
Chapter 2740: ? But so

As soon as the voice fell, Chen Fei turned into a streamer, and rushed out with a whistling speed faster than Rong Meng's.

Rong Meng was shocked, and immediately stood on his legs, condensing his true vitality, and prepared to let go.


With a loud noise, Chen Fei's offensive slammed into Rong Meng's body.

Rong Meng directly vomited a mouthful of blood, his body was knocked into the air for more than ten meters, and he rolled and almost fell outside the ring.

As a result, the scene could not help but let out a cry of surprise.

Everyone did not expect that Chen Fei, who had been passively beaten just now, started to counterattack with such a sharp attack that he directly knocked Rong Meng into the air.

Mu Yuqing smiled, deliberately clapped his hands and shouted "OK", and then looked towards the Poison Cloud Palace.

Suddenly, Lou Xu in the Poison Cloud Palace's eyes fell gloomy.

However, he snorted coldly and whispered to himself: "This is just the beginning, don't think that you can win this way.

The people in Poison Cloud Palace are not so easy to deal with. "

Rong Meng, who seemed to have heard Lou Xu's words, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, looked at Chen Fei, and said, "It seems that I did underestimate you before.

Next, you are qualified to make me serious. "

As he spoke, Rong Meng's body began to rise up with a terrible green aura.

The whole arena was directly covered with a layer of green mist.

At the same time, in the palm of Rong Meng's palm, a group of green light was surging, as if boiling.

Under the cover of the green mist, Rong Meng constantly changed his body shape on the stage.

The green light in the palm of the palm is also surging more and more fiercely.

When everyone in the audience saw this, they couldn't help but talk in a low voice.

"Rong Meng is going to use his unique trick."

"The surge of poison in the Poison Cloud Palace cannot be blocked by ordinary people."

"It takes a certain amount of time for the surge of poison to condense to the strongest state.

Now, Rong Meng's use of green mist is obviously delaying time, waiting for the strongest blow from the surge of ten thousand poisons.

If Chen Fei is familiar with the Poison Cloud Palace, he should attack now, perhaps there is still a glimmer of life.

When the Poisonous Surge really condenses and takes shape, there will be no hope for him. "

"He said he was from Taboo Island, but in sum, he didn't stay on Taboo Island for a few months.

It is normal to be unfamiliar. "

"This kind of person is actually an outsider.

I don't know why Palace Master Qingmu valued it so much and gave him those privileges. "

………There was a lot of discussion in the audience, and on the stage, Chen Fei seemed to be frightened by Rong Meng’s tricks.

Such a scene caused many people in the audience to shake their heads and sigh with emotion.

About 30 seconds later, Rong Meng’s surge of toxic poisons really condensed and formed. In the palm of his hand, a group of green light the size of a volleyball was constantly tumbling, emitting a green mist, spreading towards the surrounding Come.

"Haha, kid, you are dead."

Rong Meng was very proud and laughed, the light group in his hand whizzed towards Chen Fei.

In an instant, the green ball of light swept towards Chen Fei with a green mist.

The terrifying power and terrifying toxicity caused many people to take a breath, and the expressions on their faces were shocked.

"The surge of poison!"

Killing moves hit.

At this moment, Chen Fei looked at the large green in front of him, without any fear, but a disappointed look. He sighed and shook his head.

"Is your unique trick only this level?"

"Fortunately, I also deliberately waited for you to condense and take shape, but I didn't expect it, but that's it!"

"You--" Rong Meng didn't expect Chen Fei to be so arrogant when facing his own tricks.

Suddenly, his face sank, and gritted his teeth: "Arrogant! Wait until you catch my trick."

Chen Fei didn't talk too much nonsense. With a lightly raised right hand, a red flame burst into flames from his palm.

Then, his right hand swung forward, and the red flame whizzed out, colliding with the green light ball.

The green ball of light was instantly enveloped in flames, and then burned out quickly, before approaching Chen Fei's body, it turned into nothingness and burned completely clean.

"Well, how is this possible, you--" Rong Meng looked at Chen Fei in dismay, his muscles twitching constantly.

Chen Fei waved his hand and said lightly: "I just said it, but that's it."

"Go on, don't waste time."

Chen Fei put away the flame in his right hand, held his hands behind his back, looked at Rong Meng, and said calmly.

"You--" Rong Meng's face was cold, his face was full of anger, and he screamed, and rushed toward Chen Fei fiercely, "I'm going to kill--" But, before he finished shouting, Chen Fei raised his eyebrows lightly. , Lifted his right foot and popped a foot forward.

Suddenly, with a "bang", Rong Meng's lower abdomen was hit hard and he screamed, and his body flew directly out of the ring, hit the ground, and spewed a big mouthful of blood.

As a result, many people did not expect that the scene fell into silence for a while.

It wasn't until the voice announcing Chen Fei's victory sounded that Chen Fei stepped down.

The people in the Poison Cloud Palace rushed towards Rong Meng and hurriedly helped him up.

"Hall lord, Rong Meng him--" Lou Xu supported Rong Meng, glanced at Chen Fei with hatred, and then looked at the lord for help.

However, in the battle of the ring, the victory or defeat depends on their respective strengths.

Even if the Poison Cloud Palace Master was dissatisfied, he couldn't say anything.

On the contrary, he gave Lou Xu a fierce look, and said displeased: "I don't want to take the embarrassing thing."


Lou Xu quickly left with Rong Meng.

At the Qingmu Temple, many disciples who had doubts about Chen Fei also changed their attitudes at this moment, greeted them with smiles on their faces one by one.

The people in the other martial arts halls also had their own minds, and started talking in low voices.

Chen Fei sat down, and the final match of the first round also began.

From Zhu Han of the Crazy Dragon Palace, against Malken of the Emmanuel Palace.

In the generation of Emmanuel Palace, Malcolm is regarded as the number one master.

In the hands of the same generation of masters in the entire Sixteenth Hall, it can be considered to be ranked high, basically in the top eight.

Needless to say, Zhu Han is not only the Mad Dragon Palace, but also the most famous genius warrior of this generation among all the sixteen halls.

The collision of the two masters in this way naturally made everyone quite interested, and I look forward to the two masters bringing you a wonderful competition.

It's just that the final result was completely unexpected.

The competition was not the fierce confrontation that everyone expected, but Zhu Han's overwhelming crush.

In less than three minutes, Zhu Han knocked Malken directly to the ground, voluntarily surrendering.

There was a burst of cheers from the audience, and everyone chanted Malken's name.

In the Palace of Crazy Dragon, an excited cheer sounded.

On the contrary, on the side of the Emmanuel Palace, it seemed a little sad, and many people comforted the defeated Malken.

At the same time, she secretly sighed that the Lingguang Palace had really bad luck this year. In the first round, we encountered a great demon like Zhu Han, and we could only lose.

If under normal circumstances, with Malken's strength, smoothly enter the second round, or even with a little luck, enter the third round, it is very likely to happen.

However, things have already happened, and Emmanuel Palace can only sigh with emotion.

As a result, the first round of the competition officially ended, and all eight players who advanced to the second round were decided.

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