
Chapter 2779: ? Found baby

It seems that it is somewhat similar to the lifelike ice sculpture thirty kilometers away.

However, Chen Fei did not keep him as a memorial.

His right hand was facing the ice sculpture, and a burst of qi glow blew up.

With a "bang", the qi glow concentrated on the ice sculpture, a pothole appeared, and cracks gradually spread.

Finally, with a splash, the entire ice sculpture was broken into countless tiny ice cubes and scattered.

The merchant, just died, without even a little blood.

Subsequently, Chen Fei used the same method to solve the problem with the merchant's attendant.

After solving the businessman, Chen Fei did not leave in a hurry.

Instead, he put away the cold jade ice carried by the merchant and his companions.

A total of twenty-five yuan, it can be regarded as a gain.

After collecting the cold jade ice, Chen Fei let go of the ice and explored the surroundings.

It didn't take long. Chen Fei found an artificially excavated ice cave under an ice road, which was the merchant's lair.

After searching, Chen Fei scoured your useful things and added more than 2,200 squares of cold jade ice to his package.

Through this, Chen Fei found his lair out again on KUKA's site.

He added more than two thousand five hundred squares of Han Yubing to himself.

As a result, Chen Fei had nearly 5,000 square meters of cold jade ice on him, and he had completed his average share of the Taboo Island mission.

"Sure enough, the cold jade ice in the depths is easy to find!"

Chen Fei sighed with emotion.

He didn't rush to leave, but directly on KUKA's site, he began to practice with cold jade ice.

After three consecutive days of practice, Chen Fei consumed a thousand squares of cold jade ice, raising the amount of ice intent he had felt to five thousand.

The range of exploration using ice intentions has also increased to one kilometer.

After moving his body, feeling the ice in the core of the pill, Chen Fei gathered his things and went deep again.

Along the way, he passed several warriors' territories in the middle.

However, there was no conflict.

Chen Fei also found some cold jade ice along the way, and collected 500 squares of cold jade ice.

It can be regarded as half of the thousand fangs consumed by one's own practice.

Although this collection speed was much faster than before, it still couldn't satisfy Chen Fei.

After all, he has a task of 10,000 square meters, and coupled with his own feeling of chill, he also needs Han Yubing to practice, which consumes a lot more than the average person.

On the territory that came along, the places where Chen Fei explored a lot of cold jade ice were basically in the center of each territory, and they had long been occupied by those warriors.

The five hundred cubic meters collected by Chen Fei were also collected sporadically from some places outside or on the edge of the site.

"At this distance, the warriors are not ordinary people, and they must have their own means.

A large number of cold jade ice, I am afraid it is not so easy to find. "

"Could it be that only by killing people and overcoming goods can we quickly get enough cold jade ice?"

Although Chen Fei is not a saint, he is not a wicked person either.

Merchant and Nakuka unite, wanting to kill him and make money.

Chen Fei fought back and didn't mind solving them. He took such things.

But you have to do something against other people for no reason, killing people and robbing them of their cold jade ice.

Chen Fei couldn't do such a thing.

It is not that he is incapable, but Chen Fei's own view of good and evil does not allow himself to do such a thing.

It is a big thing to improve your strength through practice, but you still have to have the most basic bottom line to be a human being.

"Go inside, there are fewer people inside, maybe there is a large piece of cold jade ice that has not been found."

Chen Fei comforted himself in his heart and moved on.

After walking another distance, Chen Fei frowned slightly and slowed down.

Because, Chen Fei remembered, on the map, it was 45 kilometers away.

The one-armed site is here.

Although Chen Fei and One-armed had a fight in the ice-bound building, it was a bit grudge against him.

But after all, it was not a big grudge, so Chen Fei didn't want to do anything with the other party for no reason.

Therefore, Chen Fei deliberately bypassed the one-armed site and continued to go deeper while exploring Han Yubing.

On the way, Chen Fei collected more than five hundred squares of cold jade ice, which was considered to be enough for the consumption of cultivation.

However, no large pieces of cold jade ice were found.

When Chen Fei was a little disappointed, suddenly, he felt that he was radiating, and he was searching for the ice intent, and there was a special cold feeling.

"It doesn't feel right.

It's not like ordinary ice, nor is it like cold jade ice. "

"Could it be something else?"

"Senior Sister Yu said before that in Frozen Despair, in addition to the most common treasure, Hanyubing, there are some other treasures, but the number is much rarer."

"Go and see!"

Chen Fei made up his mind, adjusted his direction, and carefully probed the place that felt strange just now.

After careful investigation, the abnormal feeling became more and more obvious.

Chen Fei followed the direction of the exploration, step by step close to the past.

Finally, in the deepest part of a remote and narrow ice road, Chen Fei found the source of that strange feeling.

There is a palm-sized pit on the ice here.

In the pothole, a layer of viscous liquid like molten glass slowly surging.

Feeling close, these crystal clear and viscous liquids exudes a different kind of chill.

It's colder than ordinary ice, but it's warmer than Han Yubing, not as cold as cold Yubing.

"What is this?"

Chen Fei cautiously wrapped his right hand with the breath of true essence, dipped a little viscous liquid, carefully let go of the true essence, and felt a bit of exploration.

With this attempt, Chen Fei's eyes lit up.

Because this viscous liquid entered Chen Fei's body from the skin between the fingers, it quickly dissolved in the meridians and was absorbed by the internal organs and meridians.

At the same time, the little bit of chill on the viscous liquid is also integrated into the core of the pill through the meridians, turning into a little bit of light, making the branches of the pill core saplings that represent the ice will become stronger.

"This liquid can not only perceive the ice intent from it, but also increase the amount of ice intent.

It can also be directly absorbed by the body, tempering the body.

Moreover, there are almost no side effects. "

Chen Fei showed an uncontrollable smile, "I found the baby."

Before, he used cold jade ice practice to comprehend the ice intention, although the effect was not bad.

But the chill in the cold jade ice is too piercing, and directly absorbed by the body, it will produce a painful icy tingling sensation.

Therefore, Chen Fei must wrap the meridians with the breath of true vitality, and slowly realize the ice meaning of smelting cold jade ice.

As a result, not only the speed of perception slowed down, but also the utilization rate of Han Yubing was much lower.

But now, this viscous liquid has no disadvantages of Han Yubing at all, but it has a better advantage than Han Yubing.

It contains ice intent, which can be used to perceive ice intent and increase the number of martial intent.

And the aura in it, gentle and not irritating, can be easily and quickly absorbed by the body, tempering Chen Fei's body, allowing Chen Fei to use this viscous liquid to practice the "Nine Phoenix Nirvana Sutra".

"Good things, really good things."

Chen Fei became excited, staring at the pool of liquid, his eyes shining brightly, "I just don't know, how much is this liquid?"

Thinking about it, Chen Fei let go of his breath and cautiously explored the bottom of the pothole.

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