
Chapter 2748: ?Tianluo Lingquan

Because of this magic, almost everyone on Taboo Island wanted to enter Tianluo Lingquan to practice.

It's just that the spiritual spring is limited, and it is impossible to provide everyone's practice.

Therefore, the person who can be selected to enter Tianluo Lingquan is absolutely fortunate.

As the champion of the Sannomiya Grand Tournament, Chen Fei would not have gotten this opportunity yet.

As a result, the lord of Luo Yi Palace spoke in person, saying that Chen Fei was about to go to the Frozen Extremis for a mission, so he had to increase his cultivation base and improve his strength. Therefore, Chen Fei was granted permission to enter Tianluo Lingquan to practice.

Although he was still wary of Sannomiya in his heart, Chen Fei was reluctant to let go of such an opportunity.

After some preparations, Chen Fei came to Tianluo Palace.

This time, Luo Yi Palace Lord did not come to see Chen Fei in person, but asked the people in the palace to bring Chen Fei to Tian Luo Lingquan.

This is a small valley behind Tianluo Palace. When you pass the guard at the entrance into the valley, you can see a thick white mist in the air.

Taking a deep breath, inhaling the white mist into his lungs, Chen Fei suddenly felt energetic.

Because these white mists are not ordinary water vapor, but the spiritual energy that is liquefied and transpired.

Just taking a sip is equivalent to Chen Fei practicing outside for a week.

With some excitement in his heart, Chen Fei continued to move forward and came to the center of the valley, pulling away the white mist.

Ahead, a Wang Quanyan appeared before Chen Fei's eyes.

The area of ​​the spring is small, only three or four square meters wide, and clear water is surging inside.

Standing next to the spring, you can feel the aura that pervades the surroundings, which is rich to the degree of horror.

"Is this Tianluo Lingquan?

The aura really turned into liquid. "

Chen Fei was excited, leaned over and picked up a stream of spring water, and took a sip.

Suddenly, a cool breath passed through the esophagus and spread to the limbs, causing Chen Fei to shiver uncontrollably. His body seemed to take on a new look at this moment, giving birth to a different kind of vitality.

"This—" Chen Fei's eyes lit up in an instant.

Without delay, Chen Fei took off his coat directly, jumped into the eyes of the spring, and soaked his body in the cool spiritual spring. Chen Fei held his breath and began to absorb the rich spiritual energy.

The nose and mouth are constantly absorbing the spiritual energy, and even the pores of the body are opening and slowly absorbing the spiritual energy from the spiritual spring.

The infusion of massive spiritual energy allowed Chen Fei's body to moisturize Chen Fei's body at an unspeakable speed.

Chen Fei's limbs and hundreds of corpses greedily absorbed the aura, and the aura passed through the meridians to the Dantian Qi Sea, desperately refining and fusing, and then spreading to the limbs and hundreds of corpses.

In this way, Chen Fei was immersed in the spirit spring, completely indulged in his practice, completely forgetting the passage of time, like a stone sculpture.

………Outside the world, a month has passed, and the three palace masters gathered together again in Tianluo Palace.

Luo San looked at Luo Yi and said, "Brother, that kid is still practicing?

Did nothing happen? "

Luo Yi shook his head and said: "I have been watching people during this period of time, and I have personally explored it several times.

That kid has been practicing in Lingquan, no other abnormalities. "

"Could it be that the kid really has nothing to do with the change of the World Tree?"

Luo San frowned.

Luo looked serious and said: "It's too early to make a conclusion, let's look at it again!"

Luo Er said at this time: "Big Brother, the liquid aura in Tianluo Lingquan is the result of our Forbidden Island's accumulation of bit by bit for thousands of years.

Now, just absorb the practice for that kid like this, this—" Luo San couldn't help but sigh when he heard this: "In the beginning, we didn't have such extravagance.

Now, that kid is cheap. "

Luo's face was sullen, and his tone was serious: "We have all reached a bottleneck in our practice, and we can't make progress even if we use the spiritual spring to practice.

So don't be a pity. "

"Furthermore, if we can really discover the abnormal movement of the World Tree from that kid, we will break through the blockade, leave the Taboo Island, and even return to our hometown.

At that time, this little liquid aura was nothing. "

Mentioning the word hometown, Luo Er and Luo San couldn't help but their eyes changed, and their eyes were full of anticipation.

Luo Yi glanced at the two and said, "Don't be discouraged, all these years have passed.

Wait, there is always a way. "

"Go back, hurry up.

The blockade of the World Tree is weakening, and it shouldn't be long before the blockade of Taboo Island should be able to be unlocked. "

"yes, Sir!"

Luo Er and Luo San nodded and left.

Looking at the back of the two of them leaving, Luo Yi muttered to himself in a low voice: "I have been thinking about going home all the time for so many years."

After finishing speaking, Luo Yi's opponent exhorted, "Look at Lingquan. If there is an unexpected situation, please notify me at any time."


The subordinate nodded respectfully.

Immediately, Luo Yi left with his hands behind his back.

......But said that Chen Fei, who had been practicing for a month in the Tianluo Lingquan at this moment, finally slowly opened his eyes and woke up from the state of drunken practice.

He moved his body slowly, feeling that his whole body was full of strength, and among the limbs, all of his limbs seemed to be filled with liquid aura.

It seems that with a little movement, the spirit spring will overflow from the body.

Chen Fei instinctively wanted to absorb and refine these spiritual energy, but before he moved, he shook his head and revealed a smile that was either lucky or unlucky.

"I really didn't expect that one day, I would be distressed because of too much aura and don't know what to do!"

It turned out that during this month of cultivation, Chen Fei's body was like a sponge, absorbing enough spiritual fluid to reach his limit.

He wanted to refine and fuse more spiritual qi, but Dantian Qihai had reached its limit, and he couldn't smelt so much spiritual qi at all.

Therefore, Chen Fei felt a pity for a while watching the spirit fluid still gurgling in the spirit spring.

"It's a hard time, is it going to end like this?"

"Otherwise, find a container and put some spiritual liquid out, maybe you can use it in the future."

Just as Chen Fei was thinking about how to use more spiritual fluid, suddenly a huge bubble burst out of the spiritual spring.

Bubbles rose from the spring below, rushed to the surface, and burst with a bang.

Then, a damp and fishy smell, even with these **** smells, emanated from the bursting bubbles, causing Chen Fei to hold his breath and couldn't help backing for a while.

Waving his hand to dissipate the unpleasant smell, Chen Fei couldn't help but feel puzzled, staring at the fountain's eyes and thinking.

It stands to reason that the spirits in the spirit spring are all spirits, and there shouldn't be this stinking **** smell.

But this bubble is absolutely true.

"Could it be that there is something under Lingquan?"

Chen Fei's heart rushed into a thought.

Unable to control the curiosity in his heart anymore, Chen Fei took a deep breath and directly dived into the spirit spring.

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