
Chapter 2557: ?Play against Starscream

Such a scene really exceeded everyone's expectations.

Especially the people who had a lot of discussions and said that Chen Fei was determined to lose, at this moment, looked at the scene on the arena with a dumbfounded expression on their faces, and couldn't speak at all.

The rest were surprised.

"This, is this true?

Chen Fei unexpectedly defeated Shane Battier. "

"Moreover, I won head-to-head, what realm has the strength of Master Chen reached!"

"It turns out that the Blaze family was prepared long ago!"

... On the side of the Blaze family, Aiden and his father breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

On the side of the Walton family who had been gloating, Renee Walton's complexion sank visibly, staring at Chen Fei on the stage.

As for the Howard family, there was a wave of frowns, obviously not expecting Battier to be defeated.

...On the stage, Chen Fei watched Battier, who was struggling constantly and wanted to get up, and said lightly: "Don't waste your effort, you have lost."

Battier frowned, gritted his teeth fiercely, trying to use his best to bounce Chen Fei away.

But he just applied his strength and his body was less than five centimeters away from the ground.

At this moment, Chen Fei frowned, snorted coldly, and stepped down with his right foot.

Suddenly, Battier, who went all out, felt that his strength had increased a bit.

It was a heavy force that he couldn't resist at all, like a mountain.

Pressing it down so directly, instantly pressed Battier back off the ground.

Even, the huge force squeezed Battier's body, causing his internal organs to slowly compress, and an uncomfortable feeling surged into his heart.

"Still still struggling?"

Chen Fei looked at Shane Shane.

At this moment, Battier, without any thought of struggling anymore, said with difficulty: "I give up."

When Chen Fei heard the words, he chuckled and raised his right foot.

Suddenly, Battier felt his body lighten, he breathed a sigh of relief, and gasped for breath.

After dozens of seconds, he finally recovered his calmness. It was only then that he got up from the ground with difficulty, stood in front of Chen Fei, arched his hand at him, and said, "Thank you, Master Chen, for his mercy."

Chen Fei did not speak, but waved his hand to Battier.

Battier immediately jumped off the stage to show that he had given up.

As a result, only the last two players were left on the stage.

Starscream and Chen Fei.

Starscream squinted his eyes and looked at Chen Fei who was stepping towards him. He narrowed the seriousness on his face, then showed his trademark charming smile, stretched out his slender hand, and probed towards Chen Fei.

"Unexpectedly, Master Chen is even more powerful than I thought. It really makes me yearn for both physically and mentally!"

While speaking, Starscream kept winking at Chen Fei.

The graceful even, coupled with the thought-provoking words, made the atmosphere on the stage involuntarily turn pink, which seemed to be a little more charming.

And Chen Fei also showed a smile, and walked over to Starscream's jade arm, grabbed her jade arm, and pulled back, trying to pull Starscream into his arms, "Since he still yearns for it, Come on then!"

However, Starscream at the moment suddenly became extremely slippery, like a loach, his arm slid gently, avoiding Chen Fei's embrace, and his posture shook slightly, and walked around behind Chen Fei.

Chen Fei turned around, looked at Starscream, squinted and said, "What's the matter, don't you yearn for me very much?

Why can't you come! "

Starscream moved gently, keeping his distance from Chen Fei vigilantly, but his face was still smiling, "Mr. Chen is so anxious, it makes me not ready for a while!"

"is it?

If you are not ready, come over and prepare well. I will give you time. "

While speaking, Chen Fei stuck out his right hand and grabbed Starscream again.

Starscream dodged immediately, avoiding Chen Fei's movements.

And Chen Fei's right arm changed direction again in the air, and even grabbed it in the direction where Starscream dodged.

This time, Starscream was taken aback. At the last moment, at the very moment, he temporarily changed his direction in the air, wiping Chen Fei's right hand and slid over.

After landing, Starscream quickly moved away from Chen Fei, and his gaze at Chen Fei became more vigilant.

And Chen Fei smiled softly and grabbed Starscream again, "What are you hiding? Is this playing hide and seek with me?"

"Hide-and-seek is also very fun, so it's better to have a good time with Master Chen."

Starscream smiled and dodged flexibly.

For a time, on the ring, the two chased and dodged, which seemed to become a game.

In the audience, some people frowned and made dissatisfied voices when they saw such a scene.

"What are you doing?

Playing hide and seek in the ring is not serious at all, are you kidding me? "

"Either fight or come down. This is a waste of our time."

"Flirting has come to the ring, it's ridiculous."

...It's just that these dissatisfaction words were soon suppressed by those who know martial arts.

"The two of them have already started a competition."

"It looks like they are playing hide-and-seek, but every time they catch and hide, it is a martial arts contest."

"Don't look at their ease of action, it doesn't seem to be special.

But if ordinary people come on stage, I'm afraid they won't be able to hold it for three seconds. "

"Now, it should be Chen Fei who has the upper hand and has been actively attacking.

Judging from his head-on defeat of Battier just now, he must be stronger than Starscream. Once Starscream is caught by him, Starscream will definitely lose in close combat. "

"I don't think so.

Power, Chen Fei is better than Starscream.

But Starscream's methods are secretive, and various methods are emerging one after another.

Hidden weapons, poisons and even ninjutsu, she knows a lot.

She seemed to be dodging, but in fact she was constantly attacking Chen Fei.

In the end, I think that Starscream is more likely to win. "

... the various voices in the audience did not affect the two on the stage.

As soon as they chase and hide, the speed of the two gets faster and faster.

Ordinary people can only see the two afterimages pulsing continuously on the stage, and the specific body shape can no longer be seen clearly.

Just like that, five minutes passed.

Finally, Starscream, who had been on the edge of the limit, suddenly softened his right foot and stopped for a second.

With this delay, Chen Fei grabbed it with his right hand.

Starscream couldn't dodge, was caught by Chen Fei, and pulled him close.

Upon seeing this, many warriors in the audience let out a surprise.

"Get caught, Starscream is going to lose."

"Chen Fei is determined to win close hand-to-hand combat."

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