
Chapter 2767: ?Into the ice-bound desperate situation

Entering the entrance of the cave, Chen Fei only felt black in front of him, and could not see anything. It seemed that only the cold wind was blowing around him.

His body seemed to fall into a bottomless vortex, being constantly rotated by the cold wind, not knowing where to blow.

I don't know how long it took, a faint blue light appeared in front of him.

Then, Chen Fei felt a chill hit, and immediately afterwards, both feet stepped on the ground.

Chen Fei immediately twisted his body and controlled himself to stand still.

Looking around, it looked like an ice cave, surrounded by faint blue ice cubes, exuding a suffocating chill, invading the human body, as if to freeze all bones and internal organs.

Chen Fei hurriedly used his true vitality to protect his body and block the chill.

Then, after a few "puffs", three people around Chen Fei rolled out like round balls.

One person even rolled out because he was moving too fast, and slammed into a hard ice block.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei hurriedly shot, and pulled the ball back at the last moment, so that she avoided the end of a bruised face.

Yuanqiu stood up, it was the round-faced Junior Sister Duan of Mojian Villa.

At this moment, she was blushing with shame, thanked Chen Fei, and then looked at the other ball that had just risen from the ground on the other side, "Sister Yu, why don't you tell me in advance that you will be so embarrassed when you come out."

If I had known it earlier, I wouldn't have shrunk into a ball, and I would be ashamed. "

Senior Sister Yu pulled Han Jing up while standing still, and at the same time said: "No one can control the cold wind at the entrance.

The body will lose balance and curl up into a ball. This is the safest way to land. This is what other people told me when I came before. "

"If you come out in a normal posture, who knows where to land first."

"I've seen many people break their arms and legs as soon as they came out.

Even some people were even more unlucky, broke their necks and killed them at the scene. "

"Compared to life, it's nothing to lose face."

Senior Sister Yu glared at Junior Sister.

The younger sister knew that she had misunderstood her, so she quickly apologized: "Sister, I was wrong."

On the side, Han Jing looked at Chen Fei curiously and said, "World, then why is Master Chen okay?"

Senior Sister Yu glanced at Chen Fei who was standing upright, then glared at Han Jing, and said, "Can you compare Master Chen's strength?

Besides, Master Chen is from Taboo Island, and he must have known this a long time ago. "

On the side, Chen Fei couldn't help coughing twice in his heart when he heard this.

I didn't know this at all, but I was very lucky. In the beginning, he landed on his feet, coupled with his good physical control, so that he didn't fall in embarrassment.

"Let's act!"

Chen Fei turned the subject away and said.

When Senior Sister Yu heard the words, her face immediately became serious, "Move faster to prevent all good positions from being taken."

After finishing speaking, Senior Sister Yu pointed to an ice and snow passage leading to the depths in front, and stepped out first, "Let's go!"

The three moved immediately and moved forward together.

In the passage, many people are racing ahead, seeming to be in a race.

Of course, there are also people who are curiously watching around, looking here, feeling there.

Obviously it was the first time to come to this ice-bound desperate situation.

As Senior Sister Yu moved forward, she explained to the two newcomers: "At the entrance, at the very beginning, there was still some cold jade ice.

But after so many years of exploration, the cold jade ice here has been completely excavated, and it is almost impossible to find a piece. "

"Now, only after going deep into about ten kilometers, will there be Han Yubing.

Of course, there are more in the deeper, but those with limited strength can't get into that deep place at all. "

Han Jing and Junior Sister Duan listened carefully and nodded again and again.

"You two, pay attention to controlling the consumption of true essence, as long as you can resist the cold, don't consume too much.

It will only get colder and colder in the future, so it is necessary to maintain a reserve of true vitality. "

Senior Sister Yu exhorted again.

With Chen Fei's strength, it would not be a problem if he exploded with all his strength and surpassed those around him and rushed directly into the depths.

However, Chen Fei did not do this, instead, together with the three people in the Last Sword Villa, proceeded unhurriedly.

Because there are two newcomers, Sister Yu's speed is obviously not fast, and there are people around them constantly surpassing them.

But Chen Fei was not in a hurry, but a colleague who was advancing, observing the surrounding environment.

As the journey progressed, Chen Fei discovered that this icy barrier was not a straight ice and snow passage.

Rather, it seems that countless channels are spreading and connecting in the ice and snow, like a huge maze.

Of course, this maze has a common end point, which is the deepest part of the mystery of Frozen Extremity.

Legend has it that there are countless weapons, pill cores, exercises and other treasures there, but until the present position, it seems that no one has ever reached it.

Over the years, the deepest point reached by exploration is one hundred kilometers.

Rumor has it that it was a Chinese reclusive god-level master who had lived hundreds of years ago. He entered an ice-bound desperate state, broke through the enemies with a single sword, and continued to deepen, eventually reaching 100 kilometers.

Legend has it that the chill there can freeze the most precious materials into ice slag, crack the core of the god-level masters, and even the invisible aura can be frozen.

It is an ice cave for all things, where time passes extremely slowly.

Even after returning from the depths, the Chinese expert was frostbited by the cold due to the core of the core, and eventually his cultivation base continued to decline.

After the death of the Chinese God-level master, the pace of exploring the ice-bound impasse gradually slowed down.

The latecomers were a lot more cautious.

Over the years, many god-level masters have come to explore, but the deepest place has only reached 70 kilometers, a distance of 100 kilometers, and there is still a distance.

Of course, this is already a legend.

Because, such as the one-armed lone ranger god-level master who has explored the frozen territory for many years, he can reach forty-five kilometers at most.

The Jintian River reached 52 kilometers.

There are only a handful of other god-level masters, those over fifty kilometers.

For most of the other demigod or quasi-god explorers, the range of more than ten kilometers to twenty kilometers is the home ground for their activities.

Of course, this has also caused the area where this distance is located, with many contenders, and has become the most competitive place.

Countless fierce fights, blood and lives are surging in this area.

"It's more than ten kilometers, be careful!"

Suddenly, Senior Sister Yu's speed slowed down, and she reminded her.

Han Jing and Junior Sister Duan immediately became vigilant, and then slowed down.

Chen Fei did the same, slowed down with them, and looked around at the same time.

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