
Chapter 2732: ?Void black hole

Of course, Chen Fei, who was fighting with the Dark Dragon at this moment, didn't know what happened in the Palace of the Shadow King.

I have to say that Dark Dragon is the strongest enemy Chen Fei has encountered so far.

The martial intent of the Eight Thousand Dao, and the cultivation base close to the realm of the gods, indeed made the Dark Dragon's strength much stronger than the opponents it had encountered before.

In the circumstance of using only fire, Chen Fei can only draw a tie with the dark dragon, and it is almost impossible to overwhelm or even kill the opponent.

At this moment, Chen Fei really met the first martial arts genius he truly recognized since he came down the mountain.

However, it is only a recognition in martial arts.

Chen Fei would not show mercy to Dark Dragon's hatred and hatred.

Therefore, Chen Fei was ready to arouse other martial intent, and directly burst out the power of a god-level warrior to kill the dark dragon and end the battle.

However, almost at the same time, the dark dragon on the opposite side also had similar thoughts in his mind.

Chen Fei's strength surprised him a bit.

After all, in the past few decades, Dark Dragon has not encountered a person who can fight himself to such an extent.

Moreover, he was still a young man under thirty.

I have to say that Chen Fei is an absolute genius in martial arts, even a genius even more powerful than his Dark Dragon.

If he is allowed to continue to grow, within ten years, I am afraid he will not be Chen Fei's opponent.

But admiration and admiration, the more so, the deeper the dark dragon's killing intent on Chen Fei.

Such a potential opponent must be killed before it grows up.

With a fierce killing intent in his eyes, the dark dragon snorted coldly, and said in a low voice: "It's your honor to force me to use a trick."

As soon as the voice fell, Dark Dragon's aura changed, and a thicker black burst out of him.

If the black mist he had excited before was a black curtain.

Then the black mist that was ignited at this moment was like a puddle of ink that was too thick to dissolve, engulfing around his body, and at the same time swallowing everything around him.

"Void black hole!"

With a sharp shout, the thick ink around the Dark Dragon spread to the surroundings.

Everything touched by the black ink, whether it is a building, a tree or a car road, melts like snow when it meets the sun.

Even the invisible sky seemed to be swallowed by this thick black space.

At this moment, the thick black ink seemed to become a black hole in the universe, swallowing everything around it, even light.

The passers-by onlookers were frightened by this scene, and one by one quickly turned and fled.

Even Irene and the Holy Lord were full of shock and fear.

"This, is this the strength of the Dark Dragon?

It's horrible! "

"Void black hole, is this the legendary trick?

This, this is already a god-level master's method! "

………The queen who led the team to help, saw such a scene. She was surprised at first, and then a thick smile appeared on her face. “The dark dragon is really powerful. It seems that you don’t need to let SAS do it. That kid is dead. ."

On the battlefield, Chen Fei looked at the thick black ink that continued to expand towards him, and a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

He tentatively ignited several rays of light and attacked the thick ink-like black.

As a result, the radiant energy seemed to enter the sea like a mud cow, almost without arousing any reaction, it was directly swallowed by the thick black black.

Even Chen Fei tentatively aroused some spiritual powers, and when he dived into the thick ink black, there was no response.

"This trick is a bit of a void black hole!"

The corner of Chen Fei's mouth was raised slightly, revealing a look of interest, without any fear.

Seeing Chen Fei laugh, Dark Dragon sneered: "Do you still want to pretend to be calm when you die?

Well, let me fulfill you! "

With a sharp shout, the thick black color accelerated the speed of expansion and invaded towards Chen Fei.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei narrowed his eyes slightly, and a sharp glow flashed through the corner of his eyes.

Although Dark Dragon's trick is indeed powerful, no matter how powerful it is, it will not change the fact that he is still a demigod master.

Therefore, Chen Fei, who has now entered the path of the gods, is not afraid at all.

With a cold snort, Chen Fei was not polite, directly stimulating the sapling-like core in his body.

On the pill core sapling, the nine branches representing different martial intents all swayed gently, emitting a ray of light.

Stone meaning, wind, ice, sword, sword, spear, thunder, fire, wood! Nine kinds of martial intent, at this moment, all burst out.

Nine different rays of light flowed through the sapling-shaped dantian and flowed through the eight channels of the odd meridians in the body, and finally merged together and turned into a dazzling ball of light, which shot forward from the palm of Chen Fei's palm.

The ball of light fluttered and flew towards the ink-like black.

Everything seemed so plain and even a little silent.

Even the Dark Dragon froze for a while, as if he did not expect that Chen Fei, who was about to die, would only issue such a flat counterattack.

"Could it be that the kid has accepted his fate and is about to die?"

Dark Dragon thought in his heart.

But soon, he threw out the distracting thoughts in his heart.

He hummed softly and whispered to himself: "No matter what tricks you play, you can't hide from my empty black hole."

"Huh, huh!"

The ball of light danced calmly, black like ink, and expanded silently.

But suddenly, at the moment when the two touched.

The originally silent space suddenly erupted with a sky-shaking explosion.

The sound was extremely shocking, with a heavy thunderous aura, causing the entire ground to make a roar and tremble violently.

The sound was also extremely sharp, like an invisible silver needle, piercing the space and impacting people's eardrums and bodies.


The loud noise is just a moment! Immediately, in the dazzling ball of light, nine colorful rays of light burst out.

The light resembled nine flying dragons, directly impacting the ink-like black.

The Dark Dragon was also backlashed, let out a scream, and spouted blood from his mouth.

"How can it be?

how come! My void black hole, how could you break open, you—" Dark Dragon looked at Chen Fei with an incredible expression on his face.

Chen Fei's face was as cold as iron, and his figure flashed in the air before appearing in front of the Dark Dragon.

In his right hand, a red long sword lightly pierced forward.

Without any fancy, the long sword pierced the dark dragon's heart.

At the same time, Chen Fei said lightly: "It's very simple, because I have reached the realm of God level."

"God, you, you unexpectedly—" Dark Dragon looked at Chen Fei in disbelief with a shocked expression on his face.

But soon, the look in his eyes quickly passed, his head dropped, his body fell from the air, and smashed to the ground fiercely.

Chen Fei looked at the dark dragon corpse on the ground, his eyes were neither sad nor happy, without any fluctuations, as if what he had killed was not a world-renowned top master who had comprehended eight thousand martial arts.


With a light wave of his hand, after all the nine rays of light washed away the ink, with a swish, it turned into streamer and entered Chen Fei's body.

Heaven and earth, at this moment, restored peace.

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