
Chapter 2719: ? Nikiko

In the hotel, Chen Fei took a rest.

That night, Chen Fei went downstairs to find something to eat.

However, as soon as he walked into the restaurant, he realized that something was wrong.

Because the restaurant that was still bustling at noon was silent at this moment, and there was no one except him.

"So soon, did it start?"

A sneer appeared at the corner of Chen Fei's mouth, and he shook his head gently.

Ignoring the abnormality of the restaurant, Chen Fei came to the buffet table by himself, and after making a stack of meals that could be eaten, he sat down and ate slowly.

Chen Fei's calmness seemed to make the people behind the scenes feel a little surprised. He was stunned for several minutes before he stepped out.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Chen Fei glanced up at these serious men in suits and leather shoes.

But without saying anything else, he continued to eat.

Finally, the footsteps stopped in front of Chen Fei, and the other party said: "Are you Chen Fei?"

Chen Fei did not respond and continued to eat.

The other party seemed to be a little displeased, his tone became gloomy, and he spoke again: "I'm asking you, are you Chen Fei?"

Chen Fei still did not respond, and slowly stuffed the last bite of food into his mouth, chewing slowly.

"Are you deaf?

I'm talking to you! "

The other party was a little angry and slapped it directly on the dining table.

[Ben Fun Pavilion] "Bang!"

The dinner plate vibrated, collided with the knife and fork, and made a crackling sound.

At this moment, Chen Fei swallowed the last bite of food, picked up the napkin, and wiped his mouth.

Then he looked up at the person in front of him, and said lightly: "No one told you, is it rude to disturb others eating?"

"You--" The other party seemed to be choked with anger by Chen Fei's words, and his face was sinking.

"Now, I give you a chance to go to the temple to plead for sin, confess your crime, and accept punishment."

With a condescending attitude, this person ordered Chen Fei.

After hearing this, Chen Fei glanced at this guy with an Asian face, but tried to pretend to be the so-called gentleman of the shadow country, chuckled, and said, "Give me a chance?"

"Who do you think you are!"

Chen Fei's tone sank, and he asked unceremoniously.

The man was frightened by Chen Fei's aura and couldn't help but backed up a few steps, his expression a little flustered.

But then he steadied his pace, looked proud, and said: "My name is Locke Young, and I am a viscount canonized by the King of Shadows, and I am also the honorary priest of the church."

"You are a criminal wanted by the royal family and the church.

Now, I give you a chance to surrender, don’t let yourself know, regret it at the end! "

"Viscount, honorary priest!"

Chen Fei sneered for a while, looked up at Locke Yang, and said, "So what, is this what you said has something to do with me?"

"You--" Locke Yang's face sank, and he said sternly, "Chen, don't be shameless."

"Do you know that because of your rude behavior, the reputation of the Chinese in the film country has plummeted, and people have been abused and insulted.

It even affected me and my family, and suffered a lot of losses. "

"Now, don't you wake up quickly.

Hurry up to plead guilty and put down and save your reputation. "

Upon hearing this, Chen Fei sneered, and said: "The devils are not in a hurry, you two devils are extremely anxious!"

"You--" Locke Yang was furious and stared at Chen Fei fiercely.

Chen Fei sneered: "Why, don't you want to do something with me?"

"Chen Fei, I know you are a master of martial arts.

But don’t think I’m afraid of you. Today, if you don’t hold your hands, don’t blame me for being impolite. "

With a sharp shout, Locke Yang waved his hand and ordered, "Do it!"

In an instant, a group of warriors in black rushed in and attacked Chen Fei.

However, these warriors are too weak in Chen Fei's eyes.

He didn't even enter the heavenly realm, so it was not worth mentioning.

Shaking his head, Chen Fei let out a few vigor.

These black-clothed warriors didn't even approach Chen Fei's body, and they all fell to the ground, wailing.

"This, how is it possible, you--" Locke Yang obviously didn't know much about martial arts. Seeing that the martial artist he had invited with a lot of money was solved by Chen Fei in two or three strokes, he was shocked.

Chen Fei clapped his hands, grabbed with his right hand, and directly lifted Locke Yang up.

"You, what do you want to do?"

Rock Young panicked.

Chen Fei's voice was calm and icy, "Aren't you two devils wanting to arrest me and ask your ghost master of Shadow Nation for help?"

Since you like being a devil so much, then I will fulfill you. "

While talking, Chen Fei held Locke Yang and walked to the dining room window.

Opening the window with his left hand, a gust of wind suddenly came in.

"no, do not want!"

Rock Young shivered with fright, and hurriedly shouted.

After all, he knew very well that the restaurant was on the eighth floor of the hotel. If it fell like this, he would definitely die.

"Mr. Chen, I was wrong, I really know it was wrong.

I shouldn't have dealt with you, please, the adults don't remember the villain, let me go! "

Chen Fei ignored Locke Yang's pleading, and gently put out his right hand and stretched him out of the window.

Locke Young looked down at the busy traffic below, and he was so scared that he almost didn't wet his pants.

His voice cried to Chen Fei: "Mr. Chen, please.

Because everyone is a Chinese compatriot, spare my life. "


Aren't you Sir Shadowland?

When did you become a Chinese? "

Chen Fei said.

"I, I am of Chinese descent, and will always be."

Locke Young said quickly.

"I'm sorry, Huaxia doesn't need two devils like you!"

Chen Fei said lightly, and then let go of his right hand.

Suddenly, a scream rang out.

Then, there was a loud bang, and there was lively below.

Chen Fei ignored the excitement below, clapped his hands, turned and went back to the room.

Originally, he planned to investigate beforehand.

But now it seems that the news that he has come to the Kingdom of Shadows, the church and the royal family, should have already known.

In this case, there is no need to continue to hide it.

So, Chen Fei changed his mind, picked up the phone in the room, and dialed a number.

And following Chen Fei's outgoing call, after a while, all major media in the film country exploded and quickly became busy.

Because that phone number from Chen Fei was actually made to the biggest TV station in the film country.

On the phone, he directly declared that he had come to the film country, and decided to hold a press conference at the Queen’s Hotel at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning, inviting celebrities and wealthy businessmen from all walks of life in the film country to come and participate together.

This news was announced by the major media of the film country, instantly making the whole film country lively.

Countless netizens have heatedly discussed it on the Internet.

Some people yelled at Chen Fei and called on the people from the shadow of the royal family and the church to come over immediately and arrest Chen Fei.

Some people were very curious about the reason why Chen Fei developed the conference, and they began to speculate.

Of course, the people who scolded Chen Fei still accounted for the majority.

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