
Chapter 2568: ?Modland Island

Chen Fei kept checking here for a whole day, but still didn't find any useful clues.

When Chen Fei felt a little discouraged, Saint Selena called.

"Mr. Chen, I found some clues!"

Chen Fei cheered up as soon as he opened his mouth, his eyes widened at once.

"What clue?"

Chen Fei asked.

Selena said: "I called the church system and found the person in the photo.

He left Wudu City yesterday evening and left by boat.

According to the clues, the place he was going should be an island called Modran. "


Chen Fei was a little surprised.

Selena continued: "Mordland Island is located in the southwest of our shadow country, in the Atlantic Ocean. Although the island belongs to the shadow country in name, the main people who live there are still aborigines.

The person you are looking for, Mr. Chen, should probably be on it. "

"I will send you the specific information, Mr. Chen."

"Thank you so much."

Chen Fei said gratefully.

Selena smiled softly and said: "Mr. Chen, you gave me cosmetics as a gift last time. I haven't thanked you yet!"

After hanging up the phone, Chen Fei quickly received the message from Selena.

After reading it, Chen Fei immediately asked Aiden to make arrangements and rushed to Modland Island by himself.

Aiden went to make arrangements right away.

An hour later, Chen Fei boarded the helicopter prepared by Aiden and flew directly to Modland Island.

Modeland Island was originally very poor, but in recent years, tourism has developed, but some industries have been developed.

However, there are no direct flights between Modeland Island and the mainland of Shadowland. If you want to go there, you can only go there by boat.

Moreover, at this point, all ships have been suspended.

However, Aiden used family power and directly arranged a private helicopter for Chen Fei to fly to Modland Island alone.

After expressing his gratitude, Chen Fei made some preparations, boarded the plane, and headed to Modland Island.

After several hours of flying, that night, when the sky was completely dark, the plane landed on Modeland Island.

Chen Fei got off the plane and then moved into a villa arranged by Aiden.

When staying in the villa, Chen Fei did not rest, but immediately found the owner of the villa to understand the situation on the island.

Soon, Chen Fei roughly figured out the situation on Modland Island.

The island covers an area of ​​more than 2,000 square kilometers, which is not too small. Originally, there were only more than 20,000 aboriginal people on the island.

However, in recent years, due to the development of the tourism industry, there have been more foreigners, and the permanent population on the island has reached more than 30,000.

Most of the people on the island live on tourism and fishing, so most of them gather near coastal ports.

As for the large mountain forest in the center of the island, it is rarely visited by people.

These places are exactly what Chen Fei doubted.

These mountains and forests, which are difficult for ordinary people to enter, can be used as a hiding place for the Skull and Bones.

For the tens of thousands of residents on the island, for the Skull and Bones, one can guarantee the provision of various basic living materials. Second, the Skull and Bones use human blood to enhance their strength, but they need population as a resource for practice.

Therefore, consider these two aspects.

This Modland Island might really be the place where the Skeletons and Bones gathered.

Therefore, Chen Fei asked the owner of the villa about the conditions of these mountainous areas, and planned to explore them tomorrow.

However, the villa owner heard Chen Fei’s question and asked: "Mr. Chen, what are you asking for?"

Chen Fei found an excuse and said, "I'm an explorer, taking risks all over the world. I heard that these places are off the beaten track, so I want to explore."

Upon hearing this, the villa owner quickly persuaded: "Mr. Chen, you'd better not go to these mountains and forests, because they are dangerous."

"It's okay, I went to many places in the mountains and forests all over the world.

I've even been to the Amazon rainforest, it's nothing.

Besides, I am professional. "

Chen Fei patted his chest confidently.

The villa owner's voice sank and said: "Mr. Chen, I am not talking about these dangers."

"what is that?"

Chen Fei asked.

The villa owner looked a little hesitant, and Chen Fei took out a stack of banknotes and handed it to the other party.

Upon seeing this, the villa owner smiled and said: "Mr. Chen, this is the case.

This mountain forest is a bit weird. "

"Why is it weird?"

Chen Fei asked.

The owner of the villa said: "I heard that it is haunted.

In the past two decades, some people have accidentally entered the mountains and forests, but none of them returned in the end. "

"Some people say they were taken away by ghosts.

Others say that they lost their way and died in the mountains.

In short, the mountains and forests are very dangerous. "

Upon hearing this, Chen Fei became even more suspicious.

"Is this kind of thing no one cares about?"

The owner of the villa sighed and said: "One year, more than 30 people disappeared all of a sudden, causing a panic on the island, and the report was reported to the official of the film country.

The government sent professionals to investigate. "

"It's just that the professionals didn't find out anything, so they could only go back afterwards.

Later, wealthy people came here and bought several sites and set them as private sites, not allowing ordinary people to enter.

In this way, fewer people are missing. "

"The rich come here to buy land!"

Chen Fei felt a little strange more and more.

The owner of the villa said: "Those are rich people who buy directly one piece at a time. After buying, they will circle up and prevent ordinary people from entering.

Moreover, many of the island’s industries have been acquired by the rich. We can say that they are all working for them. "

"Even if you really want to explore the mountains and forests, Mr. Chen, you will almost certainly have to pass through the lands of the rich to enter the mountains.

Therefore, before you want to explore, you must have a good relationship with these rich men.

Otherwise, they disagree, and you can't go in, Mr. Chen. "

"That's it!"

Chen Fei thought about it.

Afterwards, Chen Fei took out another stack of banknotes to thank the owner of the villa.

The next day, Chen Fei woke up early and strolled around the market on the island, but found nothing unusual.

Therefore, Chen Fei was going to visit the site of the rich man mentioned by the owner of the villa.

But just as Chen Fei was about to leave, suddenly, an exclamation sounded: "Why are you here?"

Chen Fei followed the sound and found a woman wearing a headscarf and sunglasses, looking towards him.

For the first time, Chen Fei did not recognize the other party.

But when there were two more women beside the other party, Chen Fei recognized her, and it was the woman Luoying who had photographed the pendant at the auction.

"You follow us?"

The sister Hua looked at Chen Fei with a vigilant expression and said.

Chen Fei frowned slightly and said, "You think too much."

"Then why are you here?"

Sister Hua continued to ask, her eyes getting sharper and sharper, and she even looked like she wanted to do something to Chen Fei.

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