
Chapter 2920: ?Four tricks

At this time, in the official broadcast room, Wu Wei and Lin Handong, their eyes lit up, and they began to talk endlessly.

"The devil dragon soars into the sky, the hungry wolf swallows the moon, the blood demon plague, the wings of light.

This is the real killer of the four of them, the real trick. "

"Among them, the magic dragon soars into the sky. It is rumored that the magic dragon killed a dragon in Shenhai, realized the martial arts of the dragon, and continued to practice hard, merged into his own perception, and finally turned into the meaning of the magic dragon, refined the magic dragon soaring trick. , The power is endless.

I have checked the information. Fifty years ago, eight god-level masters besieged the Dragon Skeleton Island and wanted to destroy the Skull and Bones, but they were shot to the sky by the magic dragon's trick. "

"The hungry wolf swallows the moon, and even the ancient legend of the Wolf Soul Tribe. It is said that the ancestor totem of the Wolf Soul Tribe is the demon wolf who was sent off to the world by the gods. Because of the resentment, the demon wolf cultivated hard and finally gained great strength.

The demon wolf soared into the sky, swallowed the moon, killed the gods, and avenged them.

Zulu's hungry wolf swallows the moon, which is understood from this ancient tribal rumors. "

"The Gorefiend plague is rumored to be an ancient blood clan skill, using blood to spread the plague germs.

Almost one person can destroy a city, which is terrifying.

Some people even say that it is precisely because the Gorefiend plague is so terrible that the European people in the Middle Ages will launch large-scale hunting and killing of the blood.

It is precisely because of this that the blood clan was gradually hidden and disappeared.

And Dracula, got the inheritance of the ancestor of the blood clan, learned the stunt of the Gorefiend Plague, and became the invincible powerhouse in Europe in one fell swoop. "

"The Wing of Light, the source of this stunt, is even more bizarre.

Some people say that when Michael started, he was just an ordinary chapel priest, who has been studying the holy scriptures and worshiping God for decades.

Later, on a certain day, he suddenly realized the angel's martial will in the sacred scriptures, from an ordinary person to a god-level master.

He also changed his name from then on, and founded his own organization Illuminati under the name of the legendary Archangel Michael. "

………The two introduced passionately, listing all the sources, power and achievements of the four great tricks.

Suddenly, countless spectators looked at it with a deep heart.

Many Chen Fei supporters sighed helplessly.

This time, Master Chen, is it really going to be defeated?

For a time, countless sighs sounded all over China.

...... At this moment, Chen Fei felt the increase of the four men's offensive, and his expression became slightly serious.

"Is it true?"

Speaking of this, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, revealing a smile.

Whispered: "If this is the case, then I'm going to be real."

At this moment, rays of light continued to bloom on Chen Fei.

Nine kinds of martial arts, nine layers of light, shrouded layer by layer, superimposed on Chen Fei's body, blooming with colorful radiance.

There was a fierce look in Chen Fei's eyes. He looked at the four-person attack, shouted, clenched a fist with his right hand, and smashed it out with a bang.

Punch to meet the enemy! Such a scene was transmitted to all parts of the world through the live broadcast.

Countless Chen Fei's supporters saw this scene on the screen, and many of them burst into tears.

"Master Chen did not admit defeat, Master Chen is still fighting hard!"

"Yes, I haven't lost yet, there is still a chance.

We have to trust Master Chen. "

"As long as the battle is not over, there is still a chance for everything."

"Master Chen, we believe in you, you will definitely win."

……… The voice of support on the Internet has grown again.

At the moment in the live broadcast room of the official channel, the host Xie Dongyu heard the director's words in the headphones and nodded slightly.

Then, Xie Dongyu took the initiative to ask: "Second, you just introduced the tricks of the four masters.

So does Chen Fei have any tricks? What is his current punch? "

When asked about this, Wu Wei paused, then shook his head, and said: "With all due respect, the four masters are all top martial artists who have been famous for a long time.

Their tricks were realized decades or even a hundred years ago, and they were refined and perfected a little bit, which almost represented their strongest combat effectiveness. "

"This kind of trick is the result of the combined effect of time and combat experience, accumulated little by little.

Rather than just igniting the vitality aura and forcibly breaking out once, it can be called a trick. "

Speaking of this, Wu Wei paused.

The host Xie Dongyu continued to ask: "President Wu, what do you mean?

Chen Fei has no tricks of his own? "

Wu Wei nodded and said, "You can say so.

Moreover, I checked the information in recent years, and it did show that Chen Fei had no real tricks. "

The host asked, "Then what is the ray of light on Chen Fei's body and the punch at this moment?"

Wu Wei shook his head lightly and said, "The last struggle is just a random outbreak."

Upon hearing this, the host turned his gaze, looked at Lin Handong, and asked, "How do you think about General Lin?"

Lin Handong's complexion was still stern, and even a sneer of disdain appeared on his face, and his voice was short and firm: "Dying struggle, without any tactics and power, defeat is set."


Xie Dongyu said, "General Lin and Chairman Wu mean that Chen Fei will lose.

This battle will soon be over. "

The two nodded, agreeing with this statement.

………This picture is broadcast live.

Suddenly, there was another scolding.

It's just that the three people in the live room didn't care.

Zhao Gang, who presided over all of this, didn't care even more.

At this moment, he stared at the big screen, clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, and kept muttering to himself: "The surname is Chen, you are finished.

You killed my father, today, I want revenge. "

………In the desert, Chen Fei's radiant punch smashed out.


The extremely simple fists violently collided with the opponent's four major tricks.

In an instant, the breath reversed, the strong wind howled, and the space trembled.

The sound of "clicks" kept ringing.

The four people who were originally extremely confident looked at each other with shocked expressions on their faces.

Because, the sound of the clicks came from the four of them.

Chen Fei's extremely simple punch, but with terrifying strength, like a **** descending from the sky, with incomparable strength.

The absolute force oppresses, directly squeezes the four masters' tricks to pieces.

The creaking sound and the tiny cracks continued to spread.

Finally, "bang, bang, bang, bang", the four sounds burst out.

The four men's tricks did not resist Chen Fei's fist, and it exploded.

The entire space was shaken by this violent explosion.

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