
Chapter 2757: ? Room B on the third floor

On the other side, Rotten Tooth threw a bone, with a smelly and terrifying breath, and attacked Chen Fei.

This is the **** of his head-down master, as long as he is attached to Chen Fei, he can be controlled and reduced to his own puppet.

However, the bone just flew in front of Chen Fei, Chen Fei snorted coldly, and lightly snapped his left hand. A crimson flame sprayed out, instantly enveloping the bone, burning violently, and making a crackling sound.

In less than ten seconds, the bone was directly burned into a pile of ashes.

Rotten Tooth shook his body, took a few steps back violently, and his face was full of shock and expression, "My magic weapon, you, you unexpectedly—" "Puff!"

Chen Fei didn't talk nonsense with him at all, and sparked another flame, which flew towards the rotten tooth.

Rotten Tooth saw the fierceness of the flame, and was so scared that he was madly inspiring Zhenyuan, backing back and forth, and finally managed to escape the blow.

However, at this moment, he was panting heavily, and his face was full of horror.

Two moves in a row repelled Manji and Rotten Tooth.

Such strength directly suppressed everyone else.

For a while, the faces of the people who were about to pounce on just now became ugly.

Chen Fei glanced at them and said coldly, "Is there anyone else who wants to do it?"

No one dares to respond.

Then, Chen Fei's eyes fell to this moment, and Kyle, who had been helped back, said coldly: "My name is Chen Fei. If you want revenge, you can go to me.

I'm in the second room on the third floor. "

After speaking, Chen Fei turned around, carrying his hands on his back, and walked upstairs, as if nothing happened just now.

The scene was silent, until Chen Fei completely disappeared from the stairs, and then gradually became lively.

Everyone looked at each other, their eyes were different, they got together and started talking in a low voice.

"The new guy is so fierce, he will do it directly when he arrives. It seems that he is very strong!"

"This is the first time we have seen such a fierce newcomer in so many years!"

"It looks like that kid is still very young.

Maybe, after more than ten years, he will become the next one-armed! "

Speaking of the name of one-armed, the discussion on the scene suddenly became louder.

"The kid is fierce, but compared to one-armed, it's still far behind."

"That's not a level of existence, so don't compare it to that."

"I came to the Frozen Despair Fifteen years ago with one arm. On the first day of entering the Frozen Building, three quasi-god-level masters were seriously injured, and the injuries could not be healed, so they could only quit with regret.

Later, in the Frozen Territory, one-armed one million Fang Hanyubing collected within ten years, used to practice self-cultivation or exchange resources with major organizations, and finally five years ago, at the age of less than fifty years old, Officially entered the Divine Realm and became a well-known lone ranger master in the ice-sealed territory. "

"Now this kid, just came in for a fight.

Compared with one-armed, it's still far behind. "

"That is, the one-armed person is a ruthless person who dares to confront an organization.

This kid, don't look at the scenery just now, if you wait for Kyle to call in the help of the Illuminati, the kid will suffer. "

………Amidst all kinds of discussions, the three people at Last Sword Villa could not help whispering about what had just happened.

On the round face of Junior Sister Duan, with an expression of excitement and gratitude, she said, "Senior Sister, Senior Brother.

The man saved us, let's thank him. "

Han Jing clutched his injured chest, nodded slightly, with a serious expression, and said: "That person should also be a Chinese. He is a chivalrous person who can act for us in that situation."

When Senior Sister Yu heard the words, her expression was a little hesitant, and she said: "We should thank him, but the current situation is probably not very good.

Kyle will definitely not give up, and those around him will probably not stand up for him.

If we get together now, if that time comes, it will be affected.

With the strength of the three of us, I’m afraid--" I have to say that Senior Sister Yu’s words are conservative and sensible, but somewhat cold-blooded.

Han Jing moved his mouth, wanting to say something, but when he thought of the scene where he was knocked into the air by the opponent just now, he felt helpless, so he could only shake his head and sigh, and bowed his head sadly.

It was the younger sister Duan with a round face, pouting her small mouth at the moment, with a firm expression, and said: "Sister, I understand your worries.

But what others say is our savior.

Without him, we would have suffered now. "

"Even if there is danger, we cannot treat the savior like this. This is an act of ungratefulness."

After that, Junior Sister Duan went straight up and went upstairs, seemingly ready to thank Chen Fei in person.

Senior Sister Yu was a little helpless and wanted to call her senior sister, but it was obviously too late.

I could only sigh, and followed with Han Jing.

Downstairs, Kyle stared at this scene, his eyes getting colder and colder.

Kyle gritted his teeth and said: "Two bitches, and that kid.

Wait for me, when the time comes, I will let you know the fate of offending me Kyle and offending the Illuminati, huh! "

"Rotten tooth, you can look up that kid's origin."

After a cold snort, Kyle ordered Rotten Tooth.

Rotten Tooth nodded and was about to turn around and leave.

But at this moment, a warrior on the side suddenly said: "Just now, that guy was called Chen Fei, or a Chinese, this made me ring in some recent news."

"What news?"

Kyle said.

The warrior hurriedly said: "It's what happened in the last few months. In the past few times, warriors from various countries jointly launched two attacks on Huaxia, but they were all repelled by a young Chinese warrior named Chen Fei.

At that time, this Chinese warrior was hailed as the strongest among the young generation in the world. "

"That guy!"

Hearing this, everyone was taken aback and couldn't help but looked upstairs.

Kyle frowned displeasedly: "That's it?

A young Chinese warrior, what a thing, dare to show off his power here and do something to me. "

"Not to mention the strongest of the younger generation of China, even the older generation of Xu Junshan, I am not afraid.

What is he. "

"With this background, I dare to be so arrogant, looking for something to die."

However, the warrior who spoke just now choked and continued: "Don't worry, everyone, it's not over yet."

"Then Chen Fei defeated foreign warriors twice, and later forced major foreign warriors organizations to come over to apologize and admit their mistakes, and even directly destroyed a martial arts hall in Goryeo, and shocked the world."

"At that time, some people refused to accept, but they were all beaten up by him, and in the end they had to obey."

"Later, he went to the Shadow Nation and destroyed the Shadow Nation Temple directly, and even killed the Lord Lord of the Temple."

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