
Chapter 2785: ?The God of the North Wind

"This is--" Chen Fei felt the terrifying power of the cold wind, his eyes condensed slightly.

At this moment, Victor said: "Boy, before you die, tell you a secret!"

"Most people think that the martial intent that Victor feels about is Feng Yi."

"But in fact, my martial intent is Aripos, the **** of the north wind in Greek mythology.

I am the inheritor of God, and it is your honor to die in my hands. "

"The Horn of the North Wind!"

Accompanied by Victor's howling, the winged north wind **** Aripos behind him gently flapped his wings.

Suddenly, the violent cold wind spinning in front of Victor took on a layer of illusory color, as if a myth had descended, and hit Chen Fei.

At this moment, Chen Fei couldn't help holding his breath, his eyes became serious.

The martial intent that Victor felt was actually the legendary **** of the north wind, which was beyond Chen Fei's expectations.

Moreover, Victor's number of martial arts is as high as 17,000, which is even better than one-armed.

Under the double blessing, this cold wind swept through, really made Chen Fei feel a sense of fear welling out from the bottom of his heart.

However, Chen Fei did not step back, but condensed his eyes and started to arouse the ice in his body.

More than 10,000 ice intents were successively aroused from the pill core saplings, turned into condensed ice blocks, and rushed towards the cold wind.

The cold wind hit the ice and collided.

In an instant, countless ice cubes were crushed by the rotating cold wind, and turned into finely crushed ice masses flying in the ice road.

But Chen Fei kept moving and continued to arouse the ice, and more ice cubes were condensed.

Upon seeing this, Victor snorted coldly, and said with disdain: "You, a kid who has just entered the realm of God, want to fight with me for real vitality. It is ridiculous."

After that, Victor was also not welcome, the martial intent of the north wind who continued to urge, controlled the rotating cold wind, and continued to impact.

In this way, in the ice tunnel, the whirlwind and the ice cubes constantly collide and impact.

The two were just like that, relying on the number of martial arts, head-to-head collision.

"Huh, boom!"

I don't know how long it has passed, or how many ice cubes were crushed by the cold wind, Chen Fei's movements continued, constantly stimulating the ice, and condensing ice cubes.

Victor on the opposite side, his expression unchanged, but his eyes were slightly strange.

Because his 17,000 Dao of Martial Intent has already consumed almost 10,000 Dao.

But the other boy, since he hasn't fallen yet, is still battling him head-on.

"This kid has just entered the divine realm, and the number of martial arts is at most 10,000. If you continue to consume it, he will definitely be finished."

Victor thought in his heart, and then continued to stir up the cold wind.

As a result, the collision between the cold wind and the ice continued.

At this moment, Chen Fei's expression was as cold as ice, constantly arousing ice.

At this moment, on the branch that represents the ice in his core, green rays of light continued to flicker.

After every consumption, Chen Fei's ice will regain some of it as the green light flickers.

This is the role of Chen Feimu Yi, with strong recovery ability.

In fact, Chen Fei knew that he could not be his opponent by going head-to-head with Victor.

Therefore, while Chen Fei used ice to fight hard, he was constantly switching between woods.

As the martial intent that Chen Fei obtained from the World Tree of Forbidden Island, Mu Yi is the martial intent that Chen Fei has the most insights now, and it is also the martial intent that has the best integration.

With more than 14,000 Mu Yi, every time they are stimulated, they use the warm and cool breath to quickly repair Chen Fei's body and supplement his consumption.

As a result, Bing Yi continued to consume while also continuously recovering.

Although the rate of consumption is still higher than the rate of recovery, this will make Chen Fei's battery life much stronger when he recovers while consuming.

In the ice road, the cold wind and ice are still constantly colliding and impacting [August One Chinese Website].

At this time, Victor couldn't help but raised his eyelids, and frowned slightly.

Because he felt that the martial intent in the pill core had been consumed to 13,000 Dao, but the guy opposite, there was no sign of exhaustion to collapse.

"How come, when that kid just entered the divine realm, did his martial arts exceed 13,000 Dao?"

Biting his lip lightly, Victor's eyes were fierce, and he continued to arouse and attack.

Since the other party is willing to consume like this, Chen Fei will naturally not be polite, constantly switching between Mu Yi and Bing Yi, recovering while consuming it.

"Boom, hoo!"

After another quarter of an hour, Victor felt his core trembling slightly.

The martial intent he consumed had exceeded 15,000 Dao, which was not far from his limit of 17,000 Dao.

But the guy on the opposite side, although his face was gloomy, he still hadn't collapsed.

"Could it be that that kid is such a freak.

Wu Yi is more than me! "

Worried in his heart, Victor's movements couldn't help slowing down, and at the same time he began to think.

"Can't continue to consume it anymore, I can't fight it for long.

If it is really consumed, maybe I will be consumed to death by that kid. "

Thinking of this, Victor's eyes drenched, and he made a decision, "Hurry up and kill that kid!"

Almost at the moment when a decision was made, Victor moved.

Spreading his arms lightly, like wings, he slid towards Chen Fei with his body.

At the same time, two sharp weapons like swords and halberds condensed on both arms, and they stabbed towards Chen Fei.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei, who had been struggling to support, couldn't help but show a smile on his face.

"Fighting up close is just what I want!"

In fact, Victor felt that he was going to consume to the limit.

Chen Fei has reached the edge of the limit.

Although Mu Yi's recovery effect is powerful, after all, recovery is slower than consumption.

Therefore, Chen Fei's 10,000 icy intentions, there are only three hundred less than that left.

If he continues to support it for less than three minutes, he will be unable to hold it.

At this moment, Victor also felt unable to carry it anymore. He wanted to fight Chen Fei and make a quick fight, which was exactly what Chen Fei wanted.

As a result, Chen Fei showed a smile at the corner of his mouth, and directly mobilized his physical strength that had just broken through the first layer of the "Nine Phoenix Nirvana Sutra", facing Victor's attack, and rushed out.

Victor's hands with wind blades stabbed at Chen Fei fiercely.

But at this moment, Chen Fei, like a fierce beast, waved his fists and smashed it roughly.

"Boom, boom!"

Both fists hit Victor's wind blade.

"Look for something dead, watch me cut off your hands!"

Victor snorted coldly, his eyes overflowing with coldness.

But the next result was not what he expected, blood splashed, and Chen Fei's hands were cut off.

On the contrary, those rough fists, like two giant hammers, banged his wind blade directly to pieces.

Then, the terrifying power carried in his fists hit his arms.

The powerful force instantly broke Victor's arms, let out a scream, and flew out.

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