he chose another area and started exploring again.

In this way, for several days, Chen Fei rushed around in the fog, secretly investigating suspicious areas.

However, after checking all the suspicious areas, Chen Fei did not find any useful information.

He can only temporarily stop the investigation, and then contact Aiden to ask him to help check it, and he can find more information from time to time.

While waiting, Chen Fei lay on the big hotel bed, watching the English program on TV boredly.

Suddenly, a piece of news attracted his attention.

Because the content of the news is a marriage news.

Two days later, the famous singer Anita is about to marry Renee Walton, the second son of the Marquis Walton.

One is a popular singer and the other is a veteran noble son.

Such a combination instantly detonated the entertainment circle of the film country and attracted countless discussions.

Although Chen Fei had known the news for a long time, he was still a little surprised when he saw the news on TV at the moment, "Why is it so fast?

When she was in Star Island, didn't Anita say that there is still a while?

Why is it suddenly ahead of schedule? "

Thinking of this, Chen Fei couldn't help but fetched the phone and called Anita. The phone rang for a while before connecting.

"Anita, this is Chen Fei."

"Chen Fei! Are you okay?"

Anita's voice seemed tired.

Chen Fei immediately explained: "I was in Wudu, and I just saw the marriage news between you and Renee on TV.

Why is it so fast, isn't it still a while? "

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