
Chapter 2790: ?Many questions

With doubts, Chen Fei looked at the braided man and wanted to ask what was going on.

However, when he wanted to speak, Chen Fei realized that he still didn't know what the braid man was called, and for a while he didn't know how to call it.

The braided man noticed Chen Fei's strangeness, smiled, proactively stretched out his hand, and introduced himself: "Master, my name is Yu Huan. I am the captain of the double-edged patrol team. Just call my name."

"Then I will call you Brother Huan!"

Chen Fei said, "By the way, you don't need to call me Master, it's weird.

Just call me Chen Fei. "

Yu Huan didn't squeeze, patted Chen Fei on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "You can call me Brother Huan, then I'll call you Xiao Fei."

"Well, Brother Huan!"

Chen Fei nodded.

Immediately, Chen Fei asked, "Brother Huan, what kind of organization is this double-edged organization?

What happened to the conflict with Taboo Island?

Also, where is my master now? "

All of a sudden, Chen Fei had a series of questions, which came out like a gun.

Yu Huan smiled and said to Chen Fei: "Your body is exhausted, so take a good rest first.

Then, what you want to know, I will tell you everything. "

Although Chen Fei was very curious in his heart, but also knew that his physical condition was not very good, so he nodded and agreed.

Afterwards, Yu Huan arranged a room for Chen Fei and asked someone to bring food and medicine to Chen Fei.

Chen Fei couldn't help being surprised after taking it.

Those foods and medicines that seemed so crude and incomparable, after taking them, the effect was exceptionally good.

It was even more than twice as good as the various Tian-level herbs that Chen Fei had taken outside.

In less than an hour, Chen Fei's tired body recovered from the dual effects of food and medicine.

Coupled with the protective cover around the ice chamber and the pill that can cut off the cold, Chen Fei's curiosity about the double-edged organization grew stronger and stronger.

After resting for a while, Chen Fei found Yu Huan again and inquired about Double Blade.

Yu Huan sat in front of Chen Fei and said to Chen Fei: "In fact, our Double Blade Organization is a very old organization. I don't know how long it has been in history.

But I have personally joined the organization for more than fifty years. "

"Fifty years?"

Chen Fei was a little surprised, looking at Yu Huan, who was only 30 or 40 years old.

Yu Huan smiled and said, "Don't look at me like this. Actually, I'm over 60 years old.

Moreover, most of the people in this organization are over fifty years old. "


Chen Fei looked outside in surprise, "How come everyone looks young?"

Yu Huan said: "Perhaps it has something to do with the environment we live in, the food we usually eat, and the practice methods.

In short, our people generally live longer and age slowly. "

Hearing this, Chen Fei thought about the magical foods and medicinal materials just now. After thinking about it, Chen Fei felt normal.

After all, those things that are more precious than heaven-grade medicinal materials, longevity also makes sense after long-term use.

Yu Huan waved his hand and said with a smile: "Let's not talk about these details. In short, the Double Blade Organization is very old.

Some elderly people even said that the organization has a history of hundreds of years. "

"Hundreds of years!"

Chen Fei was surprised again, "In this case, how old is the old man, Master?"

Thinking of this question in his mind, Chen Fei really didn't answer for a while.

After all, from the time he met his master, the old man looked like he was in his 60s and 70s. Later, he grew up all the way in the mountains, and the old man seemed to have remained the same.

When Yu Huan heard Chen Fei's words, he smiled softly: "We don't know how old Xuanyuan is.

In short, among our group of people, the oldest is over 250 years old.

When he joined, Senior Xuanyuan was already the president of the Double Blade Organization. "

"What, it was two hundred and fifty years ago?

This—" Chen Fei was really surprised.

Yu Huan continued: "In short, the double-edged organization is very old.

Moreover, most of the time, the organization has been in desperation. "

"Thirty years ago, Senior Xuanyuan went out of the ice-bound desperate state for a while.

During that time, he adopted Xiaofei you. "

"A few years ago, Senior Xuanyuan came back and told us about you, Xiao Fei, let us take care of you."

Upon hearing this, Chen Fei couldn't help asking: "Where is the master now?

Why don't you come out to see me? "

Yu Huan said, "Senior Xuanyuan is not in our ice room, he is deeper in the ice-bound desperate state."

"What, deeper?

What is Master doing inside? "

Chen Fei was a little surprised. After all, the chill here was terrifying enough. He couldn't imagine the power of the deeper chill.

Yu Huan said, "Senior Xuanyuan is inside, taking care of his master."

"What, Master's Master?"

Chen Fei was shocked again.

Yu Huan nodded and said, "Yes, that's Senior Xuanyuan's master.

The reason why we can survive here is the food, medicine, and various exercises we practice.

According to Senior Xuanyuan, it was passed down by his master. "

"However, Senior Xuanyuan's master seems to be hurt, and the situation is not very good.

Therefore, Senior Xuanyuan must go to the depths of the frozen desperate state every once in a while to heal his master. "

"Now, Senior Xuanyuan is healing his master, so I can't come to see you, Xiao Fei."

"Master, heal!"

Chen Fei was shocked for a while and was speechless.

At this time, Yu Huan continued: "The conflict between our Double Blade and Taboo Island is also related to Senior Xuanyuan's master.

It seems that there was a violent conflict between Taboo Island and Senior Xuanyuan's master, and the injury of the president master was also related to Taboo Island. "

"It is precisely because of this that Taboo Island and us have double-edged, over the past hundreds of years, have been opponents.

"We tried to destroy the Forbidden Island plan, and we also killed the people on Forbidden Island.

And Taboo Island also sent people to kill many of us. "

"In this way, we have been fighting for hundreds of years."

"Although it can be said that Taboo Island and the guild leader's master are both trapped in their respective turrets and cannot move easily.

But after all, Taboo Island is more convenient to communicate with the outside world than here, so over the years, the power of Taboo Island has expanded a little bit, and our double-edged power is slowly shrinking. "

"Especially in recent years, the seal of Taboo Island has been loosening, and their actions have increased and their attacks on us have become more fierce.

If it weren't for the special environment of extinction, I'm afraid we would really be wiped out by them. "

When it came to the end, Yu Huan couldn't help but sighed, an expression of anger, pain and helplessness appeared on his face.

Chen Fei couldn't help taking a deep breath, feeling an invisible pressure on his back.

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