
Chapter 2571: ?Interrogation Webber

Then, she checked Chen Tong's body and made sure that she was not injured.

Immediately, Chen Fei said to Chen Tong: "You stay here, I will take this guy to ask a few words, no matter what happens, you don't want to come in.

Understand? "

"I, I understand!"

Chen Tong was a little nervous, but nodded seriously.

Chen Fei smiled softly and said: "Don't be too nervous, this manor is good, you can eat and drink as you like, or even sleep and rest.

With me, nothing will happen. "

After speaking, Chen Fei brought the fat man into a utility room on the side of the bedroom.

"You, who are you, what are you doing?"

In the utility room, the fat man looked at Chen Fei in horror, his voice trembling.

Chen Fei was condescending, looked at the man, and said, "Are you Webber?"

The obese man nodded and said, "I am Viscount Webb.

I am a citizen of the Shadow Country, and you have violated my behavior--" Before Weber finished speaking, Chen Fei slapped his face with a slap, and then said coldly: "I ask you, you will answer again.

No amount of nonsense, I will kill you. "

Webber was clutching his cheek, a flash of resentment flashed in his eyes, but after all he dared not say much.

Chen Fei continued and asked in a cold voice: "Let's talk about it, what is your relationship with the backers behind the six rich men? What organization are they?"

"Backer, this—" Webber's eyes flickered, a little surprised, and he pretended to be confused, "I don't understand what you are talking about, I'm just an ordinary businessman—" "Are you still pretending to be stupid?"

Chen Fei snorted coldly, staring at Webber, his eyes were cold, and a powerful aura was coming out of his body.

"I, I—" Webber shivered, seemingly hesitant.

At this time, Chen Fei's right hand tapped a hard stone into powder.

"Don't you really say it?"

"I said! I said!"

Webber nodded quickly.

Then began to tell.

In fact, things are similar to Chen Fei's guess.

This Viscount Weber was just a small entrepreneur twenty years ago.

The business was in trouble and was on the verge of bankruptcy.

At a critical moment, a local entrepreneur came forward to help him.

Subsequently, with the help of entrepreneurs, Weber's business continued to rise and expand, becoming a rich man.

Of course, it is naturally impossible for the other party to help him for free.

Weber was also asked to help do some shameful things.

In this way, Webber was slowly pulled into a boat by the opponent.

In the end, he was selected and came to Modland Island and became one of the six rich men to guard the organization.

Even the other party promised that as long as the six of them performed well.

The organization will give them life-prolonging drugs to ensure their family's long-term prosperity.

So, Weber and the six came to Modland Island, built these six manors, and hired a lot of strong guards.

One is responsible for guarding and patrolling to prevent outsiders from entering the organization and discovering the secrets of the organization.

Secondly, from time to time, I help the organization to do some shameful deeds.

For example, catch the people on the island to do experiments for the organization to do exercises.

This is also the source of the strange disappearance of various people on the island.

After listening, Chen Fei looked cold and looked at Weber with a murderous intent in his eyes.

However, he resisted the urge to do it now, took out a skeleton bud sign, and asked aloud: "Do you recognize this sign?"

Weber was surprised, and then nodded: "Acknowledge.

This is the hallmark of that organization. "

Chen Fei nodded and continued: "That organization, once in a while, will call a meeting of the six of you.

This time, the six of you are all on the island. Is it time for the meeting again? "

"How do you know--" Weber exclaimed instinctively, but then lowered his head and said solemnly, "Yes, yes."

"When and where will the meeting be held?"

Chen Fei asked.

Weber said: "It will be held tomorrow evening, and the location will be in the organization base of the mountain forest center on the island."


Chen Fei narrowed his eyes.

Immediately, Chen Fei pulled Webb up and said lightly: "What happened today, nothing happened.

Tomorrow, go to the meeting as normal.

I will go with you, understand? "

"I—I understand!"

Webber paused, and finally nodded in agreement.

"Okay, you can go out."

Chen Fei said lightly, "By the way, the girl outside, don't move."

"Really, really?"

Weber was half-believing, but seeing Chen Fei didn't do anything, he hurried out.

He glanced at Chen Tong on the bed and rushed out of the bedroom without saying a word.

"Ah--" Chen Tong was surprised when he saw this, and then saw Chen Fei, slowly walking out of the utility room, and his face was full of doubts, "You, him, why--" Chen Feiqing He smiled lightly and said lightly: "Don't worry, he can't get out of my palm."

"You rest well."

After instructing Chen Tong, Chen Fei stepped out with his hands behind his back.

At this moment, Webber walked out of the bedroom with a panic face. He ran wildly in the hallway. He wanted to shout loudly, but he was worried that Chen Fei would hear him. He could only run and shout with his throat: "Master Skeleton, Skeleton. Come out, my lord.

I'm being held hostage, you will soon—" It didn't take long for a thin man with a skeleton bud mask to appear in front of Weber, and said in a deep voice, "What's the matter? "

"Master Skull, someone broke into my bedroom, held me hostage, and asked me about the Skull and Bones. Go and see."

Webber said hurriedly.


The thin man's complexion sank, his eyes under the mask instantly cooled down, with a murderous intent, "I'll go over and take a look."

Seeing this, Weber couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and then picked up a cell phone from the next room, ready to make a call.

But at this moment, a faint male voice rang, "Why, this is less than a minute.

Did you forget what I just said? "

Weber, who was about to dial, looked at Chen Fei, who was walking towards him in the corridor, and was stunned.

Especially Chen Fei's state at the moment, with a smile at the corners of his mouth, a light pace, and a soft man in his hands.

Webber looked intently and found that it was the Master Skeleton who had just left.

In an instant, Webber was shocked, "Master Skeleton, how could you—" Because, Master Skeleton, the Skeleton Society organized the six of them to protect their personal guards.

The strength is very powerful, reaching the late stage realm of heaven.

Therefore, after Webber came out just now, his first reaction was to find Master Skeleton to take action.

But now, Master Skeleton, who was extremely powerful in his heart, was held in his hand by Chen Fei like trash, recklessly.

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