
Chapter 2585: ?Unexpected visitors

The next day, the Elder Rose had received the news from Thorn Rose, ready to welcome the arrival of Lin Qiuhan and Chen Fei.

However, Xie Lingshuang, as the president and Lin Qiuhan's mother, only brought back one sentence, saying that he missed Lin Qiuhan very much and looked forward to her coming.

But there is no way to talk or video directly with Lin Qiuhan.

Regarding this, the elder rose's explanation was that the chairman's current situation is quite special, and there is no way to directly contact Lin Qiuhan.

Chen Fei could only listen, and at the same time he was naturally a little curious as to what situation his mother-in-law was in.

Originally, everything was arranged. Then, as long as they set off to return, the group could leave.

But at this moment, a message was sent, which changed things.

That is the mysterious and famous leader of the Skull and Bones. Dark Dragon appeared publicly and posted a video on the Internet.

The dark dragon in the video wears the Skull and Bones’ iconic skeleton bud mask, facing the camera, showing his meaning.

His meaning is very simple, for the people who destroyed the base of the Skull and Bones Modran Island and killed the Vice President Theron, we must launch endless revenge.

Moreover, the dark dragon bluntly said that the first batch of assassins had already set off, and they would begin operations soon.

At the same time, Dark Dragon also announced some information about Chen Fei on the Internet, offering a huge reward, calling on warriors from all over the world to kill Chen Fei in exchange for a huge reward.

With the release of this video, Chen Fei suddenly became the focus of discussion on the Internet, and even became a moving treasury in the eyes of many warriors.

Even after seeing the news, Chen Fei opened the window of the hotel and looked outside, and soon found some unusual figures among the crowd.

Some of these people looked directly at Chen Fei's room, while others were dodging, but they kept monitoring the direction of the room.

Chen Fei didn't know whether they were officials from the Shadow Kingdom, or the warriors who were lured by the huge bounty and came to do something.

But what is certain is that now Chen Fei has become a mobile honey that will attract countless bees.

In this case, if Chen Fei and Lin Qiuhan go to thorn the rose together.

Not only will it bring danger and trouble to Lin Qiuhan and his party during the journey, it will also bring danger and trouble to the thorn rose tissue.

After all, the Thorn Rose Organization has always acted cautiously in the past ten years or so, but after all, it has offended many people.

There are certainly many people who want to troubleshoot thorn roses.

Under such circumstances, Chen Fei had to change his decision and could not walk with Lin Qiuhan.

Even for the sake of his wife's safety, Chen Fei must also ask his wife to leave as soon as possible.

So Chen Fei quickly reconsidered a plan.

That afternoon, Chen Fei suddenly left the hotel and appeared openly in the eyes of everyone.

Suddenly, countless warriors who smelled the breath swarmed and followed.

Chen Fei also let them follow, as long as the other party doesn't do anything, he doesn't make any moves.

At the same time, the elders of the rose and the group led Lin Qiuhan, after disguising themselves, left from the back door of the hotel and quickly left the Shadow Kingdom to the location of the thorn rose.

In the evening, when Chen Fei returned to the hotel, he received a message from Lin Qiuhan that they had safely left Shadow Country.

Now, I am going to go to the thorn rose through a special channel.

Chen Fei couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief when he received the news.

The next thing he had to consider was how to face the pursuit of the dark dragon.

If it were to use force directly, even if the Dark Dragon came in person, Chen Fei would not be afraid and would just kill it directly.

But this kind of rewards and constant tracking and assassination made Chen Fei feel very troublesome.

After all, even Chen Fei cannot remain 100% vigilant at all times.

Besides, he now has to think of a way to treat his wife toxins.

Just when Chen Fei was a little upset, there was a visitor outside the hotel that surprised Chen Fei-Saint Selena.

Looking at the smiling woman in front of him, Chen Fei said in surprise: "Why are you here?"

Selena smiled at Chen Fei and said: "Why, Mr. Chen doesn't welcome me?"

Chen Fei opened the door and made a please gesture.

At the same time, he said: "Of course not.

It's just that, under the current situation, it's not so good for Master Saint to come to me! "

Selena guarded the church who came behind him: "You stay outside, and I will come out after talking with Mr. Chen."


The guard stood guard outside.

Selena walked into the room, and Chen Fei closed the door and walked back.

Without the guard, Selena slapped it directly, pounced on a sofa, raised one leg, and rubbed it.

Seeing the image of the saint, Chen Fei poured a glass of water for her, and smiled: "My lord saint, is it just like this in front of me?"

Selena blanked Chen Fei and said, "You don't know what I am.

There is no need to pretend in front of you. "

"Hey, Lord Saint, be careful when you speak.

What kind of misunderstanding might be caused by letting others hear this kind of words! "

Chen Fei has a black line.

Selena directly picked up the water that Chen Fei had just poured, took a big sip, looked at Chen Fei and said, "I'm afraid of misunderstanding.

I am a saint, who dares to talk nonsense. "

"Good, good, overbearing enough!"

Chen Fei can only hold his forehead with his hands.

Seeing Selena put down the water cup, Chen Fei asked: "The saint is here today, not to chat with me!"

"That's natural."

Selena nodded, then stretched out her right hand to Chen Fei and said, "The last time I ran out of cosmetics, you can get me some more."

"What, puff--" Chen Fei almost sprayed Selena's face without a sip of water, "You are here for cosmetics?"

When Selena saw this, she clutched her belly and laughed, "Haha, you actually took it seriously, you were fooled by me.

Haha! "

Chen Fei wiped his mouth and waited for Selena to take a look, "My Lord Saint, when did you become so sloppy!"

"Good, good, good.

I'm a little more serious, let's get started, I'm going to be serious. "

Selena sat up straight and looked serious.

Chen Fei's complexion also became serious, and said: "Let's talk about it!"

The saint pondered for a few seconds, and then said: "Chen Fei, you should have seen the latest news!"

"You mean the reward and hunt for me by the Dark Dragon?"

Chen Fei said.

The saint nodded and said: "This is it."

"I know."

Chen Fei nodded and said, "The saint is here for this?"

Saint Woman said: "Exactly.

I'm here this time to tell you, what do you think if I can help you solve the dark dragon chase? "

"Solve the matter of the dark dragon chasing and killing!"

Chen Fei looked at the saint, pondered slightly, and then said, "Are you referring to the temple's shot?"

"You can think so!"

The saint nodded.

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