
Chapter 2915: ?Before the war

Zhao Gang smiled and said confidently: "Leaders, I have considered this point.

I have contacted the four masters through the relationship between Taboo Island, and they have promised that they will not fight where there are people. "

"The location of the battle is chosen in the uninhabited desert area of ​​the Northwest, which will not cause casualties."

After listening to Zhao Gang's introduction, everyone was relieved.

"Is that so?

That's great! "

"In the uninhabited desert area, it's okay to let them fight."

Someone noticed the key and asked aloud: "Zhao Gang, you just said that you are in contact with the four masters through the relationship between Taboo Island.

Could it be that those four masters are also related to Taboo Island? "

Hearing this, Zhao Gang laughed and said: "The four cannot be said to be related to Taboo Island, but rather related.

They can be said to be the doormen of Taboo Island, directly under the orders of the three palace masters. "

"What, they are from Taboo Island?"

"The three palace masters can directly order the four masters, this, this—" "Is this true?"

Everyone was surprised.

Zhao Gang said: "Of course it is true. Otherwise, the four top masters will leave the customs at the same time and announce that they will do their hands on Chen Fei at the same time. How could it be such a coincidence! All this is deliberately arranged by Taboo Island."

Hearing this, everyone sighed.

"Tsk tut, Taboo Island, too strong!"

"These four masters are already powerful enough, and the three palace masters of Taboo Island can still order them, so how powerful are they!"

Upon seeing this, Xu Ning showed a smile on the corner of his mouth and said: "Well, the power of Taboo Island is beyond our imagination.

Now, everyone should know why we do our best to promote cooperation with Taboo Island.

Only by cooperating with the strong can we strengthen ourselves better. "

"Leader Xu is right!"

"Should have worked with Taboo Island earlier."

"Xu Junshan is too stubborn. If they hadn't stopped him, they would have cooperated better."

………A sound of admiration sounded.

In the Jingcheng Autumn Group Building, Chen Fei sat in the president's office on the top floor, looking at the scenery outside the window, silent for a long time.

There was a burst of footsteps, and a burst of familiar lily scent permeated.

Wearing a professional suit, Wei Ling brought a cup of tea to Chen Fei, "Are you worried about fighting?"

Chen Fei heard the words, took the tea, shook his head, and said softly: "No, there is nothing to worry about in battle."

"I am most worried about you now, Sister Ling, are you really reluctant to leave?

It's too dangerous to stay here. "

Chen Fei looked at Wei Ling and said.

With a smile on her face, Wei Ling shook her head slightly, and said, "A company as large as the Autumn Group still needs someone to take care of it.

If Qiu Han and I both leave, the company will be in chaos. "

"Company, nothing.

In my eyes, it is not as important as you. "

Chen Fei looked at Wei Ling and said seriously.

These words were not a coaxing love story, but Chen Fei's sincere words.

Although the current Autumn Group is already a huge business empire, worth trillions of dollars.

But for Chen Fei, it's just a number, with or without it, it doesn't make much difference.

When Wei Ling heard the words, a smile appeared on her beautiful cheeks, she sat next to Chen Fei, gently held his hand, and said softly: "I want to stay. This is also my true truth."

"But—" Chen Fei wanted to say something else.

But as soon as he spoke, Wei Ling stared at his experience and said, "I know you are worried about my safety.

But in the past few years, the Autumn Group has grown up with my own hands, just like my children, I don't want to abandon my children. "

"And, didn't you say it?

You are confident that you can win.

Since you can win, then I don't have to leave.

Could it be that what you said before was a lie? "

Facing Wei Ling's rhetorical question, Chen Fei sighed slightly, smiled, and said, "Of course it's not a lie.

It’s just that it’s safer, just in case. "

Wei Ling held Chen Fei's hand and applied her strength slightly, her voice soft and firm: "I believe you!"

Chen Fei looked at Wei Ling's firm eyes, nodded earnestly, and said, "I will win."


Wei Ling nodded lightly, and then said softly, "You didn't sleep all night yesterday, I'll send you to take a rest."

………At the same time, Taboo Island, Tianluo Palace.

Palace Master Aoki bowed to the three palace masters on the stage and said: "Three palace masters, this matter is very important.

After all, Chen Fei is from our Taboo Island, or the current Lord of the Palace of Crazy Dragon.

Now that he is in danger, we should help. We—" Before he finished speaking, someone stood up to retort.

"Palace Master Greenwood, don't forget, we just checked it out.

Chen Fei's master was Xuanyuan Jiangshan, and Xuanyuan Jiangshan was the person who organized the double-edged organization.

That is our enemy. Chen Fei, as the enemy's apprentice, is a traitor and a traitor.

We didn't kill him, it was kind enough, let's talk about rescue. "

The Poison Cloud Hall master said.

"Yes, the double-edged thing hasn't been confirmed yet, maybe--" Greenwood Hall Master said.

At this moment, the thunder palace master said: "The Qingmu palace master, this time the person we sent to cooperate with the Huaxia official is the deputy palace master of my Thunder Hall.

He has made his identity clear, and Huaxia officials are also preparing to release people.

But Chen Fei insisted on killing him.

In this way, do you still say that he is not a traitor? "

"This, this--" For a while, Palace Master Qingmu couldn't explain it.

Hall Master Qunfang said: "Hall Master Qingmu, you defend that traitor Chen Fei in this way, is there any shameful deed?"

"Hall Master Qunfang, don't talk nonsense.

My Palace Master Aoki has been loyal to Taboo Island for hundreds of years. "

Palace Master Greenwood said sharply.

"Before being loyal, but not necessarily now."

Lord Qunfang snorted coldly.

"You are spitting blood!"

The Greenwood Palace Master glared at each other.

Seeing that the two were about to fight.

At this moment, the Lord Luo Yi in the first seat said, "Enough."

The two fell silent immediately.

The Lord Luo Yi said in a deep voice: "As for Chen Fei, he killed members of Forbidden Island and colluded with the enemy. The facts are solid and beyond doubt.

At this moment, I announced that he was depriving him of the position of Lord of the Crazy Dragon, expelling Taboo Island, and at the same time issuing a killing order. "

"From now on, people from My Taboo Island will kill Chen Fei if they meet him!"


There was a thunderous sound below, and many people were full of excitement and shouted loudly.

Only the host of the Greenwood Hall had a pale face and a very ugly expression.

At the end of the meeting, the Greenwood Hall Master returned to his Greenwood Hall.

Daughter Mu Yuqing leaned over immediately and asked with concern: "Father, how is the situation?

The palace lord replied that he did not agree to assist Chen Fei? "

Palace Master Greenwood sighed, shook his head and said, "No.

Not only that, the Lord Luo Yi also announced that Chen Fei would be expelled and an order of death would be issued, and that he would be killed in the future. "

"What, how could this be?"

Mu Yuqing's complexion changed drastically.

Hall Master Qingmu said helplessly: "The evidence is solid, Chen Fei did kill the Deputy Hallmaster of the Thunder Palace.

Moreover, he has a close relationship with the double-edged man.

Hey! "

"Yes, but--" Mu Yuqing wanted to say something, but when the words came to her lips, she didn't know what to say.

Upon seeing this, Palace Master Qingmu said to his daughter: "Yuqing, so far, forget about Chen Fei!"

After speaking, Palace Master Greenwood turned and left.

Mu Yuqing stood there blankly, looking outside the hall.

With a gust of wind, the lush green bamboo outside the temple swayed, the branches and leaves collided and made a squeaking sound, which reminded Mu Yuqing of the past.

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