
Chapter 2709: ?It's your turn

Downstairs, many people onlookers were stunned at this moment. They didn't expect that this battle would be such a result.

Xu Baichuan, a well-known, famous and famous at home and abroad for decades, was defeated and died in Chen Fei's hands.

For a time, countless ordinary onlookers were speechless.

Bai Zihan, who was worried and nervous, couldn't help but rejoice at this moment, all of them were extremely excited.

Xie Li, who had mocked Bai Zihan before, looked a little ugly at the moment.

Not only her, but in the entire parade, many people flashed their eyes and changed their expressions, secretly preparing to start slipping away.

Shelly wanted to hold some people away, "We can't retreat, we have to stick to the end and resist that kind of power."

However, the person who was pulled shook her arm away and looked at her with a foolish expression.

"Are you a fool?

What **** resists, what sticks to the end.

If I don't leave, I will die. "

"You want to die, don't pull us."

"If it weren't for someone to give money, you thought I would come to participate in this stupid parade.

Go away, don't delay my time. "

……… Shelly looked at these fleeing "companions", speechless for a moment, her mouth moved, and she was speechless.

Upon seeing this, Bai Zihan sighed, walked to Xie Li's side, and said: "Xie Li, have you seen everything?

What you call a warrior who rebels against power and fights for freedom is just a group of people who collect money and do things. "

"You were deceived, wake up!"

"This, no, it's impossible!"

Shelly still felt unbelievable, shook her head fiercely, and murmured, "We are fighting for justice and freedom. Even if some people try to fill up their numbers, I believe that most people are firm.

We will persevere to the end. "

"Xie Li, don't be stupid!"

He Yan couldn't help but persuade him.

After all, Shelly is her classmate.

Just now, she was almost deceived and joined the parade.

Therefore, at this moment, I naturally want to persuade Shelly to pull her out.

But just after He Yan finished speaking, a loud voice rang.

The procession of demonstrators suddenly became lively, and many people rushed over there.

Xie Li saw this and looked over, then her eyes lit up and her face was full of excitement, "It's Editor Huang, and Editor Huang is here. We haven't lost yet, we must stick to it."

After speaking, Shelly rushed towards the crowd with a frenzied face.

He Yan wanted to hold Shelly, but it was too late.

Bai Zihan looked at the editor-in-chief Huang in Xie Li's mouth and immediately recognized it.

The editor-in-chief Huang is exactly Huang Feng, the former editor-in-chief of the "Litchi Daily".

Since Chen Fei entered Xiangjiang, Huang Feng began to publish various news about Chen Fei in the Litchi Daily.

A few days ago, the Litchi Daily was shut down and Huang Feng left, but he still made extreme remarks against Chen Fei against the delegation in various media.

It can be said that in Xiangjiang, Huang Feng is the vanguard against Chen Fei and the delegation, and the spiritual leader of these protesters.

At this moment, he appeared here, and immediately stabilized the minds of many marchers.

Shelly is such an avid follower.

"Zihan, what should Xie Li do?"

He Yan was a little worried about Xie Li and couldn't help but say.

Bai Zihan shook his head and said coldly: "If she is willing to be deceived, no one can save her."

……… Ordinary audiences are bustling, some surprised, some shocked.

But Yamaguchi Yuta and other foreign negotiators looked anxious and frightened at this moment.

"Old Xu was defeated, what should we do now?"

"Think of a way!"

"It's all of you, you have to invite someone to fight against Chen Fei.

Now, the result is getting worse. "

"At that time, the decision was made at a meeting.

You also voted. Now, the result is not good, but you are an afterthought. "

"Okay, stop arguing.

We must make a decision right away, otherwise we will all be finished when Chen Fei comes over. "

"I propose to agree to all Chen Fei's previous requirements.

How do you feel? "

"This—" "I agree."

"I agree!"

"But—" "Don't hesitate, besides agree, do you have any other way now?"

"Oh, then I agree."

………A group of people quickly reached a common decision, ready to agree to Chen Fei’s request.

But at this moment, Chen Fei's figure came down directly from the top of the building and fell in front of a few people, and said coldly: "Now, it's your turn."

The president of the AXE Association immediately stood up with a flattering smile and nodded and bowed his head and said: "Mr. Chen, we all agree to your request before, and we all agree to it. Now you can sign a contract."

After speaking, he turned and looked at the others.

The others immediately smiled and nodded and bowed.

"Mr. Chen, our association has agreed."

"Our martial arts gymnasium has no opinion."

"Our gymnasium, you can sign right away."

……… Facing these people with respectful faces, Chen Fei sneered, "Now I agree to sign."

"But, do you think it might be that simple?"

The foreign warrior's complexion changed, and his expression became heavy.

The president of the AXE Association spoke quickly, trying to explain: "Mr. Chen, we really know that we were wrong."

"One sentence is wrong, just forget it?"

Chen Fei asked coldly, "If it is not Xu Baichuan who is killed, it is me.

I'm afraid, you won't be the attitude you are now! "

"This--" The foreign warrior looked embarrassed and speechless.

For a while, there was silence and a tense atmosphere.

Finally, Yamaguchi Yu was too unbearable, looked at Chen Fei, and said, "Then what do you want?"

Chen Fei squinted his eyes, looked at Yuta Yamaguchi, and said coldly: "What do you want me to do?

Then I tell you, I want you to die! "

"Hoo-" In an instant, the foreign warrior changed color for a while, his expression was very ugly.

Yamaguchi Yuta made a calm face, gritted his teeth and said: "Mr. Chen, I know you are great.

But if the fight really starts, the result will be uncertain when the time comes. "

"Mr. Chen, why bother to such an extent.

It’s not good for everyone to die and break the net! "

"The fish die and the net is broken?

Hehe, you are not qualified to use this word in front of me. "

Chen Fei said coldly, "I didn't kill you directly, but negotiated with you. This is the opportunity for you."

"But you don't know how to cherish yourself, so don't blame me for being polite."

"Go and die!"

With a stern shout, Chen Fei's momentum soared, and he went directly to the group of foreign warriors.

The foreign warriors instantly changed their colors, and at the same time they aroused the aura of true vitality one by one, gritted their teeth, their legs firmly stepped into the hard ground, insisting on resisting Chen Fei's aura and oppression.

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