
Chapter 2598: ? Here's another one

Just as Chen Fei was about to check carefully, suddenly, the door of the room made a slight noise and was pushed open.

A figure appeared at the door of the room.

Chen Fei became nervous in an instant, but was stunned when he saw the short figure.

"Princess Irene, is that you?"

Chen Fei tried to shout.

"It's me, Brother Chen, you didn't sleep!"

Irene's voice rang sweetly, and then stepped towards the house.

When Chen Fei saw this, he couldn't help but feel nervous.

After all, Saint Selena can now lie on her bed. Although nothing has happened to herself and her, this kind of scene is seen by others, and I am afraid that it will not be clear if she jumped into the Yellow River.

Therefore, Chen Fei hurriedly stepped forward, blocked Irene, and said: "Princess Irene, it's so late, what's the matter for you to come to me?"

Irene tilted her head, looked at Chen Fei, and said: "Brother Chen, I just said, I want to play with you tonight!"

"Ah, this, it's getting late, I'm going to rest.

Or, let's play again tomorrow. "

Chen Fei said.

"But, Brother Chen, you promised me."

Irene looked determined.

Chen Fei scratched his head anxiously, "Uh, this.

Irene, what do you want to play with me? "

Chen Fei could only ask.

Irene did not answer, but turned around and closed the door, then walked towards Chen Fei's bed.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei rushed over, stopped Irene, and said: "Erin, don't come over."

"what's happenin?

Brother Chen? "

Irene looked up at Chen Fei.

Sweat still oozes from Chen Fei's forehead, and he wants something like Selena.

But by coincidence, Selena on the bed woke up with a soft cry, rubbing her head, and slowly sat up from the bed.

At this time, Chen Fei was dumbfounded.

He looked at Selena on the bed and then at Irene by the bed. He was in a hurry for a while, not knowing how to explain it.

Seeing Irene looked at Selena, her eyes seemed to be suspicious, "Selena, she—" Chen Fei quickly explained to Irene: "Princess Irene, don't get me wrong about this.

Nothing happened to me and the saint. "

"Just now, Selena suddenly ran into my room.

I saw her body seemed a little strange, so I let her rest in bed, I—" Before Chen Fei could finish explaining, Irene suddenly spoke, "Brother Chen, there is no need to explain. "

"Princess Irene, you believe me."

Chen Fei showed a smile.

Angel-like Irene smiled lightly, looked at Chen Fei, and said: "Brother Chen, in fact, it doesn't matter what happens to you and Selena.

I can understand, after all, you are a man and Selena is a beauty. "

"Ahem, this—" Chen Fei didn't expect Irene to say such a thing, and suddenly choked with a cough, and quickly explained, "Princess Irene, nothing really happened with the saint. Innocent."

Irene tilted her head when she heard the words, and said, "Nothing happened. Is it because Brother Chen doesn't like Selena, or Selena is not beautiful enough?"

"No, I didn't mean that.

I like Selena a lot, but it's not the kind of like between men and women.

Moreover, Selena is also beautiful enough, the kind that is very beautiful. "

Chen Fei explained hurriedly.

"Then Brother Chen, why don't you—" Irene said.

"Aileen, you are still young, you may not understand these things, I—" Chen Fei said.

However, before he finished speaking, Irene suddenly looked serious, shook her head, and interrupted Chen Fei, "No, Brother Chen, you don't understand."

"Ah, I don't understand, what do I not understand?"

Chen Fei was at a loss.

Irene's voice suddenly lowered, "Brother Chen, after this time of getting along.

Don’t you see it yet?

Selena likes you. "

"Ah, this, it's impossible.

She is a saint, I—" Chen Fei said in surprise.

Irene continued: "Nothing is impossible.

The relationship between men and women is originally an impulse from the heart, and has nothing to do with status. "

Chen Fei looked at Irene, who was in her teens, and suddenly said such deep words. He was a little surprised and a little strange.

He couldn't help frowning, trying to say something, but for a moment he didn't know how to speak.

At this moment, Irene's voice became deeper and deeper, with bright and clear eyes like an angel, looking at Chen Fei, she said leisurely: "Actually, it's not just Selena.

I also like you, Brother Chen. "

"Ah, Princess Irene, this kind of joke, you can't mess around."

Chen Fei was extremely surprised.

But Irene shook her head with a serious face, and said: "Brother Chen, I really like you.

The kind of love for men and women. "

With that, the little princess jumped into Chen Fei's arms and hugged Chen Fei directly.

Chen Fei was a little dazed for a while, and hurriedly said: "Eileen, you are still too young, you don't understand--" "No, I am not young anymore, I can understand feelings, and I can understand love.

Brother Chen, I really like you.

Isn't I beautiful, don't you like me? "

Irene asked.

Chen Fei hugged the little girl and said, "Eileen, it has nothing to do with being beautiful or loving.

This is--" Chen Fei still wanted to explain.

But at this moment, the little princess in his arms was holding tighter and tighter.

At the same time, Chen Fei also felt a flow of heat surging in his body, causing Chen Fei's body to become hot involuntarily.

"What's going on, this--" Chen Fei felt something was wrong now.

At this moment, Irene's hug of Chen Fei became tighter and tighter, and the tremendous strength made Chen Fei feel a little oppressed and slightly suffocated. This could not be the strength of a teenage girl.

Chen Fei felt that something was wrong more and more, and wanted to push Irene away from her arms, "Eileen, let go.

Actually, I--" But before he finished speaking, the hug became stronger and stronger, as if the steel bars were tightening constantly, almost embedded in Chen Fei's flesh and blood.

At the same time, Chen Fei felt a moment of confusion in his head, vaguely, something seemed to have penetrated into his head and rushed towards his Shenhai.

Just as that force was about to rush into the Divine Sea, Chen Fei's Divine Soul Spiritual Power suddenly exploded, hitting the invading power with a bang, and bounced it out.

At this moment, Chen Fei suddenly woke up. He looked up and found that, at some point, a dark red shadow hovered above his head.

This shadow is erratic, roughly in the shape of a human, and in the position of the head, you can vaguely see the five senses of a middle-aged man.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei couldn't help being surprised and looked down.

At this moment, Princess Irene, who was hugging him tightly, had originally clear and pure eyes, but at this moment, it was filled with a scarlet color, with a weird and incomparable light.

Irene had an angel-like cute face, but at this moment, there was a weird curve in the corner of her mouth, and a wicked smile appeared, as if she had changed her personality.

"You're not Irene, who are you?"

Chen Fei suddenly exerted force, pushed Irene in his arms away, and then asked in a deep voice.

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