
Chapter 2777: ?? It's not me who is looking for death

Chen Fei raised his eyebrows and looked at the burly white man in front of him. His voice was not salty or indifferent and said, "Is there something wrong?"

"Something wrong?"

The burly man snorted coldly and pointed at Chen Fei, "Boy, you broke into my Kuka's site, and asked me if there is anything wrong?"

"Your site?"

Chen Fei pointed to the map and said, "According to the range on the map, I did not enter your site."

"What a **** map, I said you entered my territory, that means you entered my territory."

KUKA waved his hand and shouted angrily.

Then, he took a step forward and came over with force, arms folded on his chest, and looked at Chen Fei condescendingly, "Boy, what should you do?"

Chen Fei put away the map, looked in the direction of the tracker behind him, and said to KUKA: "What do you want to do?"

KUKA's eyes lit up and said, "Boy, it's quite interesting!"

"In this case, then I won't be embarrassed by you.

You broke into my territory, and I didn't ask too much, just a little bit of cold jade ice was enough to compensate me. "

"Han Yubing, I do, but I don't know how much you want?"

Chen Fei picked up his bulging package and thought about it in his hand.

When KUKA saw the package, his eyes suddenly brightened, he squinted slightly, and said, "Boy, I don't think you were intentional.

In this way, I will give you a preferential price, and I only need two hundred Han Yubing for two hundred square meters, and the matter will stop there. "

After speaking, KUKA stretched out his hand to Chen Fei.

Chen Fei's eyes sank slightly when he heard the words.

But immediately, he took the initiative to open the package, revealing a pile of crystal clear ice jade inside, looking at the count, "Two hundred squares, let me count!"

"I have more than two hundred and twenty squares, but the quantity is enough."

"Since it's enough, bring it to me."

KUKA couldn't wait any longer, and he stretched out his hand directly to **** the package from Chen Fei's hand.

But at the critical moment, Chen Fei shook it lightly, avoiding KUKA's greedy big hand.

Chen Fei's tone also sank immediately, looking at KUKA coldly, and said: "I have cold jade ice, but you are not qualified to take my things."

"Boy, what are you talking about!"

KUKA's face sank, and he stared at Chen Fei fiercely, coming with great pressure.

Chen Fei stayed still and said, "I said you are not qualified to take my things."

"Boy, I'll warn you again.

You entered my turf and compensated me is a matter of course. "

Kuka said in a deep voice.

Chen Fei sneered when he heard the words, and said, "I don't know if this is your site or not.

Even if it was, I came in, so what? "

"Boy, you are looking for death!"

There was an angry expression on KUKA's face.

Chen Fei said coldly: "I'm sure, it's not me who is looking for death."

"Boy, go to hell!"

Finally couldn't help it, KUKA let out a roar, his burly body, with a violent aura, his big fists, like two huge rocks, slammed into Chen Fei fiercely.


Upon seeing this, Chen Fei gave a cold snort and stood still, without any dodge action.

On the contrary, his right hand blasted a fist outrageously, and with a bang, it collided with Kuka's huge fist.

There was a loud noise, and the energy burst out. The powerful force shocked KUKA for a while, backed more than ten meters, and finally slapped his **** to the ground.

"You--" KUKA was shocked and angry, staring at Chen Fei fiercely.

And Chen Fei ignored KUKA at all, but turned to look in the direction of the stalker, and said coldly: "All my accomplices have taken action. When will you hide?"

There was silence, and in the cold ice road, it seemed that the ice was getting colder, and there was no movement.

But Chen Fei's gaze still stared at the direction of the stalker, without any hesitation.

Finally, nearly ten seconds later.

There was a sound of da da footsteps, and a small figure walked out. It was not someone else, but the businessman who was doing business with Chen Fei just now.

"Little brother, what a coincidence, you are here too!"

The businessman smiled, as if he came here inadvertently.

Chen Fei shook his head and said dullly, "Hu Lin, you said this.

Do you treat me as a fool, or treat yourself as a fool? "

"Uh-" The businessman paused, then the smile on his face narrowed, his eyes sank, and he stared at Chen Fei for a while.

A few seconds later, the businessman said solemnly: "Since you have found it, there is nothing left to say."

"You leave Han Yubing, we can let you go."

The businessman didn't hide it, and said directly.

Hearing this, Chen Fei sneered and said, "Your business is not authentic enough!"

"Is this the businessman who is going to be a robber?"

The businessman didn't change his face, "Business hasn't been very good recently, and we have to make a living, so naturally we have to find another way out.

Little brother has to understand me! "

This shameless word came out of his mouth, but it looked like a matter of course.

"Understand you?"

Chen Fei coldly snorted, "Then I wonder if you can understand me?"

The three shook their heads and said, "Little brother, the matter is over, saying that these are no longer useful.

Just point it directly, either you will keep Han Yubing, or we will keep your people and things together. "

"Two choices, I believe you are a smart man, little brother, you can make your own judgment."


With a sound, Chen Fei directly threw the package on the ground.

Suddenly, the crystal clear jade ice inside, scattered out, rolling on the ice surface, reflecting a faint blue light, rendering this ice road magnificent and mysterious, intoxicating.

When Kuka and the merchant saw the scattered cold jade ice, their eyes lighted up, and their eyes lit up completely.

At this moment, Chen Fei said coldly, "Things are here, you want them, come and get them if you have the ability!"

Hearing this, the two of them looked dark.

The businessman said in a deep voice, "Are you going to fight us to the end?"

"Boy, look at you for the first time in Bingzhuan.

Let me remind you that saving your life is more precious than any treasure. "

"is it?"

Chen Fei said lightly, "I will give you this sentence as it is."

"You--" The businessman's face was dark, his eyes were cold, and he gritted his teeth and spit out a few words, "I don't know what it is!"

KUKA was much more straightforward, and said: "Hu Lin, don't talk nonsense with him, just do it.

Kill people, just steal things. "

"Do it!"

The businessman shouted, and in an instant, a group of vigorous whistles came.

Not only the merchant and KUKA launched an attack at this moment, there were also six or seven fierce auras in other parts of the ice road, shooting at Chen Fei.

Presumably, these people are the so-called partners of businessmen.

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