
Chapter 2601: ?The way to escape

I don't know how long it took, and finally, the aftermath of the explosion slowly dissipated, and the surroundings gradually became quiet again.

Almost all of the room was turned into powder, and the only things that remained intact were Chen Fei and the two daughters who were protected by him.

It's just that Chen Fei's back is in a mess at this moment. Even if there are multiple layers of martial intent protection, the power of the shadow's self-detonation is beyond Chen Fei's expectations, and I am afraid that he has the strength close to a god-level master.

Such a master blew himself up, even Chen Fei could hardly resist the shock wave of the explosion.

He stood up slowly and with difficulty, but almost every time he moved, a mouthful of blood spurted from his mouth, and his face was a little pale.

Finally, he stood up, looked around, his eyes fell to the place where the shadow exploded.

At this moment, the shadow was completely gone, and he blew up completely, and there was no trace left.

"Cough—" At this moment, Selena let out a slight noise, slowly opened her eyes, and gradually became awake.

Chen Fei's expression changed instantly, and he rushed towards Selena.

Selena, who had just opened her eyes, saw the mess in the house and Chen Fei rushing towards her fiercely. She was so frightened that she could not help but let out an exclamation, "Ah--" "Don't shout!"

Chen Fei resisted the injury, rushed forward, covered Selena's mouth, and said coldly.

Immediately, Chen Fei looked at Selena and said: "I want to ask you a few questions next. If you are sure, you nod your head, if you are negative, you shook your head, understand?"

Selena was taken aback for a while and nodded.

"Just now, you--" Chen Fei was about to ask.

But at this moment, there was a loud noise of footsteps outside, and he quickly approached here.

"Hurry up, come, surround this place!"

"The Chinese villain was so bold and daring to belittle the saint, and even delusional to start princess Irene, must arrest him."

"There was an explosion inside. First of all, we must ensure the safety of the saint and princess."

"Hurry up and inform the church and ask them to send someone to help."

"Report, the people from the temple are here, and they said they want to come to support, just outside."

.... Chen Fei couldn't help but his expression changed when he heard these voices.

Selena also showed a look of incomparable surprise. When she looked down, she found that her clothes were disheveled, and then looked at Chen Fei in astonishment, "You really—" Chen Fei couldn't help frowning, looking at Selena: "Don't you remember what you did?"

Selena shook her head and was about to speak.

But at this time, the sound of footsteps outside was getting closer.

Seeing that the situation is critical, Chen Fei ignored other things and said to Selena: "What they said is not true.

Do you believe me? "

Selena hesitated, but looking at Chen Fei's firm eyes, she finally nodded and said, "I believe you."

"Well, I must leave now.

Looking back, I will find another opportunity to contact you, and I will explain the situation. "

Chen Fei was about to escape from the window.

But at this time, under the window, there were also footsteps approaching, which made Chen Fei's complexion deep.

Selena found the situation and stood up and said: "You are injured. Now the Royal Guard and the church are here. You are alone and can't leave."

"I will find a way!"

Chen Fei said solemnly.

Selena took the initiative to walk into Chen Fei's arms, picked up Chen Fei's right hand, strangled her throat, and said, "Hold me, then come."

"This--" Chen Fei was taken aback.

Selena said: "Hurry up, otherwise it's too late."

The footsteps outside became denser, and Chen Fei clearly felt that there were more and more masters.

"I made you suffer!"

Chen Fei said to Selena, then held the saint and rushed out of the room.

"The saint is in my hands, don't you come here, otherwise, I will kill her!"

Selena also had an expression of horror, and shouted.

"Don't come over, don't provoke him, I don't want to die."

Suddenly, the royal guards and church personnel besieging outside could only retreat slowly.

And Chen Fei took this opportunity to take Selena and ran wildly.

In this way, Chen Fei led Selena out of the princess's residence and rushed into the fog.

Chen Fei is not familiar with the fog, but fortunately, Selena, the saint as a guide, led Chen Fei into the immigration area where the fog is mixed.

One hour later, in a low basement in the immigration area.

Selena was holding some medicines in her hand and looked at Chen Fei on the opposite side, with a worried expression on her face, "I have found some medicines. Let's see which one works."

Chen Fei took the medicine, moved in his heart, nodded and said, "It's all useful."

In fact, his skin and flesh wounds have almost recovered under the wooden intent that inspired the pill core saplings, and even from the outside, it is completely invisible that he has been injured.

However, Mu Yi couldn't heal the internal injuries suffered by Shadow Blast for a while.

The current Chen Fei's strength is damaged, and the strength that can be used is almost only in the late stage realm of the heavenly rank.

Although he was a master, but facing the tracking of the Royal Guards and the Templar, this kind of strength was still a bit too low.

However, with Selena's kindness, Chen Fei would naturally not fail, so he nodded and accepted all the medicines.

Afterwards, Selena spoke and asked what had happened just now, "What happened, and why did it become like that?

Also, what the guards outside said--" Chen Fei knew that Selena had many questions, but he still asked first: "Selena, do you remember what happened tonight? "

Selena shook her head for a while and said: "I have been attending the celebration banquet with Irene all the time. Because I drank a lot of wine, I was a little dizzy.

So I went upstairs half an hour earlier and lay in bed to rest. "

"I seemed to be drunk and soon fell asleep without knowing anything.

Later, when you wake up again, it's time to see you. "

Hearing this, Chen Fei whispered to himself: "It seems that it should be a means of mind control, which makes you completely unaware of your own, and you don't know what you have done."

"Mind control, what are you talking about?"

Selena was curious.

Immediately, Chen Fei spoke, telling the cause and effect of the incident, "At that time, I was resting in the room, and suddenly..." After listening to Selena, she couldn't help but stare at Chen Fei with an unbelievable expression. .

"I, I took the initiative to seduce you, and—" At this point, Selena's face was flushed, and she couldn't help pulling her cheeky clothes on her chest.

Chen Fei said: "You should have been controlled by the shadow at the time, and all the actions you did were the shadow's behavior."

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