
Chapter 2593: ?Draw the sword

At this moment, a priest in a long robe stood up, holding a scripture, and said a big deal. To Chen Fei, it was all nonsense nonsense.

For nearly half an hour, when the sky was completely dark, the robe priest finally finished his speech and announced that the sacrificial ceremony of the sword in the stone had officially begun.

Next, the members of the royal family, thousands of them, drew out their sabers, and bowed to the sword in the stone.

After the ceremony, finally came the real key link of the ceremony, that is, every member of the royal family try to draw the sword in the stone. If you can successfully draw the sword in the stone, you can win the attention of the Holy See and the royal family and focus on training.

It can be said that after this relief, all the royal children are all eager to try, gearing up.

Although most of the people present knew it, the battle for the sword in the stone was still between the elder prince Aubrey and the second prince Porut. There was basically no possibility for other royal family members.

But after all, it is an annual ceremony and an opportunity to change themselves. Many members of the royal family still want to try it out.

As the priest announced the list, a member of the royal family walked towards the square stone in the center of the courtyard, condensing the breath, holding the rusty sword in the stone with both hands, gritted his teeth, and tried to remove the sword in the stone from the stone. Pull it out.

However, after some attempts, the sword in the stone still remained motionless, let alone pulling it out, just letting it move, there was nothing possible.

In a blink of an eye, there were already more than a dozen royals who tried, and there was still no progress.

Although this result was expected by everyone, but seeing it with their own eyes, everyone was still a little disappointed.

Especially the senior royal family who sat behind the curtain on the second floor of the manor and watched all this condescendingly, could not help but let out a soft sigh.

At this time, Chen Fei squinted his eyes and looked at the scene, and he felt a little interest in his heart.

Because just now he has been observing.

These common-sense royal family members, although there are no too powerful martial arts masters, they still have basic strength, the weakest also have the strength of the early stage of the earth, and the strong members have even reached the realm of heaven.

This kind of strength, placed among ordinary people, is definitely a master of one party.

If it is normal, an iron sword is inserted into the stone, and the sword can be drawn out without the need for a ground-level master, a slightly powerful yellow-level mid-to-late warrior.

But now, this sword in the stone still doesn't move, I have to say that it is a bit special.

Suddenly, there was a cheering from the crowd, awakening Chen Fei from contemplation.

He looked up and found a sturdy man, about 35 years old, stood up, and there was a warm applause and discussion around him.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei couldn't help showing curiosity, looked at Selena next to him, and asked aloud: "Who is that, is it so popular and powerful?"

Selena approached Chen Fei and explained to him in a low voice: "That is General Jobry. He is a descendant of the royal family. Although his status is not as good as the first and second princes, his grandfather generation is the younger brother of the king at that time. It's also considered royal blood relatives."

"More importantly, Jobry has served in the military since he was 18 years old.

"Some people even say that if it's not because of blood.

Jobry also has the strength to compete with the two princes now. "

"However, although Jobry is almost impossible to fight for the throne.

But if he could draw the sword in the stone, it would be a great opportunity for him and his family to improve their status and prestige. "

"Moreover, last year, Jobry was also one of the best performing royals.

Therefore, everyone is looking forward to him. "

After listening to Selena's account, Chen Fei nodded, and looked at Jobry, who appeared at the moment with great interest, "So that's it!"

At this time, Jobry, a burly figure, walked to the sword in the stone, his legs spread slightly, his shoulders shook slightly, and he exerted a slight force to let his feet stand firmly on the ground.

Then, both hands reached out and held the hilt of the sword in the stone.

Then, both arms exerted strength and began to pull the sword in the stone hard.

The tremendous force caused Jobry's arms to sink into the thug, his feet sinking, and slowly sinking into the mud.

And the sword in the stone that had not moved before, under the tremendous strength of Jobry, there was even a slight tremor.

Suddenly, the discussion and cheers in the courtyard became more enthusiastic.

Jobry also seemed to be encouraged, gritted his teeth again, struggling to pull the sword in the stone.

Finally, the sword in the stone, which had not moved, showed up a part.

Suddenly, the scene fell silent, and then bursts of enthusiastic cheers.

"Jobbury, come on!"

"General Jobry, great!"

"As expected, General Jobry, too powerful."

………Amidst the cheers, the sword in the stone is still moving up slowly, and the sword body is slowly exposed from the stone, which is rejoicing and inspiring.

About ten centimeters away, the inside of Job was swollen red at this moment, his sturdy arms trembled, his teeth were bleeding slightly, and he wanted to work harder.

However, the sword in the stone could no longer move.

After a stalemate for more than ten seconds, Jobry finally couldn't support it. He loosened his arms and was pulled out a ten-centimeter sword in the stone. It was inserted into the stone again. It was exactly the same as the initial state, as if nothing happened .

At this moment, Jobry, with his hands on his knees, breathing heavily, obviously tired.

Although he did not succeed in drawing the sword in the stone, Jobry's wonderful performance still won a enthusiastic cheers from the scene.

Even the elders of the royal family behind the curtain on the second floor praised "not bad".

Jobry gasped for a while, then retreated, and the scene gradually became quiet.

Then, in the eyes of everyone, the little princess Irene, wearing a beautiful tutu, walked out of the crowd.

Seeing Princess Irene, the eyes of everyone at the scene couldn't help being attracted to her.

Seeing the little princess's exquisite angel-like face, many people's faces were fascinated.

Chen Fei was also a little surprised. He looked at Selena and said, "Princess Irene also wants to try?"

Selena nodded and said: "No matter what the result is, as a member of the royal family, if you dare not even try, you will be a little bit overwhelmed."

At this time, Irene had come to the sword in the stone.

Compared to the sword in the stone, Selena, who was just thirteen years old, looked a little short.

In order to hold the sword in the stone, she had to gently stand on her toes, then flushed her pretty face, exerted a slight force, and began to draw the sword in the stone.

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