
Chapter 2754: ?The Last Sword Villa

Upon seeing this, the see-off officer explained: "However, you don't have to worry too much, Mr. Chen.

You are the people of our Forbidden Island, those masters in the frozen building, basically don't dare to provoke our Forbidden Island. "

"Furthermore, when the Frozen Building was first built, our Taboo Island also made great efforts.

Among the management staff of the Frozen Building, half of them belong to Taboo Island.

Therefore, Mr. Chen need not be too nervous. "

Chen Fei nodded and looked forward. There seemed to be a bit of expectation in his slightly nervous eyes, "I understand!"

The two turned around a snow-covered hillside in front, and their eyes suddenly lit up.

A large, antique-looking four-story building stands impressively amidst the ice and snow.

Surrounded by snow and ice, the cold wind howled.

But there was a warm yellow light in that building. Just looking at it made people feel prosperous and warm, and could not wait to speed up the pace.

"This is the frozen building."

The see-off person pointed to the building.

The two of them walked to the ice-bound building, the see-off person and the people inside confessed a few words, confirmed their identity, and then bid farewell to Chen Fei, "Mr. Chen, I'll be here.

good luck! "

"Thank you!"

Chen Fei expressed his gratitude, and then walked into the frozen building with the guard's vigilant gaze at the door.

Outside, the see-off person watching Chen Fei walk into the ice-bound building, the corners of his mouth moved slightly, and he whispered to himself: "Mr. Chen, that is the order of the Lord Luo Er.

If you turn into a ghost, don't come to me! "

After finishing speaking, the see-off personnel quickened their pace, turned around and stepped into the ice and snow without looking back, and left quickly.

On Chen Fei's side, entering the frozen building, he immediately felt a fiery warmth rushing toward his face, and even made him feel a little hot.

Go through the gate and enter the lobby on the first floor.

In an instant, a noisy sound blasted towards Chen Fei's ears.

Looking around, I saw that in the huge hall, some people were drinking and punching, some were gambling, and some even embraced the woman and started making out in public.

In such a scene, if Chen Fei hadn't known in advance that the people here were top masters, I'm afraid he would have thought that he had walked into a small tavern that was not popular.

Lively, but chaotic and noisy! And Chen Fei's entry also suffocated the noisy scene. Almost dozens of people in the hall cast their eyes on Chen Fei.

Chen Fei ignored the gazes of these people, walked to the counter with a blank face, and said to a guy dressed up in the hall: "This is my voucher, please open a room for me."

The guy in the hall was also looking at Chen Fei curiously. At this moment, he was awakened by Chen Fei's voice, took Chen Fei's voucher, checked it, and quickly opened a room for Chen Fei.

"On the third floor, room B, please go upstairs, sir!"

As soon as this remark came out, many people in the hall showed a look of surprise, and their gazes at Chen Fei became a little bit extra.

At the same time, the discussion also buzzed.

"What is the background of the kid, he can move into the second room on the third floor, his identity is extraordinary!"

"The fourth floor is a place where only well-known god-level masters can stay.

On the third floor, at least one must be a disciple or a god-level genius to move in! That kid, it looks like he hasn't reached the **** level yet? "

"Did you make a mistake!"

"Whoever is interested, try that kid and see what's coming."

………Amidst the discussion, a yellow-haired man whistled to a table in the corner and joked: "A few beauties, that kid looks like you are Chinese, do you know?"

For a while, everyone's eyes turned to the table in the corner.

Several men made no secret of their greedy look, staring straight at the two women dressed in Chinese costumes on the table, looking at them, as if they wanted to penetrate their clothes.

Such an unkind look immediately made the faces of the Chinese people at this table sinking, and their expressions became cold.

One of them, wearing a moon-white gown and holding a long sword, dressed as an ancient scholar, frowned, his eyes sank, and his anger surged, and he was about to shoot the case.

However, at a critical moment, a woman with a long hair and shawl opposite the man who looked like a scholar said, "Han Jing, don't be impulsive."

"Senior Sister Yu, but those foreigners are actually disrespectful to you and Senior Sister Duan.

They must be taught a lesson. "

This man named Han Jing was angry and excited.

On his side, a round-faced girl with two cute pigtails couldn't help but wrinkle her nose and said: "Sister Yu, those people are too much. It is normal to ask Brother Han to teach them. ."

Senior Sister Yu with long hair and shawl looked at the two of them and said in a low voice, "Don't forget, where is this place."

This is the Frozen Building, and none of the people who come here are vulgar hands. "

"And it's the first time you two have come to Frozen Desperate to experience.

So as not to grow out of knots. "

Senior Sister Yu uttered a long voice.

Han Jing frowned and said with dissatisfaction: "Senior Sister Yu, they are provoking first. We counterattack normally. Isn't this all right?

We have been practicing martial arts for many years, but we didn't come outside to get angry. "

Sister Duan, who arrived with two pigtails, turned her big eyes, nodded and said: "Senior Brother Han is right. We are the descendants of Mojian Villa. Master asked us to go out to practice. Swordsmanship is carried forward."

"World, let me do it!"

Han Jing was eager to try, already holding the hilt in his right hand, ready to do it, "Furthermore, these Gentiles.

When we first arrived, we were disrespectful to and teasing.

We can't bear it anymore, otherwise the other party thinks that our Mojian Villa is easy to bully. "

"Brother, come on!"

The round-faced Junior Sister Duan clapped her hands quickly, in a posture that she could not wait for her brother to take action immediately.

When Senior Sister Yu saw this, she was also a little anxious. She hurriedly got up to hold Han Jing, and whispered: "Don't be impulsive, these people are not easy to deal with."

? "Sister!"

The two looked at Sister Yu together.

Senior Sister Yu said solemnly: "I have been here twice before, met them, and know a little about them."

"The fat man with a strong figure over there is called Man Ji. He has experienced ten times in an ice-bound desperate situation in the past 30 years, and he has all come back alive.

Moreover, in the past thirty years, as many as twelve quasi-god masters have died in his hands.

Now, his strength is very close to a true god-level master, even if he is against a general god-level martial artist, he will not fall into the disadvantage. "

"Ah, so amazing!"

"Does the fat man really beat a god-level master?"

The two looked surprised.

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