
Chapter 2590: ?Move your body

The leading guard has the strength of the mid-day level. Under the cooperation, the strength can be considered very strong.

However, when they rushed to Chen Fei, they soon knew what the difference in strength was.

Facing this group of sanctuary guards, Chen Fei stood still and didn't need to move. He shot out with his hands one after another, blasting out with a burst of air, blasting these guards out.

Suddenly, a scream sounded.

At the same time, the lights in the hall were also smashed by the splash of Qi, and they all went out.

The surrounding area was completely dark, and only crackling fights and screams could be heard.

In such a situation, Jerome and his party who originally watched the surveillance video couldn't help but frown.

"what happened?"

"I can't see anything."

"Damn, it won't be a good show."

……Jerome smiled and said: “It’s not visible here, let’s go down and see.”

With that, Jerome turned and left.

The people behind hurriedly followed.

When Jerome and his party came to the entrance hall on the first floor, the scene was already silent.

Several people couldn't help frowning, and their faces showed doubts.

A young man looked at Jerome and said: "Why is there no sound? Could it be that I was beaten to death!"

"After all, it is the person whom the saint and the little princess fancy, if it is really killed, I am afraid it will still be a bit troublesome."

"Go and see!"

………A group of people walked inside.

But just when they were about to walk to the door, with a snap, a figure flew out with a mouthful of blood, and finally fell heavily to the ground with a muffled grunt, and then fainted.

Several people were surprised, and then looked down and found that the person thrown out was the guard who had brought Chen Fei in just now.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps.

The group of people looked up again, just in time to see Chen Fei wiped his blood-stained hands and stepped out of it.

Suddenly, their eyes became cold.

Jerome even stared at Chen Fei fiercely, his eyes cold, which contained resentment.

At this moment, Chen Fei, seeing the group of people standing in front of him, just glanced at it, ignored it, and immediately turned around and prepared to leave.

But at this moment, Jerome said, "Stop!"

Chen Fei stopped, looked at Jerome, and said, "Are you talking to me?"

Jerome said solemnly: "What do you mean?"

Chen Fei turned around and looked at Jerome, his voice very calm: "Let's talk, what's the matter?"

"what's up?"

Jerome snorted coldly, pointed at the guard who fell on the ground, lowered his voice, and said in a cold voice, "You are in my sanctuary.

What else do you ask me? "

Chen Fei clapped his hands, and said in a flat tone: "You said these people! They tricked me into the temple, and then acted on me.

I will naturally fight back.

There is nothing wrong with this, right? "

"Nothing is wrong!"

With anger in his voice, Jerome stared at Chen Fei fiercely, gritted his teeth and said, "Do you know where this is? Do you know what it means to shoot in the temple?"

Chen Fei's tone is still flat: "I don't know this, but one thing I know is.

If someone wants to attack me, I will naturally fight back. "

"fight back?"

Jerome said coldly, "Whether to fight back or not, this is just your own words.

It is an indisputable fact that you started in the sanctuary and injured the place of my sanctuary. "

"Now, stop, go back with me for investigation!"

Upon hearing this, Chen Fei frowned and said coldly: "You people in the temple deceived and attacked me, and you want me to be investigated."

Jerome said: "Don't talk nonsense, do you come here by yourself, or you want me to do it."

Accompanied by Jerome's voice, a group of people behind him aroused the aura of true vitality, and looked at Chen Fei with fierce eyes, ready to do it at any time.

Chen Fei looked at these people, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, "Is this ready to do it?"

Is the church always so domineering? "

"You violated the rules of my temple, so naturally you have to be investigated!"

Jerome said.

Hearing this, Chen Fei couldn't help laughing. "You are Jerome. If you want to avenge your brother, if you want to take action against me, you can do it openly.

Now, using these methods will only make me think that you are nothing more than that.

Haha! "

"You--" Jerome's face sank, his expression very ugly.

Behind him, a young man rushed out, holding a dagger, and with a sharp cold light, he pierced Chen Fei's heart directly.

"Boss, this guy is too arrogant, I will teach you a lesson."

Chen Fei's expression sank when he saw the attacking young man, a chill in his eyes.

"Huh, die!"

The man yelled, the speed of the dagger in his hand surged, and he stabbed him fiercely.

Chen Fei squinted slightly and looked at the young man who struck. At the last moment, he stomped and screamed, "Go away!"

In an instant, a burst of energy surged from Chen Fei and rushed directly to the young man.

He didn't even approach Chen Fei's body, he felt as if he had hit a thick wall, and then a huge thrust, like a giant palm, slapped him directly into the air.

The young man flew upside down a distance of tens of meters, and finally hit the wall of the church with a muffled noise before slipping down slowly.

At this moment, Chen Fei, with his hands behind his back, did not move at all.

A group of people behind Jerome, seeing this, were startled and angry one by one, and suddenly became noisy.

"Boy, you are so bold."

"Dare to hurt Thornton, I will kill you."

"A fanatic, dare to do something in my sanctuary and look for death."

………At the same time, four or five people shot at almost the same time, whizzing towards Chen Fei, each with hatred, wishing to smash Chen Fei's body into pieces.

Facing these attacking enemies, Chen Fei squinted slightly, stepped back slightly, raised his right hand behind his back, aimed at the enemy, and a red glow condensed in his palm.




………Various attacks, coming instantly.

And just when the attack was about to hit Chen Fei, Chen Fei started.

The right hand with red aura was fierce and fast. Every move accurately hit the enemy and caught them in the hands, making the opponent's offensive stop abruptly and unable to move.

"Knife technique, is that strength! Ridiculous! Get out!"

A long knife was directly broken by Chen Fei with a punch, and then the whole person was blown out.

"Fisting is only fierce, no change, dull and boring, no brains!"

Chen Fei easily dodged a violent fist, and then slapped it with a palm, and his arm snapped to pieces.

"I didn't even play a sword clearly, so I used the double swords. Go back and drink some milk!"

One person with two swords, like a blossoming flower, arrives fiercely.

But Chen Fei kicked him directly.


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