
Chapter 2745: ?The Lord of the Crazy Dragon

"He killed Zhu Han!"

The lord of the mad dragon stared at the lord of the green wood, gritted his teeth.

The host of the Greenwood Hall was expressionless, and said coldly: "The arena is to compete in the arena. It's the rule of life and death."

"Zhu Han is a disciple of my Crazy Dragon Palace."

In the voice of Palace Master Crazy Dragon, his eyes were scarlet, and the killing intent in his eyes was not concealed.

The Master of the Qingmu Palace frowned slightly, and was also a little angry, and his voice increased: "Chen Fei, I am a disciple of the Qingmu Palace."

Seeing that the atmosphere between the two became more and more tense, the host of the Wudian Hall spoke out to persuade them to reconcile.

"Two hall masters, don't get frustrated, and discuss things in the long term."

"It is inevitable that there will be some surprises in the competition."

The Lord of the Crazy Dragon heard the voice, gritted his teeth and said: "The kid had already won the test just now, but he deliberately wanted to kill Zhu Han.

This is obviously self-serving revenge, and I will definitely want him to pay the price. "

The Greenwood Hall Master snorted coldly, and said directly displeased: "Hall Master Crazy Dragon, you are not young anymore, don't you feel ridiculous to say such things?"

"The competition in the arena is unpredictable.

Before the final result was decided, my disciple of the Qingmu Temple went all out. Could it be a mistake? "

"If you are really held accountable, it is also because your disciple of the Crazy Dragon Palace is not as good in learning skills and not as good as others."

"The Lord of the Crazy Dragon has the skill to blame others. It's better to teach some disciples carefully, let Terman study hard and practice hard, so that the kung fu will rise up and then go to the ring, so that today's things will not happen again in the future."

"You--" Palace Master Crazy Dragon had never expected Palace Master Qingmu to be so tough, and he was directly ironic. He was scarlet with anger for a while, and didn't say anything else. He stared at Chen Fei and gritted his teeth, "He killed him." Zhu Han, I need him to pay the debt."

Chen Fei looked at the scarlet and steaming anger of the Lord of the Crazy Dragon. He didn't have any sense of fear at all. Instead, he looked so calm and said: "The Lord of the Crazy Dragon, I respect you as the Lord of the One Hall. Say a few more words."

"On the ring just now, Zhu Han kept saying that he would kill me to avenge the Jin family.

He shot cruelly, killing intently.

It was only natural that I resisted with all my strength. "

"Then you don't need to kill you!"

The Lord of the Crazy Dragon gritted his teeth.

Hearing this, Chen Fei gave a cold snort, his face sank, and directly asked unceremoniously: "What do you mean by the words of Palace Master Crazy Dragon?

Zhu Han can go all out to kill me, but I can't go all out to resist? "

"Or, if Zhu Han killed me, it would be normal.

If I killed Zhu Han, I can't. "

"I would like to ask the Lord of the Crazy Dragon, when did the rules of the Three Palaces become like this?"

He asked in a loud voice, like a heavy hammer, smashing towards the Lord of the Crazy Dragon.

The Lord of the Crazy Dragon was angry and angry, and almost instinctively wanted to respond, but when he glanced at the three palace masters on the first seat, there was still a sense in his heart, and he changed his words at the moment of exit, "The three palace masters The rules are set by the three palace masters, and they are naturally fair."

"But Sannomiya is for our Taboo Island Wudian disciples to exchange and learn, and to select talents.

But you acted fiercely and avenged private revenge.

Don't hold the banner of the Sannomiya Grand Competition to shout for yourself. "

Chen Fei snorted coldly, "I'm taking a tough shot and avenging my personal revenge."

"When Zhu Han first shot, why didn't the Lord of the Crazy Dragon use these words to describe him!"

"Or, the anger of the Lord of the Crazy Dragon is only directed at others, not at one's own people.

Such a double standard is really ridiculous! "

"You--" The Lord of the Crazy Dragon was furious, and he didn't say anything at all. He directly aroused an extremely violent vigor and violently attacked Chen Fei.

"Boy, I killed you."

"Hall Master Crazy Dragon, do you really think I dare not do it with you?"

Upon seeing this, Palace Master Aoki sank, really angry, and shouted.

A layer of turquoise light glowed, rushing out, directly facing the violent impact of the Lord of the Crazy Dragon.

The two hall masters of the martial arts hall were going to fight in the arena.

Such a scene, but something that has never happened before in the Sannomiya Grand Competition.

For a time, there was an uproar, and everyone changed their faces and talked a lot.

However, at a critical moment, the first palace lord of Tianluo Palace on the first seat finally spoke, "Stop!"

There are only two simple words, but it is like a layer of invisible mighty force, falling from the sky, instantly suppressing the two violent vigor on the ring.

The noisy scene fell into silence for an instant, quietly.

"Palace Master!"

The Lord of the Crazy Dragon and the Lord of the Green Wood hurriedly put away their true vitality, and apologized to the Lord Luo Yi.

Palace Master Luo Yi snorted, and said, "You two are the Palace Masters.

Regardless of their status, they fought hard in the ring, and the impact was bad. "

"In the coming year, the training resources of the Blue Wood Hall and the Crazy Dragon Hall will be halved each."

As soon as these words came out, the two of them changed their expressions and wanted to argue about something, but then they saw the solemn face of the Lord Luo Yi, and finally they could only say yes, not daring to say anything.

Then, the lord of Luo Yi Palace continued: "The Three Palaces Competition is over.

The competition is the competition, just follow the rules. "

"Chen Fei of the Greenwood Palace, this time the competition is number one.

Zhu Han in the Crazy Dragon Palace ranked second.

Each will receive rewards in accordance with regulations.

All other rankings are like this. "

The words of the Lord Luo Yi, can be regarded as qualitative for the last competition.

Chen Fei's act of killing Zhu Han is regarded as a normal arena and will not be held accountable.

Suddenly, Palace Master Qingmu couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, with a smile on his face.

After all, Chen Fei won the first place in the Three Palaces Competition, not only fighting for the face of Qingmudian.

Also won a lot of rewards to the Qingmudian.

With these rewards, the cultivation resources that the palace lord confiscated just now were nothing.

And the complexion of the Lord of the Crazy Dragon is obviously not so good, he wanted to kill Chen Fei, at least to make Qingmudian pay some price.

But now, the lord of the Luo Yi Palace spoke, and that could only be the case.

He was so unwilling in his heart that he couldn't help but look up in the direction of the second palace master of Disha Gongluo, as if he wanted to speak and say something.

But the lean Luo Second Palace Lord shot a cold gaze directly, causing the Crazy Dragon Palace Master to close his mouth with interest, and finally didn't say much.

With the announcement of rewards from other players and Wudian, this Sannomiya Grand Contest is officially over.

Just as everyone was preparing to leave.

Suddenly, the Lord Luo Yi said again, "I said before the start of the competition.

This year's Sannomiya Grand Tournament, the champion will have a special reward. "

As soon as these words came out, everyone at the scene became curious, and their eyes turned to Chen Fei.

Many people talked in a low voice, discussing what kind of reward Luo Yi Palace Lord would give.

Some people continue to speculate whether it is cultivation herbs, precious pill, or legendary weapon?

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