
Chapter 2792: ?New road

Yu Huan looked at Chen Fei, stood up, with excitement in her eyes, looked at Chen Fei and said: "Then I will tell you now, don't be pessimistic, don't despair."

"The god-level realm is not the end of a warrior, but the beginning of another road to practice."

"It's not the end, it's the beginning.

Brother Huan, do you mean that you can continue to practice after the gods? "

Chen Fei looked at Yu Huan with some surprise and excitement.

Yu Huan nodded and said: "Of course there is, otherwise, what do you think so many masters of the God Realm have entered into the Frozen Despair? Of course, it is to compete for resources and continue to practice and advance!"

"So, what is this new path of practice?"

Chen Fei felt his heart tremble fiercely a few times, and an excitement surged in his heart.

Yu Huan said solemnly: "Above the realm of gods, there is a brand new road to practice."

"The cultivation realm of this road can be roughly divided into three realms, namely the original body state, the original soul state, and the original birth state.

And each realm is divided into one to nine levels from low to high. "

Hearing this, Chen Fei's eyes couldn't help but brighten, and he muttered this brand new path of cultivation, "Essential body realm, Yuan soul realm, Yuan birth realm."

Yu Huan looked at Chen Fei, and continued to introduce: "As the name suggests, the elementary body realm is to temper the body, allowing the martial artist to continuously exercise, and raise his flesh, viscera, meridians, and bones to a whole new level. "

"The most direct thing about the strength of the body is the improvement of combat effectiveness and survivability.

Moreover, after the body is strong, the absorption of spiritual energy and the perception of martial arts can be further improved. "

Hearing this, Chen Fei couldn't help but think that in the dungeon of Tianluo Palace, the "Nine Phoenix Nirvana Sutra" passed down to him by the predecessor of the ancient imperial family was exactly a exercise method for body training.

At that time, Chen Fei thought Senior Gu Yu was just doing it casually.

But now after listening to Yu Huan’s explanation, Chen Fei realized that Senior Gu Yu should have seen the dilemma he was facing at the time, so he taught himself this exercise method for body refining and allowed himself to move towards the original body state. Step forward.

Thinking of the "Nine Phoenix Nirvana Sutra" that I practiced, there are also one to nine levels, and Chen Fei has already practiced the exercises to the first level.

I don't know the first level of this exercise, which corresponds to the level of the cultivation realm of the Primordial Body Realm.

Chen Fei thought about it, and after a pause, Yu Huan continued to introduce: "After the elementary body state, it is the elementary soul state.

The so-called Primordial Soul Realm, as the name suggests, is no longer the body, but the soul. "

"The so-called soul, it can be said that it is mental power, it can be said that it is soul, in short, each has its own opinions."

"In the primordial soul realm, the soul can be tempered to the extreme, and the soul can be released, becoming an invisible shadow of oneself, which is equivalent to having an extra helper and further strength."

Hearing this, Chen Fei's heart moved again.

He thought of the power of the soul that he had enlightened in the sea of ​​gods. It seemed that his soul power had been awakened very early, and Chen Fei had also been trying to cultivate.

But the progress of the soul is much more difficult than ordinary practice, and it is almost difficult to progress.

Therefore, after Chen Fei reached the realm of the **** level, he somewhat ignored his spiritual practice.

After all, little progress has been made.

But now after listening to Yu Huan's talk, Chen Fei realized that the cultivation of the original soul is the focus of the original soul state.

It's no wonder that Chen Fei, who had not yet entered the divine realm at the time, was so difficult to cultivate divine souls.

After all, the realm is too different, and naturally there can be no major progress.

Chen Fei remembered that his soul had made progress once.

Still in a temple in the island country, I got those two peach pits, from which I felt a special kind of spiritual power, and after absorbing it, I made my own spiritual power stronger.

Afterwards, without such good luck, Chen Fei's power of the soul hardly increased.

Yu Huan continued, introducing the last realm, "The last Yuantai realm can actually be said to be a synthesis of the previous two realms."

"The primordial body realm tempers the flesh, and the primordial soul tempers the soul."

"Metanatal realm is to merge the two into one and fuse them together.

Achieve the state of unity of body and soul, and finally inject your own pill core, making the pill core look like a newborn fetus, with its own mind, able to perceive the spiritual energy of the world and practice independently. "

"At that time, the monks in the original birth realm don't need to take the initiative to practice.

Because the original fetus in the body is equivalent to another little self, practicing cultivation all the time. "

"When you arrive at the Primordial Embryo Realm, you can say that you are cultivating the spiritual energy in your body, and it is inexhaustible.

Longevity will also be greatly extended, reaching ten thousand years. "

Hearing this, Chen Fei widened his eyes and said with great emotion, "The spirit is endless, and the life is long.

This, this is no longer a person, it is a real fairy! "

Yu Huan smiled and said, "To a certain extent, what you said is not wrong.

And, it's more than that. "

"and also?"

Chen Fei looked at Yu Huan in surprise.

Yu Huan nodded and said: "At the extreme level of Yuantai realm cultivation, he can directly separate the core pill elementary fetus in his body, allowing him to act as another clone of the monk and move separately."

"Even after one of the clones dies, the other clone can inherit all the previous memories and survive."

"Simply put, a Yuantai realm monk who has cultivated to the extreme is equivalent to having two lives."

If Chen Fei was shocked just now, then Chen Fei now has become shocked, "Yuan fetus clone, two lives.

This, this is incredible! "

After being surprised, Chen Fei suddenly thought of something and couldn't help asking: "Brother Huan, if a monk is very powerful.

Separate your core pill fetus and turn it into a clone, and then practice to get out of the pill core fetus, and then continue to do it again, wouldn't it be possible to say immortality? "

After hearing Chen Fei's words, Yu Huan couldn't help but laughed, "A lot of people thought about it before.

However, this is impossible. "


Chen Fei said.

Yu Huan explained: "If a monk in the Yuan Fei realm has separated his own core pill, Yuan Fei.

Then he himself has lost the core of pill, and he will definitely not be able to continue to be cloned again. "

"The clone of the original fetus that came out of the doppelganger is itself a pill core, and it cannot be regarded as a complete person. It is also impossible to cultivate a new pill core. Naturally, it is not possible to cultivate and continue to do it again."

"Therefore, a monk in the Yuantai realm can only have two lives, not eternal life."

"Ah, that's it!"

Chen Fei has some regrets.

Upon seeing this, Yu Huan patted Chen Fei on the shoulder and smiled: "Well, these are too far away, so don't think about it so much, let's start from the most basic."


Chen Fei nodded, and collected Piaofei's thoughts.

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