
Chapter 2750: ?In the dungeon

Seeing Chen Fei's cautious appearance, the old man waved to Chen Fei and said, "Boy, don't be so nervous.

No one usually comes to this horrible place. "

"Who is your kid, and why did you come here?"

"I--" Chen Fei rolled his eyes, thinking about how to answer.

However, the old man was straightforward, "Boy, you were looking for Gu Yu just now.

And I am Gu Yu. "


Chen Fei was startled and looked at the old man, his eyes still dubious, "Are you Gu Yu?"

"Do not believe?"

He raised his eyebrows and said, "Speak, who asked you to come?

What can I do? "

Chen Fei kept an eye on him. He didn't directly say his master's name. Instead, he rolled his eyes and said, "Since you are Gu Yu, old gentleman, I'll just say it straight."

Senior Luo Yi asked me to come, and another message to you, Mr. Old! "

Hearing what Chen Fei said, the old man shook his head, looked at Chen Fei, and said, "Boy, you are not honest."

"If you are really sent by Luo Yi, why are you so sneaky? Just come down.

After all, I was locked up by him. "

"The more you are like this, the more it shows that you were not sent by him.

I guess you should be a double-edged person, right? "

Upon hearing this, Chen Fei was really taken aback. He confirmed the identity of the other party and bowed his hand to the old man: "Mr. Old, the kid is rude.

But being here, the kid had to be cautious. "

"Well, I didn't blame you again."

Gu Yubai waved his hand, "Since you are a double-edged person, you should have been sent by Xuanyuan Jiangshan?

Come on, what can that kid do for me? "

"Uh-" Chen Fei was slightly startled, and confirmed the identity of the other party. After all, it is almost impossible to pretend to be Gu Yu if he can directly name his master and the double-edged organization.

"Ancient, Xuanyuan Jiangshan is my master.

I came here because Master gave me a task to bring you a message to Mr. Old. "


What message? "

Gu Yu asked.

Chen Fei paused for a while, and then said: "Master asked me to take a message, let you hold on for another 30 years, at most 30 years, and you will soon succeed."

"Thirty years, thirty years later, you will be able to succeed, is this true!"

After listening to the message, Gu Yu sighed for a while, picked up the bottle, and took a sip of wine.

In the corner of his eyes, you can see a little shining tears.

Chen Fei saw the emotion and complex emotions in the old man's heart, he did not say anything, and waited quietly outside.

When Gu Yujiang drank all the wine, he took a long breath, looked at Chen Fei, and said, "Boy, I have received the message.

If you see your master, go back and tell him that I have been here for so many years. Thirty years have passed in a flash. "


Chen Fei handed over and said yes.

Gu Yu looked at Chen Fei, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and said, "This dungeon is under the ground of Tianluo Palace. You can break into this place. You are good at it.

Tell me about your situation. "

Chen Fei had a slight pause, and then he joined Forbidden Island, received a master's task, participated in the Three Palace Grand Competition, then practiced in Tianluo Lingquan, and finally entered the dungeon, all told Gu Yu.

After listening to it, Gu Yu couldn't help but smile, and praised: "A good kid, he has this kind of strength at a young age, and he has a bright future.

The boy Xuanyuan Jiangshan was blessed to receive such an apprentice. "

Chen Fei lowered his head and listened, but said nothing.

But there were some doubts in his heart. After all, Mr. Gu Yu Gu, who called his master a bite-by-bit kid, seemed to be much older than his master, but he didn't seem to be able to tell from his appearance.

And Gu Yu continued: "By the way, they let you go to the Frozen Desperate Realm to collect cold jade ice.

That place is not stable, you have to be careful yourself. "

"While you are in Tianluo Lingquan, hurry up, absorb more spiritual energy, and practice and exercise."

Hearing this, Chen Fei couldn't help but change his expression slightly, and said, "I, my body, seems to have reached its limit, and I can't absorb more aura.

Moreover, those spiritual liquids seem to be drawn from the bodies of these people in the dungeon. I feel like--" Gu Yudao: "Don't think about so much, the spiritual energy has already been drawn out, and it's wasted if you don't use it.

If you use more, let those guys use less.

For those of us who are locked up in the dungeon, it is also a kind of luck. "

Chen Fei nodded slightly.

Gu Yu thought of something, and continued: "You said your body has reached its limit, and you can't absorb any more spiritual energy.

In this way, I will teach you a technique. After you learn it, you should be able to absorb more spiritual energy. "


Chen Fei was taken aback.

Gu Yu had already spoken directly, "This exercise is called "Nine Phoenix Nirvana Sutra", it is..." Chen Fei hurriedly concentrated his attention and memorized this exercise carefully.

The content of the exercise was not long, and it didn't take long for Chen Fei to remember this exercise firmly.

Although he hasn't started practicing yet, after a little bit of thinking, Chen Fei will be able to discover that this exercise is definitely not bad, and it is more subtle and profound than the various heavenly-level exercises he encountered outside.

In the faint, even with the "Nine Suns Burning the Sky" he practiced inextricably linked.

After seeing Chen Fei's notes, Gu Yu said again: "This "Nine Phoenix Nirvana Sutra" is mainly a method of forging the body. You can use spiritual energy to temper your body, making your body stronger and more absorbing. Aura."

Hearing this, Chen Fei couldn't help but his eyes brightened.

I thought that the problem I encountered was that I couldn't absorb more spiritual energy. As a result, the ancient times gave myself a specific exercise method for physical training and absorption of spiritual energy, which can be said to be more suitable.

Gu Yu looked at Chen Fei, who was full of joy, and continued: "Moreover, this "Nine Phoenix Nirvana Sutra" is not an ordinary exercise technique, but very delicate, even I haven't practiced it to the extreme."

"Nine Phoenix Nirvana Sutra, as the name implies, it is said that the practitioner is like the legendary phoenix bird, reborn from the ashes, and sublimated to Nirvana."

"The whole exercise is divided into nine layers.

Every time you successfully practice one level, you can make your body, like a phoenix in nirvana, strengthen and rebirth once.

If you practice all nine levels and succeed in Nirvana rebirth nine times, you can reach the legendary realm. The flesh will not be broken by the soldiers, the law will not invade, and the King Kong will be invincible. "

"At that time, with only a strong and invincible body, without using any spiritual energy, you can smash any enemy."

If you talk about Chen Fei just now, it just shines.

At this moment, Chen Fei's eyes were almost bursting with excitement, and his whole body trembled slightly with excitement and excitement.

"This is so strong!"

Chen Fei's voice trembled because of his excitement, and he stuttered slightly.

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