
Chapter 2788: ? Deep in the ice path

"What, Master! Where is he?"

Chen Fei was surprised.

The braided man said: "Master Chen, if you want to escape, talk more about it."

While talking, the braided man hugged Chen Fei and ran towards the depths of the ice road. At the same time, he shouted to the person behind him: "Master is fine, get out!"

Suddenly, a group of people covered the braided man and retreated quickly to the depths of the ice road.

Upon seeing this, Jin Tianhe's complexion sank, and the expression on his face was so gloomy that it almost dripped water, "Double-edged man."


With a stern shout, Jin Tianhe took the lead in chasing up, his hands kept attacking.

Even Victor, who had recovered a little, chased him at this moment, and continued to attack.

I have to say that Jin Tianhe is very strong and keeps getting closer.

But these double-edged people, although in terms of personal strength, are much worse than Jin Tianhe.

But one by one, they seem to be very familiar with the environment deep in the ice tunnel, and they are very comfortable with the cold inside.

Coupled with the superiority of the number of people, this group of double-edged people actually dragged Jin Tianhe and didn't let him chase him up.

Although, the wounds on their bodies are constantly increasing.

But no one complained, and no one backed away.

In this way, in the environment of ice and blood, the pursuit of life and death continues.

Chen Fei didn't know how many kilometers he had rushed to, but he could feel the chill around him getting thicker.

The icy chill even made myself feel a little overwhelming.

But these double-edged people still kept moving, as if nothing had changed.

It seems that these chills have no effect on them in general.

Jin Tianhe naturally sensed the chill, a cold color in his eyes, and said, "It's not far from there, and we must catch up as soon as possible.

Otherwise, it would be no good to let them escape. "

After speaking, Jin Tianhe's speed increased by one point again, and the attacks became more dense.


A scream sounded behind him.

Chen Fei couldn't help but say: "What's the matter?"

The braided man didn't look back, and continued to hug Chen Fei and ran wildly, "It's just ahead, it's almost here.

After there, they dare not catch up. "

"But, the person behind?"

Chen Fei worried.

The braided man bit his lip and said in a deep voice, "It is their mission to rescue Master Chen."


While speaking, there was another scream.

Chen Fei's heart jumped fiercely with the scream.

He turned his head hard and saw a double-edged member who was covering his retreat.

After being hit by Jin Tianhe's Qi Jin, he let out a scream, and then his body shattered into two parts, blood spurted out, and a bright red flower was dyed on the ice.

"Golden Tianhe!"

Such a scene made Chen Fei gritted his teeth, even his teeth broke his lip and blood poured into his mouth, but he didn't notice it.


A strong wind hit, the braided man hurriedly dodged, avoiding the attack dangerously and dangerously.

But because of this, the speed slowed down, and the distance was pulled closer by Jin Tianhe behind him.

"Don't want to escape!"

Jin Tianhe shouted angrily, the whole person seemed to be mad, attacking frantically.

Immediately afterwards, two more screams sounded behind him.

The braided man did not look back, did not stop, just hugged Chen Fei and continued to run wildly.

"Huh, huh!"

The sound of wind accompanied by the sound of rapid breathing sounded in Chen Fei's ears.

The Jin Tianhe behind him was getting closer and closer, and the cold killing intent was getting closer.

The distance is less than two hundred meters. For a master of this level, it can almost be said to be within reach.

And just at this moment, the braided man exploded with a strong force, hugged Chen Fei directly, and plunged into the dark blue ice path in front of him, like a deep well.

When he entered this ice road, Chen Fei felt a deep chill hit him.

These chills are like thorns, penetrating through the skin, to penetrate all their flesh and blood, meridians and even bones.


This intense pain caused Chen Fei to let out a scream.

Upon seeing this, the braided man quickly took out a pill from his arms and put it directly into Chen Fei's mouth, "Master Chen, swallow this pill."

Chen Fei did not dare to delay and swallowed the pill in one bite.

Suddenly, the pill quickly melted in the body, turning into a warm current, spreading to the limbs.

The power of the medicine seemed to permeate out of the body, forming an invisible film on his skin, completely covering himself.

That deep chill was also blocked by this invisible film.

Chen Fei's body quickly became warm.

"Master Chen, you are waiting for me here, I will help!"

The braided man put down Chen Fei, then turned and rushed towards the place where he came from.

Chen Fei had too many questions in his mind, but knew that this was not the time to ask.

He nodded, quickly sat up cross-legged, and started practicing with the ice liquid he carried with him.

Try to restore your true vitality.

A few minutes later, the blood-stained man with braids and several double-edged players who were also covered in blood rushed in, panting and panting.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei hurriedly got up, stepped forward and held the hands of these people, and said sincerely, "Thank you for your life-saving grace."

"Master, you are too polite."

"Master Chen, you are Senior Xuanyuan's disciple, and that is our master. You don't need to thank us."

"Master, we should serve you."

...Chen Fei bowed deeply to this group of people, and thanked again, "In any case, I must sincerely say thank you."

Upon seeing this, the group of people wanted to stop Chen Fei from bowing.

But the braided man stopped them, watched Chen Fei bow, and then said: "Master, let's move on!"

Chen Fei nodded and followed behind the braided man.

Before leaving, he turned his head and glanced, his eyes were deep, and he asked aloud: "How many brothers have not come back?"

The braided man trembled slightly, paused for a few seconds, and then slowly said: "Four!"

Chen Fei took a deep breath, his eyes were firm, and he said, "I will avenge them."

The braided man also said firmly: "We, I believe you, Master."

"Let's go!"

A group of people marched towards the depths of the ice road.

...At this moment, outside the blue ice road, Jin Tianhe, who was about to catch up, stopped at the last moment.

He looked so gloomy, gritted his teeth fiercely, and looked at the deep ice road with murderous eyes, "Damn it!"

Behind him, Victor and Jin Tianhe's men followed one after another.

"Mr. King, where did they go?"

"Mr. Jin, why don't you keep chasing it?"

Jin Tianhe's voice was extremely low and angrily said, "This is the boundary line at 70 kilometers. If you are not afraid of death, you can continue to chase in!"

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